on the Lorcfs Fr ryer. Epbef. 1. 6. To the Praife of the Glory of his Grace, · wbereilf" b~ h,atb made us accepted in the Beloved. And from all !hefe· reful! 1he (Hory of bts Grea!• and :rernble Name which bath in it an exceffive Brighmefs and Luftre from the .Conftellarion of fo rna~y Glories united in ir. Deut. 28. 58. That tbou mayefi fear this Glorious and Fearful Name tbt Lord thy God. Yea, fo infinile iSlhis EOential Glory of God, that it diffufeth a~d fheddeth abroad ils Light and Glory upon thofe Things which have but Relation to him; therefOre the Chur,q is faid to be Glor.ious; becaufe made in fume faint Refemblance like un10 Gbd, Pfal. 4>1 13. The King's Daughter is all Glorious wit bin Ephef. 5· 27. That be zyigbt prefent it to bimfeif a GioriouJCburcb, not having Spo; or Wrinkle. The 6efpel is 1herefore Glotiou~, becaufe it~ lhat Glafs wherein we fee the Glory of God by a refteEted Light. And as the Beams of the Sun falling upon a Glofs, make it {hine with an exceeding BrigbtnetS ;...lb. ibe Glory of God !hiking upon the Gofpel, and from thence reboundingoff to usJ bath · ftamp'd it wilh an excellen[ Glory and Lullre.. 1 Trm. 1. 1 '·. .flcc.prdrng to tbe·Glo- . rious Gofpel of the Blejfcd God. !;liS Throne IS Glonous, Je"m. 17. 12. A G!orrour High Throne from theBegmmng u the Phue of uur . Sa.nfluary. Yea, not only hrs: Throne but that which might teem more defpicable, his very Foot}fool is Glorious,· Efa. 6. '13. I will make the Place of my Feet .Gloriour. Now this E!fential•.Glory of God is borh Immutable and Incomprehenfib!e. ·-: · .~. r,,, Firfr, The EJ!ential Glory of God i> Immutoblt, the fame for Ever, no Additiop can be made unto ir,nor no Diminution from it ;for befor-e there were ever,any Cteatutes ex:· '""' God wa~ the fame Glorious Being tha! now fie is : Our Praifes and .6.cknowledg· ments ·can no more contribute to this Glory than tbe-..Eye that fees·t.be Sun cao ,increafe the Light ofit: ForGod's Auribuus that are his Gl0iy'3reno adventitious, ~ccidt:nral, Things, tba! may be a!fumed or laid afidea1 Pleafure,,but they ~re alias oece!fary·as his Nawre is; and therefore though he be fa id 10 c!oath bimfelj with Ligf>t ana Gtory as with a Garment, yet is it a Garment that cannot b~ put 'On or off.; b.ut..whatfoeverGod is in any one Moment of E[ernity, the fame he is from all Eternity uoto all Erern.ity : He is the Lord wbo Cbangeth not, a_nd with whom 'there is izo. Jlariableneji,.._ ·- nor fhadow of Turning'. 1 , Indeed there are fome ...Tit/es in God's Stile which feem not to have been always: appenaining 10 him, and in refpea of his E1ernal Being may appear..as New Stars ip 1he Heavens, and argue fome Alteration and Change in his Glory, as 'to be C-reator, the Lord and Governour of Ibis World, which be was not frol'(l all E1erni1y, nor could be till the CreatUres were formed. . Bu1 here we mu!! carefully dillinguilh be1ween. the .llb[olute and Relative Attributes of God. His Abfolme Tit/et and ·Attributer are fuch as belong unto him fim. J>ly, whhbut depending upon any Refpe8: or Reference to any thing without and be~ fides himfelf; and fo he is Infinite, Eternal, Wife, Holy and Merciful, in himfe!!; and was fo fOr ever, before there were any Created Objdls, umo which, or upon wbictl, he might manifdl: theft: his iluribures . But now the Relative Titles of God have a·Time wherein they began, and wherein they {halllikewife ceafe; as to be a Creator and Preferver of the World,as it now ftands,wherein though there may he daily Mutations, yet God is thefame, Immutable, hecaufe thefe are only Extrinfecal Denominations, and arife meerly from that Change that is made updn the Creature ; not from any Change that is made in God, for fiill his Power is the fame, whether he exen it in Creating or no; His Wifdom is invariably the fame before he manifefted it in the Government of the World as fince ; and in all the Mutations that be brings upon the World be is !lill the fame Immutable and Unchangeople God. Only as 1hofe who Sail think the Shore removes, when it isbutthe Sbip: So are we fubje8: to the fame Mi~ · flakes, and are apt to think God is changed) when only our jelves are changed; that he moves from not being a Creator to be a Creator, when in Truth we only move from not being Creatures to be Creatures. And therefore when we fay God is now a Creator, which once he was not ; it implieth no more Change in God than it would in any Objea which now is feen, which before was not feen; and this is only a different external Denomination that makes no real Change in the Thing; but it may be rbefe Speculations are roo a_bftrufe, and therefore I fhaH not detain you longer in them. Secondly, As tbe EJ!entral Glory o{God is Immutable, fo it is alfo Incomprebenjible, for il is Infinite, and the enlite PetfeEtion of th• Deity. It is the very Face of God, aodtherefore, Exod. 33-· 15. when Mefes defired God to fhew him his Glory, God Anfwers him in the 20th Verfe, Thou ca»fl not fie my Pou, for