I j I A PraGtical Expojition Firfl, In that the PvUitrof God is Infinite, (ashath becndemon!lrated already ) bu· the Power ot all Creatures is only finite and limitted. God's Alifolure Pvwcr ha'th n~ Bounds, but wharfoever is poflible to be he is able to produce· his Ordin(/re and ilfiu~ a/ Power is indeed limined, hut only by his Will, Pjal. 1 15.' 3. He br~th done wbqt.. foe"'!tr he p!e~fed. Bur our Wills are ofTen limirted by our Power; and 1bofe Tbing 3 .which we wtlh rh~ Accomplifhmem ot, yer many rimes fail in taking Em-a, only bf:. caufe we wam M1ghr and Power to bring them to pa1S: And th::rdort: when we afcrihe Power unro ~od, Thin~ is the Power, we attribute unto him a Power rhar is Infinite, a Power Which can efl:eCI: whatfoever his Will harb fore.derermjned above . yea, and contrary to all the Power of all the Crenures both in Heaven and Eanb '. Hence it is called the exccniingGreatneft of hit Power: Ephef. 1. 19. · Secondly.< The Pow~r of God is Originally in himfdf; but all Created Powers are only derived rrom him ·; Whatfoever is in God is (according ro rhe known Ruies of the School.~,) God himfelf; and therefOre as God bath nor his Being from any oilu:r, fo hcirber bath he his Power from any orher ; bur wharfoever Ability is fOund in any of the Creatures is from God, whether it he Natural or Moral Power, Strength or Au~ thoriry. Fir!!, AllderivetheirNatura!Power from God; it is he that endews them with Strength, and with all that Force and Might which they enjoy. 1 Chron. 29. 12. 1n thy Handir Power andMight, in thy Hand it ir to make Great, and to give Strength Unto all. Secondly, All derive their Moral Power and Authcrity from God. Prov. 8. 15, 16. By me Kingr Reign, and Princer decree ]a/lice ; by me Princes RJde, and J\'ob!rs, even all the Judges ofthe Ear~h, fays the Effential Witdom of rhe Fatber. Thirdly, ThePur.ver of God is Supreme; all other P~wer is but fubordinare unro him; and therefore he can weaken the Strength, and. frufl:rate rhe Attemprs, of all th;u (hall combine themftlves (Ogether againfl: him; for his Power is fuch as 110 Creature can refift : And as Billowr do but dafh themfelves in pieces by dalhing againfi the Rock, fo all the united Forcelof Nature, fhou ld they make Head againlt God, would but dafh themfelves in pieces, by dalhing agai nlt the Rock of Ages, whofe Counlels aud Purpofes lhalllland firm, though all the World-tl ilfcm from them, and endea~•our to oppote them; yea, tht: Power of God is fo Ahfolure and Sovereign, rh at the great. eft Created Powers are bur Infirumems for God to make ufe of to bring ahour his own Ddigns ; and therefore rhey are compared to .Axes, and Saws, and Staves, IIJ. 10. 15. Shalltbe .Ax bonfl itfelfagainfi him that heweth tberewith? Or ./hall rhe Saw mag. -nifie irjdfogainfl him rbat /haketb it? Yea, in Verfe 5· God is fa id to rake up .a Great King, and a Great Nation, only as a Rod to challW: his People wirb, 0 Affy· rian, rbe l<od of mine .dnger, and the Srnffinrheir Hand is mine Indignation ; and as 3 Staff, a Rod, er an .Ax, cannot mo~·erhemfelves without the Hand and Guidance of bim that makes ufe of them; IO oeirher can the Mighricft Princer, nor themofi: Powerful People, move rhemfelves but by rbe Power and Direction of God, who applies them as fo many Tools or lnftrumenrs to wbatfoever Work he pleaferh. Now upon all thefe Accounts Power may be rhus eminemly afcribcd unto God, Thine is tbr Power. ' Yer when we affirm God's Power to be thus Sovereign and Infinite, itdoth not there· f0re follow that ir mufi take all Things wharfoe\•er within irs Reach and Extent, for tbBre are teveral Things, which, as St. Aujfin fpeaks, Lib. >· de Civirau Dri, cap. 10. God cannot do becaufe he is Omniporenr, ftllttdam DeuJ 11011 potejl, quia tjl Om· tiipotens. .Firft, God cannot do the Thingrthat arc contradi{fory; he cannot will !he fame Thing w be, and not ro be, at the fame Time: Tha~ there _fhould be a B~dy wirhour Quantity, or any other Corporeal Property, helon~mg ro u, as the Paptlls abfurdl1 dream in their monftrous Do8rine ofTrnn.Jubjfamiation; for \\<hen they hat'e Rtcour1C tot he Almighty P"wer ofGod, by which they flty that rhofe Things wh ich are naturally impoilible may be affeEled ; as for the fame Body to be in Terr Thoufand Places at once; for the fame Body ro have Jf!..uamiry, (as it bath in Heaven,) and no ~tlantily, as in the Sacrament. We truly anfwer, That rhe Pow~r of God neverreach~ erb ro veri fie ConrradiEtions ; and tharir is as great a Comradi€Hon to affirm a Body to b: in more Places than one ac once, or w be, and nor to have Quanriry, efpeciaiJy to have ir, and not to have ir, as it is to affirm thar it is a. Body) and no Body. Secondly, God cannot do any Thine whicbm")' j•JI!y bring upon him tbc Imputation •I