Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

on)he Lord's Prayer. 4 . Fourthly, That by our Viaory over Temptations he may confound the MaJice of the Devil, and commend tbe Exce!leni:y of his own Ways and Service. Job 2. 3· .And the Lord faid f~nl.O Satan, ba]l Jbou con]idered my _Servant Job, rbr1t rbere i~ none likt bm: in r.?e Earth, a Pe,Jef! aud Upright lllan, one that fearctb God, and ifcbtwetb Evil? . _ Q Wbicb is tbe Po]itive Part of tbi.r Petitivn? 11. But deliver us from Eyil. . . , Q Wlm objmJc you from the Order and Conn. exion of :his Branch of the Peti· tion with the former ? · 11. I obfe,rve that the belt Security againftSin is to be fecured againft Temptations £O Sin. Q .Are not Strong Temptations to Sin nn Excufe for /inning? A. No; for the Devil can only perfwade, he cannot conitrain; for if he coUld compel he would likewife juHifie, fince there is no Sin Wliere thei'e is no Liberty. All our Sins are of our own Free Choice, and fo by Confequence is the Eternal Jylifery they expofe unto. Hcf. 1 J· 9· 0 lfrael, thou ~a/1 deflrllJed thyjdf, but in me is thine Hctp. John5·:\-o· .A.ndyewi/11/otcomeromctbar yemigbrbaveLife. Mat..23·37· 0 Jerufalem, Jerufalem, thou tbat kilkj/the Prophets, andjfonefl them which ore j'enr unto tbec; how often would I have garbercd tby Children tPgether, even as the Hch gatbcreth ber Cbic!uns under-her Wr:ngs, and ye wouldnot! Q. Wherein con./ift.r the great Dangrr of being tcmptcd? A . In rbe Sympathy and Suirablenefs that is between Temptations and our Cor~ rupt Natures, whereby they are apt to e~cire our AfFe8:ions, and our Affections will fway our iltHons. , · Q What mean you by the Word Evil when you pray, Deliver us from Evil? 11. Firft, Satan, whole Stile it is to be the Evil or the Wicked One. Mattb. 13; '9· When any one bearetb the ~Vord of tb'e Kingd,qm, and underflandctb it not, then comerb thcWicked One, and catcbetb away that which wasfown in bis l!cart, 1 John 2. 13, 14., 1write unto you Fathers, becauje ye have known him that is from tlu Beginning. I VJrite . ~tnto you You11g .Men, hecaufc je bawe overcome t~e Wicked One. . Vert: 14. 1have written unto you Fatbers, brcaufe you have known him that i.r from the Beginning. I have written ~Jnto you Toung Men, becaufe ye are firong,and the Word of God abideth in yoa, and ye have overcome the Wicked One. .. Secondly, All other Evils, whether they be of Sin, or for Sin, whether Tranf. greffions or Punifhrnenrs; but efpecially Sin, which is the greateft of all Evils. Q Why callyou Sin rbe greotefl of all Evils? .A. Becaufe it is fo borh in irs Nature and Confequents. r. Firft, In its Nature it is wholly DefeEl: and Irregularity, and that only Thing which he always hates, and never made. 2. Secondly, Becaule all other Evils are but the EfleEl:s and Confequenrs of Sin. fince the Devil could not hurt us but by Sin, and no other Evils befal us but for Sin. ' Q. What coileEl you hence? Jl, That in praying to be deliver'd from Sin we pray to be deliver'd from all Evib whatfoever. Q What ohferve you from our Saviour's teaching us to direll our Prayers to our Father in HellVtn that be wo~t!d Deliver us from Evil? 11. I learn hence rhat ir is only the Almighty Power of God that can keep us from Sin. Q Whence dotb rbot appear? . Jl. Firfr, From the Confideration of the Almiglity Advantages that our great Ene· my the Devil bath againft us. Secondly, From the Confideration of the Difadvantages we lye under to oppo!e his Temptations. . Q What are bit Advantages and our Difodvontogts? Jl. He is a Spirir, we are bm Flefh; he is Wife and Subtil, ,\,e Foolifh and lg· li(lrant; he long Experienc'd, we Raw and Unpraaiced; be is Diligent and Watch· ful, we Car.le~ and Negligent;· be lays~ <:;!ofe Siege to us without, and we Betray ourfelves wnbm. : ~ Q Wb.r Ways doth God take to keep .il1en from Sin? .d. In the General Three. ~ . 1 . Firft, He dotb it by Reftraining Provide~~z:_. ;.. t'"'- ·~;; I 2. Secondly;