The Rejurrec1ion of Chrifl. to an Prillcif,le; of righ~ ~Re~ /on, [hat ~hey forg~c that Civility that ufually iS found in Men of inquifiti ve Spirits, and brake out into open Reproaches and Atl:. 17. Revilings; 1Vhat ?JJifi thii Babler fa;·? Becau{e ~e prea,Hd to them Je{us, tmd the RtJ8, furrell~gn. No doubt t~ey want~d npt very fpecious. Arguments to urge againft t~e Y,~[umEiiDtj of~e Bqdy: As fir!t, The hn~offibiliry of a Re_e~llection df the dtfjierled Par.ncles of Men, <efolv'd mro thetr Elemertts, and ltar'ter'd bf the Four \Vind~ of Heav~n; r.hough it m~ghr be very well retorred on the Ep_iczmans, who dtfputcd wuh Samt Paul agamfi the RejurrtCliun, that it was not fo unlikely a thing, that there might be a Re-union of the fcatrcr 'd Parrs of the fame Man, as the fortuitous Concourfe of A~om; at the firft making of rhe World: Yet this Objtflion overbore and prevail'd with Heat/mu, that when the.y burnt the Bodies oi Chriftitms, they caft their Allies imo the Rivers, to confute their Hopes of ever being raifed again ; from whence they fhould be carried away in_to an U?.~nown 9~t!!n1 .~fld there be made the Sport o( Winds and Waves.._ , But w.bac ' our Saviour fay~u~ the fame Occafion to the Sarj.t~ces, • may be-faid unto thcfe Mi.tth. 2 :t. Men ; Totl ur, ~ '*'~k.tmving. thiJ _ Scri~r{,tJ, 11()t' Ifot B.iiJftr (Jf God: ' 'for unlefs their '9· l?arxu:ould be. .lcitter~d_.beyond rhe .reach of ·Om~ifOH"'l> unlefs •hey could be ground fo fmall, as to ' fcape the Kn(J1Vledge and Care of God, who ordereth and rangech every More that plar,s up and down in the Sun-brarm, this Difperfion of t~e Body pr'!ves,~ot,rhe,Imp,Q(\Y .of th. ~r Vnion, becaRfe,. rllf P•wer an~ IWVulm" of God ' '"ll· garher up ~··ery Duft, aqd ·rally them together a&"" into the fame Place and~Onler \is,n'ow. they are. ··.\ ·' \ • o~jtflion. Another Argument againft the Re{urreCiionof the Body, may be the variousChan~ ges dead Bodies undergo; being fidl: curn' d into ~arch,that again curn'd inroGrafs an&HerJ,:s,that becm;n1ng'NourHhment for other Men or Bcafts,th~t Nourilhment ag~in l.'amngintdthei'r.Sllbftance, making a kind' of.Tranfmigratio?l9f Bodies , as P)th•g.r.- would have there W'\,' of Souls: Which is very cviaent in rhe Cale of .(JnthropomM:phites,. ~n~ M,enrenurS, who. have, of fe:~ eral parts of other MeO:sJ3o.. dies:, compounded their owh. Andfo the faine ~eft ion may be demanded, which the;;. SadJu~ei a$k~d Sa'Viour, concerning rhe ie\,"cn ;Brethren that married the fame· WOman, 'vlio{e Wife of the fl'Ven ~,e j1wt~!J be at tbe Refi~~;·cCfion? So here, th<ife Parts thar belo.ogea to fo many Men, rowhichof rhem belong rh~y in the Re[_urreifjon, without di::triment ~o the refi? Here the fame Anfwer occurrs, Mattb.u. Clidft' gave them: Yau err, 11ot kuo1vi11g tbe Script.urtJ~ nor the Pp:wer o[Gcd; who '9· is the beft Judge of Property, and can relolve all rhofe Parts, by whicl\ any Nourifhment harh ~een receiv'd by any other Creatures, un:o their own proper Boditi again. . And thus it appears1 thefe Ar~ummts againfi: the Re[un-eflio, of the Body, a~ mount not to prove ~he Impoffiblliryof the Effect; bur only the fupernarural Almighpy Power of the Efficient. Wherefore, graming the Re{urreaion impoflible-, acco~;ding to the Original Courfe of natural Things, yet when an Omni- · potent Arm doth incerpofe, which gives Laws umo ic, who dares to (ay, che C~e~rure may be brought to fuch a State of Diffolmion, :as may out-reach the DQminion of the Almighty Creator. . Ath ::.6. s. U'pon dlefe Grounds it is, chat the Apoftle, urgeth, why it f}!oultl !Je thought ,r jltang~ tmd incredible thing, that God fooultl raife the Dead; and m ~he Text.,; that , he afferts the Reforrtilion of ChriJl. And eo pre\'Cnt any fallas;1aus Cav1ls ':1gainfl: it, he fhews, - : · . .1. Firfl, That God raiful himfrom tbe Dud; and therefore 1t was not eo he account· ::J"~/ft"dof ed a thi'qg impoffibJe,, fince to God nothing could imply a Contradiction. . r t 1 (: ' · SerondJy,, He doth nbc only afferc rhe Poffibilit y, but the lmpQfiibility of hts final 'Continuance under the Power of Death. T ·he Gra\'C that grafps and retains . a~ other Morcals, . \\\'9s noc able to detain him who hat~ ll;nmortality and Life dwe.Uin~ in himfelf: It 'viis uor p~Qt'ble he jlJould be boUcnoJ. it, the~efore. Go41 harh ra.ifcrd htm up, ToofhW the Pains of Death. ff/bomGod raifed up: Here IS che Efficjenc Caufe of Chri{! s Rt{imdlion, in the concurrent Action of the whole Trinity; for alf chat God dbrh out of himfelf, is afcribed to all the Th~ee Perfons. AS:sj.IJ, Somerim<:s it is afc,r.ibed eo th7 J<:.,rhu, _as the~Apoftlt fpeaks, Th.c God of Abrnham, 'S· and1of Ifaac,. and of Jacob, rue God of our Ft~rbe,n, h.;tb glorifitd ho .Son Jefus, 1Vhom ye d~livt:ttd up, atld ilmiul the 1Iul)' o,!f, a1Jl tlu ~~~~H, ~eJirmg a Murtlm·er ; ami killed the ,Prince. of l ,i(rJ )J:Imn Q.od h11tb raif.~J frc.m rlJe Dwl. ·, . , · Some,