Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

t16 TheSouks Italia ta'dlingíoChrift. to men ; and it is laid of .Abraham, bee hoped above hope, he looked to the Lord4thatwas able to doe moat hepromised, tò fupply'what he wan- ted; he con fidered not that he had a dead body, but heconfidered hehad a livingGod; notSarahs barren wombe, but the gracious goodneffe of God, able to make it fruitful!; nay heebcleeved in the God that can make things that are not : thy foule is not hum5led, the Lord can humble it; thy finnes are not pardoned, the Lordcan pardon them ; thy foule is not converted, the Lord can convert it; though I cannot fee it, though mats cannot imagine it, yet the Lordcandoe it. 2 As the infinitenefïeofGods power,fo the free- neffe of his grace and promife, that is a thing that marvelloufly taketh up the heart, and maketh it _hope, for wee are ready naturally to expe& no kindnefie from God ; the Lord is able to doe it, that is true, but I am unworthy; the Lord will not bee wantingto them that can defire it, butI amwanting : now here is comfort, the Lord will not fell his mercy, hismercy is not tobemerited, it is not to bee difcovered, it is to bee given, and tobee beflowed : Malach. 7.18. Who is a god like unto our God; we fy, Oh WI couldpleafe God, if I could walke with God : nay, but God faith mercy pleafethhim, and that place in Efay, I for my owne Name rake will dee this, not for thy trorkesfake; 7for my owne fake, notfor thy obedience fake : this is certaine, as there is noworke in any poore creaturecan difcover any mercy from God; fo there is nowickednef a in theheart ofa Goner, that