A Catechiftical Expojition Q. Whicb ii the Second Allribute afcri bed unto God in the Doxology of the Lcrd"s Prayer? A. Power; in thefe Words, .Andtbt Power. Q, How is tiJ< Power of God dijlingui/h1d? A. Into his Abfolute and his Ordinate Power . Q What call you the A/Jfolure Power of God? A. The Abfolute Power ofGod is that whereby he is fimply able to produce what' foever is poffible to be, i.e. all Things which imply not Comtadiftion. Q What col/you God's Ordinate Power? A. God's Ordinate Power is that whereby be is able to produce rhofe Things which according to his Will !hall come to pafs. Q Wby is it cal/edGod'sOr«inate Power? A. Becaufe the Effi:E\s of it ate limited by the Ordination of his Wifdom and Will Pfal. I rs. •· But our God is in tht Het1Vens,_ be batb done wha-jocv~r he pleaf"l. Pfal: 115. 6. Whatjocver the Lcrd plt'!fed that dcd be zn Heaven and Earrb in the Seas and all deep Places. ' ' Q h God's Power in itftlf Infinite? .A. It is, forhis Power is his Effencc. Q How dotb it t~ppcar that Gotfs Pg(t)tr is Infinite? .11. 1. By the Works of Creation, for it requires an Infinite Power to bring Something out of Nothing. . z. By the many Miracles which have been wrought in the World, above and con· trary to the Courfe of Nature. Q How then bove many Men wrought Miracles, tU Mofes, Elijah, and the Apofllesl A. They wrought them not by any proper Vertue oftheirown, but only as rhe Mo· ral Infirumcnts, at whofe Prefence or Interceffion God Was pleafed to manifeft his Power, as a Seal to that Commiffion they had received from him. Q Is God's Power Infinite likewife in the common Ejjells of Nature? JJ. It is; for it is no lefs Power that pteferves and moves the Creatures than did at lirft create them. Q Is there nothing impo!fiblc with God? .Jl. Yes, there are feveral Things which God cannot do, hecaufe he is Omnipotent. Q What are they? .Jl. Such as in the general the doing of them would deny him to be God, or to be Holy, ortobe VVife. Q Wbat ore tbcy moreparticularly? Jl. God cannot do Things tl;!at are contradiaory, or rather fuch Things cannot be done, as to make the fame Thing to be, and not cc he, at the fame Time; or that rbc fame Body fhould at once have Q.uanrity and Extenfion in Heaven, and no Quantity "nor Extenfion in the Hoft, as the Papi!ls affirm of their Breaden God, for this were contrary to his VVifdom. •· God C1Rnot do any Thing that may ju!lly bting upon him the Imputation of Sin, for this were contrary to his Holinefs . 5· Gael cannot do any Thing that may argue him Mutableand Incooftant, for .this were contrary to his B~mg. 2 T1m . 2. I_?· If wt b~!Jeve not 1e7 be .aiJJd~tb faithful; he car. not deny lmnfe!f. Heb. 6. 18. That by Two 11111nut.able Thcngs, cn whtib it was impoj]ible fo( G_odt~ lye. , Q [,~ it not a Dumnuuonof the Power ofGod that be cannot do tbofe Thzng;? A. No; for thefe Things atgue VVeaknefs.and Defeft, not Power. Q Why hatb ourSaviourtaugbt us to fub;ocn tlJCS Acknowledgtnent of tbe Power 4 God to our Petitions? .A. To encourage our Faith, by confidering that whatfoever we ask we as~ it of a God who is able ro give it us, yea) and to do for us abundaorly above whatfoever we are able to ask or think. Q What is the Tbird Altrib•te afcribed to God in tbe Doxology? Jl. Glory in thefe VVords, And the Gloq. Q What is Glory? . Jl. Glory is any Petfeaion or Excellency that either is, or dc,fe.rvet to be, accompa· nied with 'Fame and Renown. Q How is God's Glory dijlinjllijlml? .A. Into