Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

114 i'he Souks effÈduall ealtingto Chritt< hope is alwayes ofa good to come'; nowwhen a poore firmer Teethhis finnes,thenumber' ciftlitirt, the nature ofthem, the vileneff oftt etn,tl + i4ì'. fedneffe ofhis foule, that hecan talfdit#b' feeth no reft in the creature, nor in him(elfe, though he pray all day, yet he cannot get thepar. don ofone fanne : the foule is out 'of;ätfyWife, étation ofpardon or power of mercy itsáïiy Elide he hath ordoth; though all meanes, all herpes, thoughall menand angels fhould joyne together, yet they cannot pardon one finneofhis, yet the Lord liftethup hisvoyce, and hefaith fromhea- veil, thy finnes are pardonable; this is a voyce a great way off, thy finnes may pardoned in the Lord Jefus Chrift : Looke as a rraitour, that doth apprehend the anger of the King againft him, and that he is tent for to beattachèd, hueandcry is made after him, the Purfevant purfuerhhim; the poore creatureflieth from court tocountrey, from countrey to city, and fo to the fea coat}, feeking for fomefhelter; the Purfevant befetteth the fea coati for him, the poore foule is now al- moft indefpaire ofmercy from the Prince, hee feeth no hope ofpardon fromhim; but whenhe overheareth a man that faith, in truth you had better open thedoore, andyeeld'your felfe.tó to e King, there is hope, the poore foule is much fu Rained ; What, is there yet hope that myoffence maybee pardoned, will theKing receivemee to mercy : So when the Lord humbleththe foule, difcoverethhis finnes, maketh knowrehis judge- ments,thefe are thy timnes that thou'haftcommit- ted,