TheSouk., ef'Eluallcalèing to Chrift. 115 ted, and for them thou (halt be plagued;thegreat judgement of the great. God (hall come upon thee, and the great God whom thou haft difho_ poured will come againft thee, and tohell thou muff. Now the poore foule Teeth no hope, no helpe, no means of fupply ; now thepoore foule hearech a voyce from heaven, there is no hope in thyfelfe, nor in meanes, yet in the Lord Jefus Chriff thy Pones are pardonable, thy foule may be faxed, thy heart may be quickned : that place in the Pfalmtft, LetIfrael hope in theLord, for with him it plenteous redemption this tipho'deth and fuftaineth the heart of Gods fervant, yet there is plentifull redemption ; and this may difcover it Idle in threeparticulars. The infinitenefíe ofGodspower; though thy finnesare many,though the guilt offinne is migh- ty and, powerfull to condemne the foule, yet when the foule apprehendeth an infinitenelTe in the power of the Lord, toover-power all his fins, all the guilt ofcorruption; this liftethup the heart inforne expeaation, that theLord will (hew fa- vour unto a man : though it is a hard thing to hope when the foule is thus troubled, can this hardheartbe bro':en, can there finnes beepardo- ned, can this foule bee laved ? now commeth in thepower ofGod; God can pardon them, never tneafure the power of God to that (hallow con- ceit of' thine, as thrift when hehad told his Dif- eiples, it is hard fora rich man to beraved ; they laid, howcan anymanbe faxed; the Lord Chri[t faith, all things are pol iible to God, thoughnot to a