A Catechiftical Expojition Q Which Debt do we ,pray God to fo~giv~! ,, Ji . The latter only,, {or the fOrmer h irr~rJ!iffibly dpe tO our Grc:at Creator. Q 1~ow come we tp be rhus indebted unto God? 1 , . .Ji . By the Semence cif the Law, ,whic;h condemneth e\•e1y Tranfgreffor of it ro unaefgo .the.Penahy it\h.reatens, which P~na~ry is Jll manner of \Noes, and Curfes, and. ~v,erla~mg D~a~h . . c;Ial. 3· 10. Curfcd u every one 1har continuerb not in a// . TIJJnls ~bJcb are wrrrun zn the Book of t~t j..aw to do :hem. Ram. 6. 23. For rbe Wa. ges of Sm iis Death. Ezek. 18. 4· The Souitba;finnctb itfoq/1 die. \ <2; Since the SuffeT.i•g if tbeje it tbt Debt we owl' )p ,[!ivine ]uftia why Jay you tbaiSi'n -M that Debt? , . 1 • ' , .A. BecauiC Sin alone is the Meritorious Caufe of (hefe, and we ow~ the ·suffering t~ f them onl.y as We are Sinners. l , · . ' ,, . 9: '1/lre there no Sids ve!Jial in thei1-0~n l:.latU;e,fo ar not io dife,.1;e.Eurnal Dam· natJon? l·~i A. No, not the leift, 'Ior t 1he Wag~s of every Sin is Death. All"therefore are Morta~ in their own Nature, and all are Venial through the Mercy of God in the Merits of Chri!t, excepting only the Sin agai~ll the Hcly Gho!t. , , Q l Gm we no Way poy ojj tbefe Dcbtt, fo at to jotirfie the ]uf/ice of Ghd? .ii. No: For neither can we do it by Obedience, nor yet by SuHerings. Not by the Duties of Obedience, fOr thefe are a Debt we owe to God's Holinefs and Sovereignty and therefOre cannot pay rhe Debts we owe to his JuHice ; and wc ·catmor PJY Debt; by Debt>: Not by Suffiring, for Sin being an infinite Evil, mutt be .punifhed with an infinite l'unifhment; bur we cannot fuffer a PU:nilhmem iufinire in Degn:-ts , therefore it mu{l he infinite in Duration, fo that the Damned in Hdt fhall never be able to fay it's finifb'd. Q 11ow then may we hope to be acquitted of OIIIT number!efs Debts? . A. Only through the free Mercy and Grace ofGod, pa~doning tbeminJefusCbdfi, and tfiere{Ore we pray, I'Orgive us our.Drbu. Q fVbat i:S Pardon or Forgiv'enefs of Sin? 1!. lt is the Removal of the Guilt of Sin. Q.. Wbat ittbe Guilt of Sin! A. The Guilt of Sin is either the intrinfecal Defert of Punifhment, or elfe .an Obnoxioufne(s and Liablene!S to i1, through God's Defignation of the Sinner to un· dergo it. Q Dotb Pardon of Sin removehotb theje Guilts! A. No: lt removes not rhe fOrmer, for ftill the Sins of thofe who are pardoned do in rhemfdves deferve Erernal Dea[b: But it removes the latter, viz. it rakes away our Appointment unto Deat b. 2 Sam. 12. 13 • .AndDavidfaid unto Nuhan, I bavt finned ogainjl the Lord; andNathan Jaid unto David, the Lord aljo both put awoy thy Sin, tboujhalt not dir. . Q How is it confiflem with the Juflice of God to pardon Offindtrl zoitbout Punifh· m-! - A. Though Believers are not perfonally appointed ro Punifhment, yet Myfiically they are; which Punilhmenr they have already fuflered in ChJi!t their Surety, with whom they are made One by Faitb. Q To whom it tbif Prayer for Pordort of Sin dire8ed! .A. To God only, whofe Royal Prerogative is to forgive Sins, lfa. 43· 21. I, even 1, atn be that bloued out thy Tranfgrej}ions for mine own fakt, and will not remember tby Sins. Mark 2. 7· WbocanforgiveSinr but God only! . . Q Havt not the Minrjfers of the Gojpel Power to forgrve Suu, accordrng to tbat ifSt.John 20. 23. WhofefoeverSinsye remit, tbey are remiued? A. They hive a Minifierial and Declarative Power, as Officers; not an Authoritative and Judicial Power, as Sovereigns: As the Prince only Pardons, the Herauld ~rodaims ir : So God alone by the Prerogative of his Grace grants Pardon, the Mintfter by his Office publifhe1h it to all that repent and believe. . Q, What then mufl we julfte of that Abjolutt and Plenary Power w/}lch the Pope of fumes of pardoning Si m? A. That it proves bim to be Antichrill in exalting himfetf above God .; 2 ThejJ. 2. 4· Who oppqfttb and exaltetb bimfelf above oil that If callrdGod, or tbat t<rMrjbrpped: So that bear Godfittetbin the Temple of God, foewrng hnnjrlf that !Jet< God. For lfliO· · fuever can forgive Wrongs done againll another, mull be fupenour to him, h~~~