making a Mock at Sin. 343 Dicternefs of Rtpentance? This is fuch an unanfwerable -Di/emmt~, that all the Craft and Subrilty of Hell can never folve. And if we would bur always keep this fixed in our Minds, ic wen~ impoffible that .ever we·lhould make flight of Sin. While rhou rhus argueft, thou argueft. folidly and wifely ; bur ro fay I will fin, becaufe perhaps I may repenr, is quite below the meaneft Capacity char ever own'd rhe leaft Glimpfe of Senfe and Reafon. IJ, Is it not Folly to make a Mock at chat which will be fure to pay thee home, . 2 ,. 411d" to make ~ p~blick M~ck and Sco:n of thee to the whole \Vorld? How :;k~;:!~ mavy have che1r Sms and Vtees made mfamous among Men ? They are a nm 11 pub..· Shame, and a Reproach to all that are but of a civil and fober Converfe; and as liet scorn much loft to Reputation, as they are to Vercue? But however, certainly all wick- to rhewhtlt ed and ungodly Men !hall bemade a publick Scorn and Derifion ro all rhe World, w.. d. both God, Angels, and Men: God will m"k arrhem,he reUs them foexprefiy, for fb the Wife Man fpeaks ; Buau{e you have {rt at nought all my Cormjtl, and Prov. 1 • . wouldnone ofmy Reproof;· I a/jo wilt laugh ar your Calamity, and mock 1vhen yMr Fear :15, :t6". cometh; wben your Fear comerh aJ a De[olation, and 'JOUr DejlruEiion comet.b. likt a WbMwind. All rheir Sins and Deeds of Wickednefs !hall rhen be expofe<;l ro rhe open View and Contempt of Saint; and Ang!i;, who iliall fubfcribe to the righteous Doom of their Condemnation. De->Jils will then upbraid their Folly,and triumph that they have outwitted 'em into the fame moft rniferable and deplorable State with themfelves. Think now, 0 Shmtr! How wilt thou be able to hol.d up thy guilty Head, and rhy amazed and confufed Face? Whither, Oh whither canff rhou caufe rhy Shame ro go,when Men and Angels !hall point and hifs at thee, and rhy Follr !hall be proclaimed as loud as the !aft Trumpet, which Heaven, and Earrh, and all rhe World !hall hear? 1 J Ill. Is ir not rhe Foolifhnefs of Fo!IJ ir felf, ro make light .of char whil'h will 3· for eve~ da.nin thee ? Art thou fuch an ~di~t·, as to account Helt a ~rifle,_ and ~t::;~?t:f. Damn 'ltton It felf a 1l1ghc Matter ? What IS 1t then that makes thee thmk· ~m fo d~~:mn thtir, fmall and tr~fling a thing? ·For Hell, and Death, and Eternal \Vrach are Certainly Souls f~r · email'd upon it. Confider what a moft cutting Reflexion it will be to thee in Sin. Hell, when rhou /hair for ever cry our upon, and curfe rhy felf for a wretched Fool, chat ever thou lhould'ft make Oight of rhofe Sins which would damn rhee: What _was there in them,_for ~hich thou ~aft forfeited Heaven, and Everlafting Happmefs, but only ~ lmle .tmpure hruufh PI:afure ? And now that it is paft: and gone, what rematns of tt, b_ut only the hitter Remembrance? €ertainly th<:m wile cen t.h~ufand times, anQ~or ever call thy felf an accurfed Foal for f<;> domg, when It ts too lace tt. Be perfuaded therefore now to be wife betimes for your Souls; elfe you alfo will, when there is no Redrefs, curfe your own Foll,r,rhar harh brought upon you all rhofeExrremiries ofWoe and Anguiili, True Happinefs, &c. SERMON Il R E V. xxii~ 14- , Bleffed are they that M his Commandments, that they may have Right to the Tree of Life, and miiJ enter through the Gates into the City. THESE Words ":hich I have now read, co.nfift of rhefe Two Parts : Di~ifon•f F~r{l, A Propofitton. And, th# Words. Secondly, A proof of thiS Propofition. Firft, A propofition in thefe Words, that They that Jo GoJ's Com.. f»Andmtnts are Blt/ftdl &condl,r, Here is rhe Proof of this Propofition, in thefe Words, that TheJ h•'lle • IUgbt to the Tree of L;f,, •nJ Jb•ll ent<r through the GRtes into the CiiJ. ~ It