Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

A Sermon on Gal. 1· 1 o. to be of no great Moment, which yet can everlaftingly damn them. Did we bur fe~ rioufly confider with what a weighty Curfeevery Sin is burthened, how much F.ke~ and Sulphur, and deadly Materials, are contained within ~he Bowels of ir, we fhould be as fearful to touch, or come near, ir, as to rake up a lighted Grenado when it is jufl ready to break about us, and rear us in pieces; and cenainly they are moft jufily to be condemned ofMadnefs and Folly that will rafhly venture upon their own EverJailing DeflruElion, and hurl Firebrands, Arrows, and Death, which will affuredly light upon themfelves, and yet fay, Am I not in Sport? Thirdly, If every Tranfgreffion expofeth us to. the Curfe, beware then that you never encourage your fefves to commit any Sin, hecaufe perhaps the World accounts it but fmall and little. For the leaf! is as much a Tranfgrellion of the Law, and makes tbee as liable to the Curfe of God, and Eternal Damnation, as the greaceft and mofl Hagitious. They are all mortal and_deadly, and ~hou maifl as ~ell fuffer a li~" de Srab at the Hcarr, as allow thy felf m the Commtffion of any Sm b~caufe It IS little. Fourthly, See here what Reafon we have to blefs God for Jefus Chrift, who bath delivered us tiom the Cutfe of the Law. But fo much for thi• Time. An Expojition on the Lord's Prayer: With a CatechijlicalExplanation thereof, by Way of f2!!ejlion and Anfwer, for the lnjlructing ofYouth. A PraCtical Expofition on the Lord's Prayer. Matth. vi. 9, 10, &c. ~fttt tbt~ mnnnet tbetefo1e 10~ap ,~, S!Dnt .fatbet; lbbtcl) att tn ~eaben : ~allolbetl be tbp ~ame : JrVv Jatngbom come : 3tbr mm be bone, tn <!EattU as it t.s tn ~eaben : <15tbe us tbts llDap out batlp 2JS1eab: ~ntl fo~gil.Je us out IDebts as rue fo~gtue out llDebto1s : ~nb lean us not tnto 3temp_tatton : :!Sut tleltbet us .ftom <!Ebil: .fot tbtne ts tbe Jatng:: tlom, tbe l0olbn:, anti tile <!5101)!, to; eber. A".Ien. HAving often ferioufly confidered with my felf of the great Ufe that is /nade of this moft Excellent Form of Prayer, Compofed . by our Bleffed Lord . and Saviour himfelf; as alfo of the great Benefit and Advantage that n11ght accrue unto all rhofe that with Underfianding make a due Ufe of it in their daily Devotions, I thought it might be very neceffary fot your ln!lruaion, and