Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

The P R E F .A C E. As for the Right Reverend Amhor hjmfelj; his liVorks •vi// praife him, a;td therefore nothing either ~eeds or can he fai(-'more to his Advantage. As hefought not the Praifes Of lvfen zn domg hu Majler s Work when Lwmg; fo n01v he is Dead heiJ .IJove their Praifes, and douhtiefs , he ha; received the Euge_of agood and. fattbful Servant. Indeed tt cannot he e:xpefled that all that cali •be Jaid of him cortld be contairted 1vithi!f the·narYOiv Lim'its 'of a Preface, neither 'js_,_ it1Ptting eVtt4 to attempt his .charae1.er, concerning whom.eJti.J.er n9t aLjttle or No~Hing at aU ought to be {atd. It were IJeartily to be wifhed, for the Hono11.r af we/{ M~Orname~nt~ of the Church of England, that the,Piffure <f thi; Groat Man '~"s drawn at its F:dl Len(th byfome Jkilful Hand; andriJe .,are not yet without Ho}b fhaf fome 01' other o{hu Friends who kn"v him befl, •vi/ljl_ill Ereff {u'cfo aMormment to his Memory. But wlulfl that ;, done, let m re!( farujed with that Idea of him which the Perufal of his lifTritings will afford :a; · and be thankful' to a Good Friend for ihiJ . ;. ••]MP following Memorial of him, •vhich JVM fpoken by a Right Revermd * Prelate, n01v' emlun. in Ireland, (a ~?..re at Admirer, . Fo!loJVer and dear .Brother of the Deceafed) in the' cl~(e. of that excellent Sermor. he Preachrd at his Funeral in the Church of St..Mary Aldermanbury, London, •vhere he w.u Interred on. J'!ne 24. x6go. tt•on Col. j. Vo I, 2, j, 4· From JVhich JVords having Jjoken ofChrifl's and our Re}trret1ion, be proceeds, faying, . ... This was the Doetrine of the Apoitles, and the Faitll of the Primitive Chriftians : And that t his Faith did animate them again it the Fears o~ Death, and enable them to meet that King of Terrors wi,th Undaunted Ref'?lutions; and it is this which ft i\1 Buoys up the finkingSpirits of Believers ; it was this which comforted this Reverend and Learned Prelate, whofe l;'nnerals we now· folemnize.,. This fupporte~. him in' hi s !ale Trotl· bles and Affiiaions, in his greateft Pains and lharpeft Agonies. He often difcourfed with me on this Subjea. He fixed his Thoughts upon the Glonous Refurrefrion, and fet his AffcClions on the things above ; and with .the Joyful Hope and Expeaation of them he was enabled to beac theTorments of his Body with great Patience, and wonderful Magnanimity ; and was not in the leaft terrified with the Thoughts of Deatf1. It was not ~~.e,:;:vv ·pfd~e~mz.1~v to him; he fpoke of it "'i thout Concern, and triumphed over all its Terrors, and welcomed it as a Joyful Meffenger, calling him to his Dormitory till the Refurreaion. And he died full of this Fa~th, and did, 'with 'job, fay, Though his Body were deftroyed with Worms, it fhould rife aga in to a BleOed Immortality, and in the fameFie!h he ll1ould fee God ; and· through the Merits and Interceflion of Chriil: he doubted not to Partake of the Things above. . But you expea I ll1ould fay more of him; and, indeed, he highly deferves it, and much, very much, is due to theMemory of fuch an excellent Prelate ; who, for Learning and Piety, for Wifdom and Courage, for Humility and Meelmefs, for Charity and Hofpitality, was one of the preateft Ornaments of the Church ~nd Nation .wherem he lived : But unJcfs ·I had his own Eloquence, I fhould not attempt rt. A forrowful Heart, a thick Pencil, and a trembling Hand, will but overll1ade and darken the Lines of fo fuir a Piece ; and therefore I muft beg of you, who knew him in Oxford, in Hackney, in Exeter, and.in this City, where he was lo much followed, applauded, and admired , to fer him in his true Light to the \Vorld, and give him that great Charaaer which he fo juftly deferved, ·wt1ile I only mention the great Ho.nour,and Veneration we had for him inJref'and, in which Kingdom he.foon made liimfelf famous, and for a Learned and Elegant Sermon, which I heard him Preach at his firft coming,