:on the Lord's Prayer. Q What abfervt yau{r1»11>pi~King the Petitio~ j ar our Temporal Good in the mid)l of thu Prayer? il. Tbar we are only to bait at the World in our Palfage to Heaven, and orlly refrefh ou r feh,es M!Uh our DailY, Bread in our Way and Journey rhirher. ) Q Wl1at tlrt the PetitionS" which rt!ate to our Spirituai .Good? .A. They t~!re Two: One\whereby we beg thel;'ardon of 04r Sins, by we beg Deliverance from them. , Q . Wli;Jt<n/cribe yi!u•tfhOiJJdrn the Doxology? .Jl. Four of his moft Glorious Amihures. 1. F.iofr;' His Sovereignty, •:Thine-is the Kingdom. I I •J !"; the other where· '""" \l'l n .( ., 'TI 2. Secondly, His Orrinipdtf:nte, And the Power. 3· Thirdly, His Excellency, .Am/the Glory. • 1 4 . Fourthly, The Eternity and Unchangeablenefs of all thefe, Tbey arc tbine for ever. ·1, ~~ f, ' Q What jignifia tbat Particle Amen_. the End of this Prayer? Jl. lt fignifies Two Things. So be it, Wbich·denotes our Defire for .rhe obtaining of .what we ask. So it fba/1 be, which notes our Alfurance of being heard. Q What is tbe Preface to tbt Lord's Prayer? . :tL Our Father which art in Heaven. ' ' Q What doth this uacb us. . A. That in ·our Entrance into Przyer we fhould ferioufiy confider both the l)ilercy of God as he is our Father, and· likewife his MajcOy as he is in Heaven ; chat the one may beget in us Filial Boldnefs, and the other Awful Re•erence; and by tbe Mixture of borh we may be kept from Defpair and Preii.tmprion. Q In what RefptEls may God be jlilrd Father? Jl. In Three efpecially. r. Firft, In refpc8: of the Eter9al Generation of his Son 1 and fo this Ti,le is proper only to the Firft Perfon of the Trinity. · ) z. In refpe8: of Creation and Providence; and fo he is the Father of all. Mal. 2. to. Have we not all One Father? liatb not One God created us? , · 3· In refpe8: of Regeneration and Adoption; and (o he isthe only Ea~her of the FaithfUl, John 1. 12, r 3· But as many as raeived him, to them. &aue be Power to become the Sons of God, roen tO tbem that believed on bis Name; which were Born not of Blood, nor of the WillofFle!h, nor of the Will of Man, but of God, Rom. 8. 1)1 16, for ye have 1101 rueived the Spirit of &ndage again to Fear, but ye baue recdved the Spirit of ildoption, whereby we cry Abba fatber. TIJe Spirit iifelfbearethWitnefs nu'tb ouf Spirit that 11Jeare the Children of God. Q In what Refpt8s do we call God l'flther in this Prayer I ./l. In the Two lafr: As he hatb created us, and doth preferve us, and as he bath regenerated and adopted us. Q Wbe11 ye Jlile God the Fatbcr, doye mean only God tbt.fatber, tbc Firfi Perfan of tbt Trinrty ? . .d. No; for(';od , the Firft Perfon, is eminently called the Father, not in refpea of~) butin refpeaofChrift . ln refpe8: of ustbe whole Trinity, both Father, Son, and hloly Ghoft, is our Father which is in Heaven. lfoiab 9. 6. fOr unto us a Child is barn, umo tu a Son is given, and the Government jhal! be upon his Shoulder, and his Name Iffia/1 h~ called Wonderful, Counfcllor, the Migbt.1 God, the Everlajling Father, the Prin,ce of Peace. John 3· S· Jcfus anffl)tr'd, Vcrrly, Verily, I Joy unto thee, except aAfanbt Born of Water, and of tbe Spirit, be cannot enter into tbe Kingdom of Go!!., 1 ' r Q Wbat is imply'd in this Particle Our, Our Father. . _ A. That God is the Father of all Men :•He is the Father of the Wicked ·by <;reation and Providence, but efpecially of the Godlr by Regeneration and Adoption. ~ Is it proper in 'our Stcret Prayers to fay Our Father? . A. It is; forfo we find, Dan. 9· q. l\fow therefore, 0 our God, bear the Praytl' of thy Servant, and his SupplicatiOJt.r, and caufe tby Face to jhint upon t,bJ Santluary that is de folate, f or the Lord's Sake. · Q What learn wt by fliling God our Fatber~ . .A. Firfr, To efteem one another as Brethren·, fince all partake of the fame Common Nature, much more as ~we partake of the fame Efpecial Grace, to intereft one anorher in our Prayers, and thereby maintain the Communion of Saints. Q But Sff