on the Lord's Prayer. though not perhaps for our Sarisf•£\ion. And there are Two Ways whereby God bath made known himfelf and his Name unto us, and they are by his Works, and by hi• Word. Firjl, We may fpell out God's Name by his Works;. and to this End ferve thofe Two great Capital Letters of Heaven_ and Earrh1 the .iltr ~nd Sea; yea, there j~ no one Creature how vile and conrempuble foever It be, but 1t reads us LeEt:ures of the Power Wifdom, and Goudnefs, of the great Creator;. in which Senfe the Apoftle tells u; Rom. 1. :20. The i1tvi/ible Thing$ of bim. from the Creation of the World are clearly ';ecn by the Things tbat arc made, even his Eternal PDWt1' and GodhhiJ. ' Sccond/y,'More ·exprefly and difi:intl:ly by his. Word, fOr the Scripturuare Nomendatura Dei. By thefewecome ro a moreclearand evident Knowledge of thefe Anribures ofGod which the Works of Nature held forth to us in a more obfcure and confufed manner: And by this likewife we attain to the Knowledge of thofe Perfi:£lions of God which the Works of Creation and Providence cou ld never have inftruEled us in; as of a Trinity in Unity, of the Eternal 6cneration and Temporal Incarnatz'on of the Son of God of the whole Myfiery of Religion, and the Tenure of the Covenant of Grace, whi~h are Things that could o~ver have been known but by Divine Revelation. Indeed we may from the Works of God alone gather Knowledge enough of him to make us inexcufable if we Wor!hip him not as God, tor fa did the Heathen.;, as the Apoftle fpeaks in the forecited Place, !!-om. 1. 20. but ir is only from the Word that we know fo much ofGod as ro make us Eternally Ble!fed and Happy. Here be llath di!: played his Na'!'e, the Lord God, Gracious and Merciful, pardoning Iniquity, Tranfgreffi on , and Sm.. Here alon: hath he made known h1mfelf to ~e our Father in Jefus Chrift, and appomted the Spmtual Worlli1p ofh1mfelf, that m1ght prepare us for the Eternal Enjoyment ofhim m Glory. ., So that now we fee what is meant .by the Na~e of~od, his Titles as Ki11g, Lord, O·eator Father, Redeemer, at;1d the hke; and hts Attributes both Communicable a5 ffaftice ;' J!olinefs, Wifdom, ~ercy and Truth, &c. and Ii1co~f!JUnicable, as Injin~'te) Eternal, Unchangeable, Omnrpotent, Independent, and fuch hke; and that bq:til this Name, both of Titles and Attributes, are made known to us, tilhet by the Works of God, or by his Word. . . . ._· Let us in the next Place enquire what it is to Hallow this Name ofGod. To Ha!-' low is nothing elfe but to San£lifie or make Holy ; fo tbat Hallowed he thy Name is no other than let thy Name be made Holy. But here may be a Queftion, How can Creatures be faid to make God Holy, whereas it is God that makes them Holy? . 1 Anfwer, there is a Threefold ,Way of Hallowing or San£lifjing a THing or Perfan; One by Dedication, a Second by Infujion, and a Third by Declaration. Fir{l , AThing may be Hallowed, or made Holy, by Dedication, fetting them apart for ffoly Ufes and Services; fo the Firflborn are fa id to be Sani.\ified to the Lord, Exot!. 13. 2. and char becaufe among Men the Firftborn were to be Priefts unto the Lord and arnong Beafts they were to be Sacrificed. And thus .A.aron, and his Sons, and th~ whole Tribe of Levi, who God took in Exchange for the Fir!! horn, are faid to be Confecrated and San£lified, Exot!. 28. 4r. and many more Ioftances might be given to the fame Purpofe, were it needful. And rhus at leafr we are fuid to be San£lified .b~ Baptifm, Epbef. 5: 26. That is , we are by thar Holy Ordinance fer apart and Confecrared to the Servtce of God. Thus one Creature may San8:ifie and make ang.. ther Holy; namely, by Dedication, or Separation to fome Sacred Ufe and Service: And fo the Minifters of Chrift do Sanflifie and Hallow the Elements in the Holy Communion, fetring them apart from Common and Ordinary Ufe to rhat Bleffed Myftery. , Secondly, There is a Sani.lification or Hallowing by Infujing or Implanting the real Principles and Habits of Holinefs into that which is Hallowed. And thus God SanElifies his Elell, by Infujing of his Grace into them, and making them Holy in fome Mealure and Similitude like himfelf. So ,our Saviour prays, John '7· 17. San8ifie them tbrougb tby Truth, tby Word is Truth. And the 1\poille, 1 Thef. 5· 23. prays; The very God of Peace fan[/ijie you wholly. In neither of thefe Two Senfes is God"s Nam~ to be San£lified or Hallowed by us, for thus to Pray were to Blafpheme. Th~rd!y, There is a Sani.lifying by Declaration, when we Acknowledge and Reverence that as Holy that is indeed fo. And thus only it is that Creat.ures may San8:ifie the Name·of God the Crcato" 1 i i 2 So