Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

on the Lord's Prayer. World his Glory needs muft fuffer? How can the World know that God i; infin~rely Glorious in all his Perfe8ions and Attributes, unlefs be take Care by his own Methods ro have his Name San£Hfied among his People in their Expreff!ons and AEl:ions, and w have ic SanEl:ified upon the Wicked in their Plagues and Pun1fhmenrs? Therefote we may well pray in Faith, Hallowed be thy ]\Tame, for thine is t be Glory. . Secondly, The Glory is God's, therefore liis Kingdom fha/1 come. For where .fhould he be Honourt:d but in his own Kingdom? God is gre;ltly difhonoured, and ·his Glory (raduced, in the reft ofthe World: And therefore if he will have any Glory fecured and maintained, he muft take Care of his Church ro maintain and p(opagare it. Pfal. 76. 1. In Judah is God !mown, his Name is great in lfrael. The Glory of a King falls together with his Kingdom ; and it lays a Blot upon his Honour if he fhould fuffer his Enemies to overthrow ir, while he bath Power w defeat their Enterprizes; fince therefore the Glory is God's, we may be confident that be will pro~ vi9.c for the Security and Welfare of his own Kingdom, and will for his Honours fake eftablifh it fo fure, that the Gates of Hell, all the Power and Policy of M<n and Devils, {ball never be able to prevail upon it to hs Extirpation. _ Hence then whenfoever we fee the Rage of rhe Profeff<d Enemies of the Name of Chrift encroaching·upon the Borders of his Dominions, when the State of the Church Militant fecms vifibly to impair, or when the Hypocrifit: and WickednefS of rhofe who are the profeffi:d Enemies of Chrifi feems to ear out the very Heart and Power of True Godlinefs, vre may well pray in Faith Thy Kingdom comt, Lord, raife, Lord, enlarge, Lord, eftablifh, it, For thine is tbtfilory; and unlefs thou wilt confine thy Glory only to Heaven, and accounr the Praifes and Erer1,1al Halldujahs of Saints and Angels a fufficient Adoration for thy great Name, Lord, have regard to this thy Poor, Decaying, Kingdom, for only in it, and in Heaven, is thy Glory celebrated : And ifrbou leaveft this rhy Kingdom to be over-run by the Agents and Miniflersof theDevil, if Prophanenefs and Idolatry gain ground in it fo as to tbruft thee out of the Throne, what were this but to give thy Glory to another, which thou haft pwmifed not to do? Thirdly, The Glory is God'i, therefore his Will fha/1 be done in Earth aJ it is iti l!taven. The greatefl Glory that God can receive from us is ~y out Obedience, John r). 8. Herein (faith our Saviour) is my Father glorified, thot ye bedr mu,!i Fruit ; God's Chiefeft Glory is his Holinefs, and therefore he is fliled Glorious in Ho· linefs. .1\nd we have no better Way to glorific the Holinefs of God than by endea" vooting to be Holy as he is Holy ; for then do we declare it to be a Thing whicH we value as moft Excellent and Glorious when we fhive to imitate it, and would fain get as much of it as our Frail Natures can receive. And therefore we may well pray in Faith Thy Will be done, for thine is the Glory, becaufe the greateft Glory. we can give ro God is by doing bit Will. Fourthly, The Glory is God•.r, and therefore will he provide for us our Dai!y Bread, and all Things that are neceffary for our Good. And therefore when God was mica' culoufiy to 'provide Bread for his People in the Wildernefs he tells them, Exod. r6. 7· In tbe Morning then /ball ye fee the Glory of the Lord. And cerrainly it is not for the Glory of God that any of his fhould want Things firting and necefflry for them : Only let us leave it to him to judge what is fo; for although he !hould reduce thee to a Morfd of Btead, and a Cup of Cold Water, yet he gives thee all that is fit for thee; and fb.ould he giverhee more it would .not be a Boon, but a Curfe. Fifrhly, Tbe Glory is God's, therefore will he forgive rhy Debts and Trtfpalfes. The Wife Man bath told us, Prov. 19. Jr. That it is the Glory of a Man to pafs over' a Tranfgrejjion, and fhall it not much more be the Glory of God, whofe Mercies ate infinitely more Glorious than out Charhy can be? Yea, he tells us, Prov. ~;. 2. That' it i.r the Glory Df God to conceal a Thing, that is, to hide and cover ou,t Sins fo that they !hall not be found againft us: .1\nd exprefiy, Ephef. 1 . 6, 7· That we have Re: dcmption, even the Forgivtnefs of Sin.r, to the Praife and Glory of his Grace. And I have fhewed ycu, in opening of rhe Petition, that it is a very High Honour and Superiority to forgive, it is the Prerogative-royal of a King, and therefore we may pray. with Faith, Forgive ur our Trefpa!Jes, for thine is the Glory. SJxtbly, The Glory is God's, therefore he will deliver us from tho Affaults and lncurfions of our Enemies; he will deliver us from Temptations, or from the Evil of Temptation. He will not fuffer us to be tempted above what we are able to bear, but will with every Temptation make a Way for us. to ' efcape; hereby to demonllrate the Glory of his Wifdom and Power, rhat it is above all rbe Wile• · Rr r and