on the Lord's Prayer. ever rhar his Glory may be focured, nay, promoted, by them; and therefore ,whatfoever falls out we ought to fay, Hallowed be thy Name by 1!. Hereby we Pray tbat the Gifis and Eminent Graces of God's Children may redound unro his Glory that rhey may not be puffed up wirh them, nor afcrihe the ~redit of them to themfelves. Thar the Peace and Profperiry of the Church of Chrlll may turn to the Glory of God rhar ourward Mercies may nor make them carelefs and forgetful of his Service and 'Honou r. That the Sins and Failings of God's People may eventually turn ro rbe Glory of God, which feem direilly ro blot and !lain it: And that by their Repentance and Confeflions they may give Glory to. him whom rhey have ?ffended; and Satisfallion to them whom they have fcandahted, that all the Affircbom and Troubles of his People may in the End tend unto his' Glory as well as their Good, by declaring his Power in fupporting them, and his Goodnefs and Mercy in delivering them. That all rhe Deyices and Confpiracies, the Rage and Fury, of the Enemies of his Church, may, contrary to their Intentions, be overfwayed to advance his Honour, and rhat rhe Wrath of Man may Praife him by !hewing forth his Power, Wifdom, and Goodnefs, either in refl:rainirlg or overturning it. And finally, that all Crea.:; tu res borb in Heaven and in Earth, yea, all the Works of God's Hand, fhould Glorilie God in the feveral Srarions in which be bath fer rhem : Some by being the Manifefiarions of his Arrribures, and fome the Manifefters of rhem. Brures and Senflefs Creatures paffivdy declaring the Glory of their great Creator; and Rarionai and Inte.l· ligent Creatures !hewing it fOrth aaively, and all concurring in this great Work, for which all were made, even the Glory and Praife ofGod. Thus we fee what a large and copious Requeft we prefent before God when we pray that his Name lhould be Hallowed; which that it may be, lt:: t uS our felves en· deavour robe Holy, for it is impoflible rhat an unholy Hearr or Life fhou!d SanElifie a Holy God. Whilft we perfevere in our wicked Converfations we do bur mock God and our Selves when we deiire to SanElifie that Name of his which we daily Pro-: pbane and Pollute; nay, indeed we do hut Pray for our own DeA:ruC:tion, even that God would SanElifie his Name, parr whereof is his juil and dreadful Severity upon all rhofe, and confequently upon our felves, who Defile aod Prophane it. And rhus I have finifhed the Firft Petition, Hallowed be tby Name. The Second Petirion follows, Thy Kingdam come. This now very aprly fucceeds upon rhe former, becaufe this is the belt Way and Means to Hallow God'r Name, by enlarging his Kingdom, and bringing in many to fubmit to his Scepter and Government. For Praift roairetb for God in Sion, Pfalm 65. r. And hh Name is great in lfrael, PJalm 76. ,r. Now here for our clearer proceeding we mult diftinguifh of God's Kingdom, and then !hew you how this Kingdom comes. And lafi!y, whar we pray for in prefenring this Petition to God, Thy Kingdom come. Fir }I, We mull diftingui01 of God's Kiogdorb. Now the Kingdom of God is Twofold, either Uoiverfal, or more Particular and Peculiar: The one is his Kingdom of Power, the other is his Kingdom of GraCe. Firfl, His Univeifa/ Kingdom, which extends over all Things in Heaven and Earth, yea, and Hell irfelf. And fo he is the Sole Monarch of the whole World, and all the Princes and PotefllaJes of the Earth are but his Vice-Roys and Vicegerents, that Govern under, and ihould Govern for, him: For he is that Blef!ed andOnly Potentate; tbe King ofKings, and Lord of Lord,, as the Apofile Sriles him. r Tim. 6. r 5· and his Kingdom ruleth over all, Pfalm 103. 19. It is true, in this Univerfal Kingdom there are many Rebels tbar would not have him to Reign over them•..Many rhai oaily rife up in Arms break his Laws, defie his Jufiice, and rejell his Mercy. Many, rhat were their Power equal to their Malice, would Derhrone and Depofe him from his Sovereignty. Whole Legions of Infernal Spirirs are conrinnally mufiering up all rheir Forces, and drawing wrerched finful Men inro the Confpiracy; and rheir Quarrel is for no lefs rhan Dominion and Empire; who !hall he King, God or Satan: Yet all rheir Arrempts are bur vain and fruftrate, and in fpire of all thei r imporent Rage God's Kingdom !hall ftand ; and as it was from Evcrlafting, fo !hall ir be. ro Evetlafting, for thine is tbe Kingdom and Power, for ever and ever. Aud therefore t~e moft wicked of all God's Crearures ate frill her Subje8s; not fubjell indeed to hiS Laws, for fo rhey break hts Bonds afunder, and caft away his Cords from them 1 but they are fu~ea to his Power and Providence, and rhar in Three Refpells. As it granrs PermiUron, as it impoierh Reflraints, and as ir inf!ias Punijhmenu. Firjl,