Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

152 An Expojition upon the z. abufeth his Authority, if he command what is tln{leceffary and unfit; but yet neither her U nwil\ingnefs to perform them, nor her judging them inconvcnh:nt to be done, can excufe her, or exempt her from the Obligation that lies upo11 her of a ready Obedience; nothing can do this but the Unlawfulnefs or lmpollibility of what is injoined. In all other things, although they be never fo conrraty to her Humour and Inclination, lhe is bound by the Law of God and Nature to obey, and cofubmit, if not her Judgment, yet at leaft her Praftice to the Will of her Husband, whether fhe thinks it fit or unfit to be done, as long as it is lawful; unlcfs Jbc can metkly perfuade her Husband to revoke his Command, fhe is obliged to verform it. Otherwife, when the Apoftle commands Wives to be fubjcCt to their Husbands in everything, it would fignifie no more than in every thing which they think fit; and this certainly is no greater a SubjeCtion than every Hu,jlr.tnd would readily yield to his Wife, and falls infinitely fhort of the Apofrle's Intent, who requires this SubjeCtion of the Wife to the Husband in every thing, as the Church is fubjetl: unto Chrift; which certainly is not in e\'Cry thing fue thinks fit; neither ought lhe to take upon her to judge, or rejed his Laws, but to fulfil them. This therefore is the firft and mofr comprehenfive Duty of a \Vife, SubjeCtion and Obedience. Secondly, Another Duty of the Wife towards her Husband, is Refpect and Re~ verence of his Perfon, Ephtf. 5· 33· Lu the Wife fee that /he Reverence her Husband. Now Reverence confifts in two things, Efteem and Fear. Firft, She ought to cherifh an high Efteem, of him, if not for l1is Gifts and Graces, yet at leaft for that Relation in which he ftands to her, as her Lord, and her Head, fuperiour to her by God's Appointment and Ordinance: Yea, fhe muft look upon him as that Perfon whom God out of all the numerous Millions of Mankind, hath particularly chofen and feleCl:ed for her, and one whORl he faw fittcll: and bcft to be her Head and Guide. Secondly, Anothef part of Reverence is Fear, not a fcrvile flavifh Fear, for that is inconfiftent with Love, but an awful and a loving Fear, which will fuew it felf in two things. 1j1, In her Care to pleafc him, indeavouring to conform her ACtions to his Incli..: nations, fo far forth as they are not repugnant to the iupream Duty which fhe owes to God; I Cor. 7· 34· She that is Married caveth for the things of this World, how fhc may pleafo her Husband: And therefore fhe will indeavour how to comport her felf in her Speeches, and in her Geftures! and in ~er whole Demeanour, (o ·as may render her moft grateful and moft amtable to htm. . 2dly. In her Joy in pleafing him, and Grief in offending him. Indeed a good Wife fhould be like a Mirrour : A Mirrour you know hath no Image of its own~ but receives its Stamp and Image from the Face that looks into it; fo lhould a good Wife indeavour to frame her outward Deportment, and her inward AffeCtions, according to her Husband ; to rejoyce when he rejoyceth, to be fad when he mourns, and to grieve when he is offended ; this is that Reverence which Wives owe to their Husbands, thinking highly and Honourably of them for their place fake, and indeavouring to avoid and fuun whatever may offend them : And therefore thofc who are crofs and vexatious, and cdther by Clamours and contentious Speeches, or by thwarting and peevifh ACtions grieve and fadden the Hearts of their Husbands; let them know that they highly provoke the Lord, who hath Commanded Reverence and Refpec.t to be paid to the Husband as his Type, and as part of that Reverence and Refpect which is due unto himfelf. 'Jhirdly, Another Duty of a Wife is Hel pfulnefs to her Husband: She ought indeed to be a Help to him in every thing; to his Soul in furthGring his Graces, ar.d wifely and opportunely admoniihing him to his Duty, at leaft by an holy and biamelefs Converfation ; fo commending the Gofpel of Chrift unto her Husband, that at length he may begin to Efteem and Reverence that Piety which bath fo adorned and qualified his Wife: And what lmowejf thou, 0 Wife, whether by fuc;h an exemplary Life as this thou mayft fave thine Husband, as the Apoftle fpcaksJ 1 Cor, 7• 16" To his Body, by, cherifhing and teZJderingof it; to his good Name, by indcavouring to augment and preferve it, reporting well of him, and filcilcing and con\•incing any fcandalous Rumours that may be fpread abro:1d concerning him ; to his E· ftate (wherein indeed lies her chief Helpfulnefs, and which fbc ought to make her