Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

4n Expojition upon the ------------------ ). 6. ty of a Servant, this is the moft diffic·ult; and there is nothing that can fwecten and facilitate it, bu~ only Confdence of their Duty, and the Acceptation and Reward which they will find with God for it 1 and therefore they had need pray for a great• rneafure of Self-denial, and MortificatiOn of thofe Paffions which will be apt to ftruggle in them upon this occaGon, and by an Eye of Faith look up to God to fupport them, efteeming it a Chafl:ifement infliacd upon them by their Heavenly Mafl:er; and that, be their Spirits never fo high, will enable them to undergo it without any more murmuring than they would ufe againft God himfelf when he immediately affiias them. Thirdly, Another Duty of Scrv:Jnts is, a reverential Fear of their Mafrers, Malacby I, 6. A Son honourerh his Father, and a Servant his /Vlafter. If 1 be a Father, wher~ is mine };fonour? If !be a Mufter, where is my Fear? And t~e Apofl:le hath commanded Servants to be obedient to their Mafters with Fear and Trembling, Eph. 5· 6. And again, 1 Pet. 2. 18. Servants be fubjefl to your Maftrrs with aO Fear. Which Fear is to be expreffed by theni in their Speeches and Actions. In their Speeches, by forbearing any Clamours or irreverent Muttering in their Prcfence. Their Words muft be few and humble, giving them all thofe refpeCl:ful Titles that belong ju!tly to their Place and Quality. Yea, and they muft not only fpcak fa ir to them whilft they are prefent, but fpeak well of them when abfent, begetting in othllrs as good an Opinion of rh em as they may, concealing their Infirmities, and what they cannot fpeak truly of them to their Credit, therein to be Iilent. They ought likewife to teftifie their Reverence in their ACtions, comporting themfelves with all the Expreffions of Modefty and Refped before them, and readily doing not only what their Mafters Jha\1 exprelly command them, but what they judge will be pleafing and acceptable to them; and therefore we have that Exprellion, P[Al. 123. 2. 'The Eyes of Ser'VItntJ look unto the Hands of their Maftcrs, and the Eyes of a Maiden umo the Hands ~f her Miflrcfs. Intimating to us, that good Servants will not only readily obey when they have a verbal and oral Command, but will be ~m-*~~*~~~~~~~~-~ to fulfil, but even to prevent their Commands by the rcadinefs and refpett of their Obedience. burthly. Another Duty of a Servant is, diligence in his M after's Affairs. He ought to fet his Mind to them, and imploy his time in th•em. For he is not faith':' ful, who is negligent; and he fteals frqm hisMafrer, whodoth not ufe his Strength, and fpend his time in his Service. Eve1 y flothful Servant is a Thief; and fo much Advantage as he hinder's his Mafter of by Negligence and ldlenefs, of fo much he cloth but Rob him. And therefore in the Parable of the Talents, when the M after takes an account of every Man's Improvements, he calls that Servant who had not ufed his Talent, nor been induftrious in his Service, not only llothful, buE wicked, Thou wicJud and florhful Servant, Matt h. 25. 26. Fifthly, Another Duty is, Fidelity and Trufr in what is committed to their charge; not defrauding their l\otaftcrs, nor purloining from them the leaft Value, but ferving them wi t h all Faithfulnefs and Integrity; fo Tit. 2.. 9, 10. E:t:bort Ser• vants to be obedient to their Mafttrs, not purloining, but jhewmg all good Fidelity. And unto this appertains carefulnefs in preferving their M after's Eftate, not wa.. Iting or confuming it either by riotous Living. or Negl igence. Doubtlefs many Men have funk and decayed under the unfaithfulnefs or carelefnefsofthcir Servants, either Itealing from them, or prodigally wafting what was theirs. Let fuch know, that every Farthing ftands upon account in God's Debt·book ; unlefs they make amends to their Mafters, if ever Providence fhall enable them to do it, they muft make a punaual Payment to Divine Juftice, which is infi.nirely the more dreadful Creditor. Sixthly, As Truft in Affairs, fo likewife Truth in Speech is another Duty bf a Servant. They ought to approve themfelvcs fuch, that their M~fters may repofe themfelves upon their Words. And as Servants are the Hands and the Eyes of their M afters, fo they ough t to make no other report unto them, than what is as certain as though they had touch'd it and fecn it themfelves. We read of GehaU that when he was returned from taking a Bribe of N~tttman, he ftood very demure~ ly before his Mafter, with a Lye ready prepared in his Mouth. Whence comtft thou GehaU? Thy Servant, f.1ith he, wem no wh~ther. But this Lye coft him a Leprotic that ftuck incurable to him and to all his Pofterity after. r am loth to be unchari:. table,