Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

A Expofttion. Pral1ical yet we pray that it may liear as much Similitude, Proportion and Conformity unro it is as poffib!e for us to attain umo while we are here in the Body. ' ' ·And therefore that we may the more fully underHand Wh3[ it is we pray for when we pre~ntthis P7tition to God, Thy Will he done in E'art~,. a.r it is in Heaven, we !hall bnefly enqu~te, how the Holy Angel! and B/effed Spmts do the Will of God in Heauen. And, . Firj!, Their Ordinance is abfolutely petfeEl, and that both with a PerfeE\ion of Parts and Degrees. They do all that God enjoins them, not failing in the leaft Ti:- tle of Obfervance, and therefore they are 13.id To follow the La111b wbtre(oevcr bt goes1 Rev. 14. 14. Hence it is afcribed tO them as their proper and peculiar Chara£h:r Pfal. 103. 20. Blifs tbt Lord, ye his .Angels that excel in Strmgth, that do hh Com~ mandmenu, beur!un to the Voiccofbi.rWord. And again, they do the whole. Wi!i ofGod with all their Might, with all their Mind, wirh the gr~ateft Intention rhar is poffible, even tO an ..11ngelical }latu;e; never are they remifS in their Service, or flack in their Attendance, bpr are continually Blefling aod Praifing of !God, !landing ready to receive and execute his Commands and Corrtmiffions. Now when we pray that we may do the Will of God on Earth, as it is done in Heaven, we pray for this Heavenly Temper, that we may bear an Univerfal RefpeEt: unto all God's Commandments: No more flicking or paufing at any Thing that God requires ofus, than an ..11ngd or a Glorified Saint would do: But unfolding all our In· ten:ft and Concerns in God's Glory, might refpeEt nor-value nmbing but what rends to the Promotion of that. This is to do God's Will as the Angels do it in Heaven. Secondly, Their Obedience is chearful ; not extorted from them by violem Con· ftraints of Feat, or of Suffering, but it is their Eternal Delighr, and their Service is their Felicity. And thus fhould we pray, and endeavour to do tbe Will of God with Alacrity and Chearfulnefs; not being baled to it as our Task, but efieeming the Commands of God to he as the Angels do, our GlOry; and our great Reward. But alas, how infinitely fhort do we fall of our Pattern? We think the Sabbath long,· and Ordi· nancu long and tedious; and are fecretly glad when they are over: And what fhould fu~h as we are do in Heaven·, where there is a Sabbath aslongas Eternity, and nothing but Holinefs there l And therefore we had need pray earneftly that God would now fit and prepare us for the Work of Heaven while we are here on Earth, for elfe Hea· \ 1en will nor be Heaven, or a Place ofHappincfs unto us. Thirdly, The Will of God is done in Heaven with Zeal and Ardency, and therefore it is fa id, Pjal. 104. 4· That God maketh his Angels and Meffongm a Flame of Fire. And have not we abundance of Need to pray for Conformity with tbem in this refpefi alfol We do the Will of God fo coldly and indif!i:rently that we our felves fcarce take notice of what we are Ooing. We often bring Sacrifices to God ; and either bring no Fire with us, but are fiozen and dull, or elfe offer them up whb ftrange \Vild· fire; and ufilallv are heated more with Paffion and irregular Affeaions than witll holy and pious Zeal. And, Fourthly, The Will of God is done in Heaven with Celerity and ready Difpatcb; they are quick in executing the Commands of the Great God, and their Lord, znd therefore are faid to have Wings, and tojly, lfa. 6. z. And this Expreifion of Wings, and the flying of Cherubim.r and Angels, is frequently mentioned in Scripture, only ro imimare to us the Expedition they ufe in the Service of God. But alas, how dull and flow are we? How long do wo confult with Flefh and Blood, and are difpuring the Will of our Sovereign Lord, when we !hould be obeying it' VVhen we are dear· ly convinced that fuch a Duty is necelfary to ·be done, how many Delays, and Excufes, and Procraflinarions, do we make, being willing to ftay the Leifure of every vile Luft, and vain Impertinency, thinking it then time enough to ferve &Id when we have nothing elfe to do. Certainly this is not to do the Will of God on Earth, as it is done in Heavc11, where, upon the firft Intimations of God's VVill) they rake VVings, and execute it fpeedily. Fifthly, The VVil! of God is done in Heaven with all poflihle Profttation, Reve· rence and Humilily: And therefore it is fa id, Rev. 4· zo. thJt the Four and Twenty Elders jell down before him that fat upon the Throne, and worjhip him that livetb f or ever and ev!r, and caflthcir Crowns before the Throne. Cro;vns.at~ themfelves En· figns ofMajefty; but here they call:: their very Crowns, all rhe1r D1gnuy and Glory, ~t the Feet ofGod, and make their chiefeil Excellency itfelf do Homage to him that IS King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. And fo thouid we in all our i"erving of God do it wnh