Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

Brotherly .Admonition. Refurrelt:ion of his Body from the Dead, by which he was fee free from all rhofe Penalties due to our Sins that were imputed eo him. If therefore rheju!t ific:Hion and Salvation of Sinners was a Defignlaid by the infinite Wifdom of God, it muft needs follow that it was impoffiblc fo r Chrifi to be kept under Dearh, becaufe ~hac would h.1ve obfiruc1ed their Juftification an~ Salvation, and IO would have brought a Difappointment upon che infiniceWifdom ofGod,which was impoffi ble eo be done· and therefore confequently Chrifi could nor be holden of Dea rh. The Application of this grear Truth fhall be briefly in thele following Infe357 == . . Firft then, If it was impoffible for Chrifi nor to haverifen from rl1e Dead, ic ufe 1. is evident then that C hrift is the true M~jfi.1h : Foe had h~ ~een an lmpoftor, or Fa![e Prophet, ic would have been fo far from an Impolftbday chat he /hould not 'have been raifcd, tha t ic would have been a very Impoffibility for him eo have rifen again; for neither co_uld h~ have _raifed himfelf, being a meer Ma'n ; neither would God have ra1fed h1m, bewg a meer lmpoftor and Cheat . When therefore the 1ews call'd for a Sign from Chrifi to prove him eo be the true Me.fliah, he gives them the Sign of his Refurredion, in Matth. 12. . ;8, 39· Mat. , 1 2 , Mafter, f:ty they, ?JJe ?JJould foe a Sign from thet. He nnfiutred and {aid unto them, ]8 1 39· AtJ wit a1;d adfl!terotls Generation fuketh after a Sign, tmd there ftJalt bt no $ign f!h.un to it, but the Sign of the Prqphet Jonas: For ns Jonas ?uas three D(l;s ami thru Nighu i?J the Whale's BeD;, fo jiJalt the Son of Man be thret Dap and three Nights in the Heart of the Earth. So again, when they tempted him at another rime, for a Sign of his being the MeJjiab, he ftill inftances in his powerful Refurrection from the ·nead, in Joh. 2, 18, 19. The Jtwsan[wtr'd aml [aid unto bim, JFhat Sign jlm.Liej! Joht'l:1.rl. thor~ unts us, {eeing thou doefl the{e things ? Jefus an[wrred tmd {aid unto them, Def1royr9. ihH Temple, and in three Days 1 will rai{e it up. So that fiill he made his Death and R eforrtfiiou to be the infallible Proof of his being the true Mrj}iah. Secondly, If.it wereneceffary thatChrift /hould rife frcim tl1e Dead,and that he u[t II did do fo,then certainly Sin is conquer'd; forche Sting of Death, and that enveR · nom'dWeapon Death hach, whereby it wounds,yea,killsthe Sinner,isSin; and a~ long as ~eat.h hath t~is Sting i~ ic,ic cquld not have .been conquer'd by any Stnner. It IS S111 that g1vesDeath1tsPower to hold faft allrhofe chat come within its reach; which fince it could not do with Chrift, it is evidenc Sin is fub~ dued by Chrifi, who was in ·its Arms and Grafp, but yet came fafe ouc from it, caking away the Sting and Weapon of Death with him. Tbi,Jiy, If the R•fumflion of cb,iji be thus neceffary, and hath been thus ef- u;; 111 fectually accomplifhed, we may comf6rcabl y from thence conclude the Necef- · frty of our own Re{urreElion ; for the Head beinQ raifed, the Members Jhallnot alway.' fiecp in the Dufl. Chrifi's Myflical Body fhall cerrainly he raifed, as well as Ius Nar~tral Body ; and every Member of It !hall be made for ever gloriobs wirh a glorious and triumphant Head. ' Brotherly ADMONITION,&c. SE R M 0 N IV. -----' '-- LE V. xix. 17. T/,ou Jhalt not l>ate thy 'Brotl>er in thy Heart: thou jhalt iT! any wife '' rebuk! .f? Netgl>bour, and not Jujjer Sin upo11 him. .;, WAving allPre{A&es and IntroduEiions, we may obferve in thefe Words .. Three Pares. ' Dwijim of Firfl, A _Ne~ariv~ C:on;mand, Thou ]halt not hpte thJ Brother in thy tht Wordt, H,.,,' wh1ch 1mphes In 1t the contrary pofitive Precept Thoufhalt 1 ' love thy Br?ther. ' Se•