'44 A Praflical Expofttion So we have it ufed, !fa. 29. 2J. Thry jball Sanflijie my Namt, and Sanflijie 1be Holy One of jacob, andjba/1 Fear lht God of lfrael. Now thus to Sanllifio the Name of God is t~e very f3me with that other Expreffion that commonly occurrs in Scripture of glorifying God. We can add nmhing to his Infinite Perfe8ions, nor ro rhe Lufir~ and Brightnefs of his Crown; yet then are we faid to San£\ifie and·Glorifie God when in our moft Reverend Thoughts we Obferve and Admire his Holinefs, and the Bright Corufcations of his Attributes, and when we endeavour by all Holy Ways to declare them unto others, that they may Obft:rve and Admire them whh us, and give unto God that Holy Veneration which is due umo him. Thus we fee what the Name of God is, and what it is to San£\ifie or Hallow this Name. Thirdly, Let us now confider what is contained in this Petition, Hallowed be 1by }•tame. And here, Fir{/, In that Chrifi bath taught us to make this the fir[\ Petition in our Prayer to God, we may learn 'that the Glory of God is to be preferred by us before all orher Things whatfoever. And indeed rhat which God hath made the !all and utmoft of all his Ends, and harh appointed to be rhe highefi and utmofi of ours, !hould be the firft: of all our Theugh[S and Endeavours, and prefetrc::d before whatfocver elfe is deareft umo us; yea, befOre our very Lives themfelves. This was our Saviour's Pra• £lice, John I 2. 27, 28. Father, fave me from thi~ Hour ; but for thir Cauft came I unto thi.r Hour: Father, glori.fic thy ]\lame. As if he had faid, Though Lite be mturally dear, and the Cup which I am to drink very bitter, and the Wrath [hat I am to nndergo heavy and infinite, .Y.et all thefe T~ings arc not fo confid " r~ble to me as thy Glory; and therefore though lt be by .Agonrcs, by Death, by tht Crofs , yer, fluher G!orific 1by Name. The fame Mir.d !hould dwell in us likewife, and we !hould hereby be infiru£\cd to Oefire and Pray for other Things with Limitations and Reftri· aions, but for the Glory of God Abfolutely and Simply. father, Glorijie thy {;'a111<· and it in the Counfel of thy Will, and the Courfe of thy Proviclem:-e, jr cannot .b~ otherwifc than by my SuHi::ring or Sorrow, yea, or Death irfelf; yet, Fat ha, evert in this Glorifie rhy Name; and out of my very Ruins ere£\ thou a T,·ophy and Alonument to rhy Praile: Be thou Hallowed and San£\ified, alrho' at my Coil, and with the Lofs of all. Secondly , In that this Petition is placed in the Beginning of the Lord's Prayo·, it intimares to us that in the very Beginning and Entrance of our Prayers we ougbr ro beg Affifiance from God, fo to perform Holy Duties that God may be Glorified, and his Name Sanaified, by us in it. It is a good and needful Requeft to beg of God rhe Aid and Help of his Spirir ro enable us to Hallow his Name in rhe fucceeding Re· quefts we are to make. Thirdly, Obferve, that When we prefent this Petition before God we beg Three Things of him. Fir }I, Such Grace for our felves as may enable us to San£\ifie and G!orifie him. Secrmdly, Graces likewife for others to enable them thereunto. Thirdly, That God would by his Almighty Providence dire£\ and over·rule all Things, both Good and Evil, to the Advancement of hiS own Glory. Firjl, We beg of God that he would befiow upon us fuch Graces as are requifite to Glorifie him in the World. We beg Knowledge and Underftanding of Him, of his Nature, of his Will, and of his Works; for we cannot Glori~e that-God whom we are igr.orant of. We beg likewife Patience and Comentment in all Eftares, Thank· fulnefs for every Providence, Graces that do highly rend to the promoting of God's Hont>ur and Glory. We beg Faith likewife, whereby we give the highefi and great· ell Glory to God thar Monal Men are able to afcribe; for to rruft upon his Word, and to build upon his Promifes, is to Honour his Truth and Faithfillnefs. And there· fore we have that Expreffion, Rom. 4· 20. That Abraham Wtu flrong in Faith, giving Glory to God. We beg alfo that our Speech may be Savoury, and fuch as may minifier Gract to the Heartrr. And laftly, a humble, blamelefs, and exempl<Jry, Life; for by our good Works we are to Glorifie our Heavenly Father. I cannot ftand to infill upon· thefe Things particularly, becaufe my Defign is onfy to· give you briefly and fumrnarily an Account of what is con~ained in this mofi Excel· lent Prayer, that you may underlland what you Pray for when you prefent thefe fe· titions before God. Se<ondly, We herein beg of God that he would fo over.rule all Things wharfoever