on the Lord's Prayer. have Authority to caufe the Perfon offended to furceafe the Profecution, and fit down by the Wrong done him. . Q Jf God only can fOrgive Sins, bow tbm are we hound to forgrvc rhofe ro!Jo trefpafs againjl us ? A. We ought to forgive them fo filr forth as they have wronged us, but wt cannot forgive the wrong they have done eo God in wronging us, bur mufr leave them to his Mercy, and their Repentance. Q. Sine& it is God's Prerogative and GlorJIO pardon Silu, rpbat Infcrtnccs may we. coliefl from benee? A . Firft, That our Pardqn is free and gratuitous, without refpec.ting former Defects, or expeCling future Recompence. Secondly, That our Pardon is full and complear, becaufe it is an Aa of God within himfelf; whereas what he works in us is in this Liff: imperfea; nothin~ of Guil~ is left upon the Soul when God pardons it, though llill there is fomething of Filth left in it when he fanEtifies it ; God does not pardon by Halves, nor leaves any Guilt to be expiated by Purgotory. Thirdly, That upon our Faith and Repentance our Sins, whether greater or lefs, fewer or more, fhall be forgiven ; for this makes no Difference in lnfinire Grace and Mercy. Q But may not tbis encourage Men to continue in Sin? Ji. Many do 10 ahufe it, but their Damnarion is flue and juft. Dtut. 29. 19, 20; And it come to paft when he bcareth the Wort!.r of this_ Curfc, that be blrffcJb bimft!f in hi,; Heart,Jaying, Ijhall have Peace though lwt~lk m the ImaginatW11 of mine Heart, to add Drunlunntft to Thirfl. V er. 20. The-Lord will not fpare him. Q l'ou have formerly tJhfcrvedtbat it is God alone who can forgive Sinr, am! from. thence infm·cd both rbe Freenifs and fulntjs of Pardoning Grace; wbat ohftrve }Ofl. farther? . .A. I. That though God's Pardoning Grace be altogether freely bellowed in refpeE\: of us, !faiab 43· t2). I, even I, am be that blottctb out tby Tranjgrej}ions for mine own Sa!u, and will not remember thy Sins; yet in refpeEt of Chrilt's Purchafe it is not free, bur coli him the Price of his Blood, Htb. 9· 29. iJnd a/mojl all Thing< are by the Law pyrged with Blood, and without fhedding of Blood is no Remij}ion. Marth. ~6. 29. Bttt I Jay unto you I rvill not drink henceforth of this J<l·uit of tbe Vine unt;l tbat Day when I drink it new with you in my Father's Kingdom. 2. Thac the obtaining of Pardon is not free from the Performanct:: of Conditions on our Parr. Q What are the Conditions upon wbicb Pardon is granted? .A. They are Two, Faith and Repenrance. .Ails 10. 43 · Tbat tbrout.h his Jtla11JC mbofoever beliwetb in him jhall receive Remij}ion o{ Sins. A£l:s 3· 12. Repent ye therefore , and bt convcrteJ, that your Sins may be blotted out. Q. ls therefore a mcer Sorrow that r.cc have finned a juj/ident f.!...ua!ijication for ~btaining Pardon? .A. No; for fo Juaas is faid to repent. Mattb. 27. 3· Thtn Judas, whicb bad betrayedbim, ttJben he jaw that be w.1s co~tdemned, repented bimfclf, and brougbt again the Thirty Pieces of Silver to theCbicf Pricfls and Elders. Bur as True l<.epentance includes in it a Sorrow of Hearr, !0 Reformation of Life and Manners is always join'd with a lively Faith. Q Ir P.rdon of Sin an Ail only of God's l'!lercy? 11. lr is likewife an AEt of God's Juflice ro pardon the Sins of thofe who per• form the Conditions of the Covenant of Grace. Q How prove you this ? 11. Both by Exprefs Scripture. I EpiO!eof John r. 9· If we confc[s o11t Sins, be is fairbful and juft to. forgive us our Sins, and to clcdn)C us jrOIIJ al!Unrightcoufm:fso And likewife by Scripture Reafon; becaufe Believers being made myflically One with Cbrift, therefore thdr Sins being already punifhed in him rheir Surety, and cheir Debts paid by him, cannot be again ju!Hy punifh'd in their own Perfons, nor demanded from them. Q Is Pardon of Sih our Entire Jaflification? .tl. No; but it is one Principal Pan of it: For Juflification confifts both in Re..: rniffion ot Sins, and Accepmtion of our Perfons; the former depends upon ChriWs Paffive, the other upon his At1ive, Obedience; his SatisfaEtion applied by Faith T t t mtk<s