on the L,ord's ·Prayer. Q. How do we Hallow the J\7 ame of'God by Dtc!aration? .d. When in our moft Reverend.Thoughts we obferve and admire the Expreffions of his Attributesl and endeavour to fer them forth to others bmh in Words anfi AClions. Q What pray you for in thii Petition, Hallowed be thy Name? A. For Three Things in the General. '· Fir!\:, We beg !uch Graces for our felves as may enable us to fanC\ifie the Name of God. Q What are tbey cfpeeially? A. Knowledge and Underfianding of his Nature, Will and Works, Thankfitl· nefs for every Mercy, Patience under every AffiiEHon, Faith in his Word and Promifes:; for to believe God's Word gives Glory to his Name, Ro111. 4· 20. He ftaggcred not at the Pronufe of God through Unbrlieh but was /frong in t"'airh, giviRg Glory ta God' An Holy and Exemplary Life, whereby we e!pedally glorified God, end enduce others to do fo too. !daub. 5· 16. Let your L;gbt Jo jhine brforc ll1en , tbat they may fee your Good Works, and glorifie your Father wbicb U in Heaven. And lafily, Savoury and Well·order'd Speech, that we may not prophane the Name of God by Oaths, ot Cutfes, or vain Ufing it, but fpeak of him with all Holy Fear and Reverence. Q What elfe do we beg of God in this Petition? A. We beg that others alfo may receive Grace to enable them to fanEl:ifie his Name. And, Thirdly, We beg that God would fo over·rule all Things that his Glory may be promoted by them. · .Q What learn you from Cbrifi'r making this tbe Firjl Petition of hir Prayer? A. '· Firft, That the Glory of God is to be preferred by us before all other Things whatfoever. John t 2. 27, 28. Now ir my Soul troubled, and what.fha/1 I fay? Father, Jave me from this HoYr; but for this Cauft camel unto this Hour. Father glorifie thY. ·JI.ram~. !hen ~amc therc:a Voice from Heaven, Jaying, I have both glorified it and rvJ/1 glorijie If agam. '2. Secondly, That in the Beginning of our Prayers we ought to beg Affillance from God to prefent them that his Name may be hallowed. Q " What ir the Second Petition of the Lord'r Prayer? A. Thy Kingdom come. Q. How manifold i' the Kingdom of God ? .Ll. It is Twofold, ei lher Univerfal, or his Peculiar Kingdom. Q What is God's Univtrfol Kingdom? A. The whole World, _ borh Heaven and Earrb, and Hell id<:lf, and all Things in them : Pfalm 103. 19. 1 be Lord bath prepared bu Throne m the HetZvens and his Kingdom ruletb over all. ' Q How dotb .Godexercift his Dominion over rbi.r Kingdom? A. By the Power of his Providence, difpofing of all his Creatures and all their AB:ions, acwrding to his Will. ' Q. But jince Wicked Men art Rebels againflGod bow doth be maintain hit Dominioll over them? A. Three Ways. 1 , Firfi, In that they cannot fin whhout his Permiffion. 2. Secondly, In that he reftrains them when he pleaferh. 3 . Thirdly, In that he jufily punifbeth them for their Sins, fometimis in this Life, always in the next. . . Q What is God's Pccullar Kt~tgdom? A. His Kingdom of Grace, which is the Church, and that either Militant here on Earth or elfe Triumphant in Heaven. Q Ho'w is tbe Churc!J Milittrnt to he confider'd? A. As it either Vifible or Invifible. · Q Wbat is the Vifibie Churcb of God hereon Earth? A. It is a Company of People openly prof,ffing the Truths that are nece!fory to Salvation, and celebrating rhe Ordinances appointed by Jelus Cbtifi. Q .What ir the Univerfal Kingdom or Church of God ?o A. It is a Company' of True Believers, who have Eternal and lnvifible C~mmu· nion with God by his Spirit, and their Faith. Q What obferve you of both ? Sff> A. lt5 315