on the L ord~s Pr11Jer: wiilt Re\'erence and Godly Fear, prefCrving upon our Hearrs an awful' Senfearid Re.... gard of the dreodful Mojdly before whom we appea;. . , . Sixtbly, The Will of God ts done In Hea\'en wtth Conflancy and .Perf<1•erance. Thcyftrvc G(}d Day a11d JVight, Re\•. 7· 15. ar;d are never weary of l11s Work, no more than they are of !heir oWn Happinefs, fOr his Service is rhfii' Happinefs, .and their Obedience their Ghry. And thus fhouid we pray and endeavour that we might do the Will ofGod con!tmrly and perfe~eringly, for it is Perfeverance that crqwns all other Graces and God h<~th promifed ro crown our Perfererance with Glory rind Et<rnal Life. And rhus we fee bri efly in rbefe Six Parriculars how the Will of Gou is done in Heaven. To conclude this, Is there no other nor Iowf'r Pattern kt us than the perfdl Obe· di~ncc of Angels and Glorified Spirits? Let us not then content ourl(;Ives wit~ a Cornparatil'i:: Obedience, and by rneafuring otu felves with.diofe thar.are<, ~orfe _ th~n~, highly of our own Perfeftions: Let us not applaud our fdves wnh_ the boa~mg Pharifee with a Lqrd, I thank rhee, I dm not a.r other .iJ1en arc, Extort toners, Un;11/f, .iid<~lur;rs. w'bar is rh is to the Pattern that God hatb !Ct us for our Imiratioq? P<rhaps rhou doll but all rh is while compare rhy lelf with rhofe that are in lid!, and dolt God's Will nor much berrer than !Uch have done, if this he all that thou canft plead for thy ftlf: Whereas God harh fer thee Examples fOr thy Imitation in Ht:awi:n, doilthou endeavour to do his Will as Seraphims and Cherubims, and the whole Hoit of Bletfed Spirits? Thou li veft ir may be not 10 like a Devil as others do, bur deft thou live like an Angtl? Doft rhou ferve God wifh the fame proportionable .Zeal,_fir· ikncy, Ddight, and Conjfancy, as thofe Holy Spirits do, who always fiand in the Pretence ot God , ready prefs'd ro do his Will? If nor, neither endeavoureft after fo high a D~grec ofObedience "and Puriry, know tbar thy Imitation ofany lower Exam- • pit than rhat of Hea\'en can never fuffice to bring thee to Heaven. And rhus I luve finilb'ed the Three fir!l Petitlons of this Excellent Prayer, namely', rhofe thar relate unto God, for the Petitions contained herein, as I fa id in the Beginning, wer::: fuch as immediately concerned God's Glory, orfucb as immediately tonct:rned our Good. The firfl: 1have already confidered. . I now come to treJt of thofe Petitions which immediately concern our own Good; and thar is either our Temporal or our SpirimaJ Good: Our Temporal Good, in praying for our daily Bread: Our Spiritual Good, in the Two la!t Peririons, whcreiri we pray fOr rhe ForgivendS of our Sins pafi, and for Deliverance from Sin for rime to come. 1 begin wirh the Firfi of tbefe, our _Requefi:s or Petitions for Temporal Bleffing'ii comained in the Founh Petition, Give us this Day o11r daily Bread; and here I fhall confider, · · Firjl, The Order, and then the Petition itfelf. .. Firlt, The Order, and rhat is Remarkable upon Two Accounts. . Firft, Whereas this Petition is placed in rhe midft, and enco"mpalfed abou t \\'ith others rhar relare umo Spiritual Bleffings; fo thar afrer we ha\•e prayed for the Glory of God, our Saviour teacheth us ro make Memion of our Temporal Wants, and fo to pafs on again ro beg Spiritual Mercies fOr our Souls. This may iullruEt us in rhe Government of our Li\·es to ufe worldly Comforts as here we: pray for rhem. Spirirual and Heavenly Things are our grear{;(t Concernmcnrs~ and fhould be oUr greateft Care; with rhc:!e we fh ould begin, and with thefc we ihould end; only God allows ~s the World as an Inn; we may czll in ac it, and refrefh our felves with the Corn- ., forts and. Accommodations that we find, bur we muft hot dwell nor fet up our Rect there. VVeare all Srrangcrsand Pilgrims upon Earth; Heaven is our Country, and thither wC are Travelling, only in our Journey we may call and bait at the VVorld, and rake what we find provided for us with Sobriery and Tbankfulnefs: And therefore this Bread thar we here pray for is ell<where called rlje Staff of Bread, Pfal. t05. r6, liebraknbf Sh1f of Bre,llf, l:.'::<k. 5: 6. I will break your Staff of Bread. And all this ls ro put us m mind that we are to ask fOr, and to ufe thefe Earthly Enjoyments only as Travellers, that make ufe of a Staff for their Help and Support wbilft they ar~ in their Paffage Home. And we are hereby alfo taught to crave no more than Will fuffice for our convenient Supplies. otherwife we make our Sraffour Bur.. den, and our Support irfelfa Lral and Preffure. Secondly, It ~s obfervable, rhar rhougb We are commanded tojeekfirfl rbe Kingdom of God, and 11: liiglucoufnif,, wirh a Promife that all other Ellthly Tbings L 11 lhall