PM& rim 8oalet effeaualltalling to Chrift, felfe into his manifold rebellions. There is no helpe, no hope ofhimfelfe, in what hee hathor doth to releeve and fuccour himfelfe, and there- forehe fads flat at the footf}oole of the Almighty, and is content tobeat his difpofing. Now the Icf- fon that the foule mull learne , is the fulneffe, greacneffe, and freenefie of the perfe& falvation which isbrought unto us through the Lord Jefus Chrift. And that we maynot learne this leffonby halfes,but fullyand perfedly,and that your minds mayconceiveof the fame, give me leave to lay it out fully, becaufe it will be profitable for our en- fuingdifcourfe : and this leffon difcovers it f:lfe in three things , as in three lines , as I may Co terme it. The firft is this, that the foulemay learne there is enough fufficiency in the mercy ofGod, to fill upall theempty chinkesof the foule and fupply all the wants th ,t a firmer hath,and releeve him in all thof° necellities that either doe or can befall him : this is the conditionofevery forne ofman lime the fall of Aim, that there is not onely a great dealeof weakneffe in the foule, but there is a great deale ofwants and emptinefï'e in the foule. Now this is the fulneffe of the mercy of God, that whatfoever our weaknefl'es, wants, or neceC- fiti:sbee, there is full fufficiency enough in that ma& to fill upall, and togive the foule full con- tent in every particular. Hence the phrafe of Scrioture runnes Thus, whenGod propounds the fulnefleofinercv in JefusChrift, he calls it a trea- fury, and allthe treafures ofwifedorneandholi-