Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

J86 An E~epofttiotz upon the !Jritptityto be pun~ed bytbe Judges. .A Fire that confumttb anto Deflrudion,~ 11, 12. Bur although they may efcape the Judgment of Men, either rbroug!J the Secrecy of their" Wic~ednefS, or the too f?eDtlc Cenfures of the Law, fCI rbey Hull not efcape the Rtgbteous Judgment ot God, nor tbofe Everlafiiog Punifbmenrs that he hath prepared for them in Hell, lieb. 13. -4· Wborem~ngus and Jld1;ltuers God Will jmig<. Now there are Two Things in this Sin of Adultery rhar make it fo exce~ding heinous • . Firft, Tb~ Luxury anrl.Inc?ntinency of it) in letting loofe the Reins to ~ bru. u(b ConcupJfcence, and yteldmg up the Body to Pollution, and the Soul ro Damnation. . 1 Stconlly, The lnju!lice of it, being a De>eit of tbe highe!l aod moll: injurious Nature that can be: For, Firjt, lt is the Violation of a moft Solemn Vow and Covenant and fo adds Perjury to Unfaitbful~efs, alienating tbar Perfon to anorher, .,bo by the moll Sacred and Stritle!l Obligations i> bound only to that Parrner and Y okefello.v to whom God, and rbcir own Confem, and the legal Rites of rhe Chun:b and Stlte hlVe 'additled them. ' , S«ondly, It is the Source and Caufc of a Spurious and Suppofitirioas Eirtb. bringing in a !\range Blood into the Inheritance oflawful Children, whereby this llnfailhfulnefs becomco Theft as "ell as Perjur,. , But although this Sin of hdulcery be alone mentioned in rhe Cotnmand, yet according to the Rules laid down in the beginning of rh is Work, all other Kinds of Uncleannefs :~re forbidden under the Name of this one grofs Crime. Fort be Law of God is perfea ; and as all manner of Cball:ity, both in oor Tbougbts, Sp<eches and ~~i?ns, is there injoin'd u.s, !O.likewi~e "!barfoever is in r_he leaft co~rrary and pre· JUdJcJal to a fpotlefi Cha!l1ty, and an mvwlate Modefly, IS hereby forbidden, And therefore, Srcondly, This Commandment forbids the Uncleannefs of Fornication, which properly is the Sin comfllitted betwixtTwoSinglePer.lons. And rhough it hatb not fame Aggravations that belong to the other, yet ic is an Abominable Sin in rhe Sigbt of God. "1-lJzaria I know how it is extenuated by the impure -lt" Roman iUs as a fmall Srain, that may ;, Pf•l. S''eafily be wafh'd oft' by the Sprinkling ofa little Holy Water, But ir is no Wonder ~~ta't4 if they who have drank deep of the Cup ofthe Fornications of the great Whore, and dift. ,"3. • arc guilty of Spiritual Fornication, ifrhey !houldfpeak lightly ofCorporal Fornica92· Em- tion alfo. Bur let us hear how God. who is infinite Furity, bath Semenced rh is Sin, man. Sa. when he threatens that he himfelf will judge Whoremongers, and tel ls us, J Cor. 6. 9. ~.rr.~ o··r- That mi:btr Fornicatorr, nor ldolaurs, nor Adultererr, jhall ever inherit the Kingc~~ut dom of God. No, rhe New 1eruJalmz which is above is ao Holy City, and no Ufl. clean Thing fhall fer ever enter into it. Witb6ut are DOgs, anti Sorcerers, and rVhore· mongers, a11(l ft1urderers, and Idolaters, Rev. 22. J 5· And h we.re well wirh them if all their Punifhmenr were .only ro be Iefi: without: But there is a Lake of Fire pre· pared for them, into which <hey !hall be call and plungod, the Fire of Hell to punifh the Flames of Luft, Rev. 21. 8. Tbe Fearful, and the Unbelieving, and the JJbo· minable, and hlurtbenrs, and Whoremongers, (you fee how in both Places they are ftroog up with the vil~t an~ moft in.famous: Sin~er~,) /hall hrzve their Portion in the La):e which hurnctb With F1rc and Bnm/lone, whrc!J u the fuond Death. The Apoftle reckons up this •s one of rhe Works of rhe Fle!h, Gal. 5- '9- Tbc Works of rbc f'lcfh are mani.Jefl, which are tbejc, Fornication, Unc!eannif.s? La.fcivioujnejs, &c. And exhorts us w a careful Mortification of it, Col. 3· 5· Mortific lhcrtfore your A1cmbers tchich are upon the Earth, Forni~ation, Uncleannejs, inordinate .A ffd(ion, &c. Thirdly, Here likewife are forbidden all inceftuous Mixtures, or Uncleannefs, he· tween thofewho are-related to each other within the Degrees of Kindred fpecified, Lcv. 18. from the Sixth ro the Eighteenth Verfe; whether the Kindred be by Affinity or Confanguinitv, i.e. ~vhetber by former Maniage, or by· Blood and Defcenr. And the nearer any Perfons are 10 related to us, the greater is the Abomination if we ap· proach unto them; whether it be with Pretence ofMarriage, which in this Cafe is null and void, or without any fuch Prerenc'e. . Fourthly, Here is Iikewife fotbidden ~olygamy, or a taki~ a Wife .to. her SiPer, that is to another, Lcv. 18. 18. God rndeed f•emcd to conmve at thiS m the Holy ' Men