A Catechiftical Expojition . ~· hs Mi~rure and ImperfeEUon ; for in the Vifible Church there is a grear Mix. tu re of Perlons, the Bad wtth the Good; in rile Invifible there is a gn~a t Mixture in Perfons of Evil with Good, and Sin with Grace. ~ To~ h~ve {or"!erly told u~ that the Church r>f Cbrift in its Progrt:fs Is the Cburch },_1zlt~ttnt, tuber Vifi~le or Invijible; ~nd that the Church of Cbrift in its Confummatton u the Church Tnumpbant: What u this Churcli Triumphant? .A. The General A!fembly of fuch Glorious Angels as never fell and fuch Glorified Saints as are raifed from their Fall. ' Q What is that_ King.don: which in this Petition we prny may come? .A. Nor rhe Umverfal Kingdom of God which is the World tor his Dominion therein is always the fame, hut only the Pe~uliar Kingdom, which is his Church and more efpecially that Pan of it which is Militant on Earth. ' Q In wbar Refpdls may God's Kingdom be [aid ro come? Jl. In Three. r. Firfl, In refpei.\ of the Means of Grace and Sal•ation, which are the Word and SacramentS; tor wbere thefe are difpers'd there God's Kingdom is ereaed. 2. Secondly, In refpea · of the Efficacy of this Means in rhe ConverGon of Sin· ners, whereby they are brought into the Invifible Kingdom of Chrift. 3· Thirdly, In refpei.\ of the Perfei.\ion of rh is Kingdom; for then God's King- ~om comes wben tbe Saints Graves are encreafcd, when their Souls are receivtd into Heaven, and when both Souls and Bodies are confummated in GifJry. Q Wbar do f1!e pray for wbtn wt .fay Thy Kingdom come? A. 1. Firil, That God fhould plant his Church where it is not; that all the King· doms of the Earrh may become rhe Kingdoms of the Lord, and of bis Chrift. 2. Secondly) That his Ordinances may be purely and powerfully adminifi:red, his Word rruly preached, which is the Law of his Kingdom, and his Sacraments duly difpens'd, which are the Seals of it. 3· Thirdly, That God would fend into his Church Able and Faithful Minillers, to be Faithful Stewards of the Mylleries of the Gofpel. 4· Fourthly, That rhe Miniftry of the Word may be fuccefsful to the Converfion of thofe that hear it. . S· Fifthly, That all the Churches of Chrift may be kept from Error, Schifrn, Superfiirion and Idolatry; and that True DoElrine and Due Difciplini: may bt: cent!· nued in rhem to the End of the World. Q. But may we not pray alfo for the GJurcb Triumphant in Heaven? .rl- We may for the fullilling of what is promifed. J. Firtl, That the Number of them may be compleated. . 2. Secondly, That their Perfons may be compleated; that the Bod1es of .thofe Saints which now fleep in the Duft may be raifed, united to their Souls, and both made eternally glorious in rhe Kingdom of Heaven. . .. q. Is nottl!is praying for tbe Dwf Jo juflly condemned of Popijh Suptrjlmon? Jl. No; fOr we pray not for another State, as the Papdts do wh~n they pray for Souls to be dcliver,d out of Purgatory, but we pray for the PerfeEhon of. tbc fame State in which the Souls of the FaithfUl already are; we pray not for the1r Releafe out of Torments, bm for a Joyful Refurreaion, which both they and we exp~a; and wharfoever may be the Objei.\ of our Faith and Hope may well be the Subjttl of our Prayers. . · Q; Which ii the Third Peririon? .A. Thy Will be dor.e on Earth as it is in Heaven. Q How is rbe Will of God diflingui[h'd? . . .A. Into rhe Will of his Purpofe, or the Wtll of Ius Precept, or into his Secret and Revealed Will. Q Wbor is tht Will of God's Purpofe? . , .A. His Eternal Counfels and Decrees whereby he harh fore·ordamed whatfoew comes to pafs. Q What is the Will •f God's Prectpr? . A. His Holy Laws contained in the Scripture of the Old a n~ New Te~~menr, wherein he bath revealed w us the Duties we ouebt to perform for the obta10mg of Etelnal Life. Q Hoto d• thefe Troo Wills diffir? A r.