God's Wrath dreadful to Sinners. Heart: thott fluzlt in any 'vi[e reprove him. So that he who reproves not his Brother hates him. Now he that hates his Brotl•er is tt Murder~r, fays Se. John ; And no Murderer bath Eternal Life. Yea, we are guilty of Sonl-Murd~, which is fo much the more heinous by how much the Soul is more precious than the Body. Formbly, Confider that the performance of this Duty, were ir more univerfal, would be the aptefi and readieft means to prevent Schi[m aod Di'Vijion. The grand pretence for Separation, is the wickednefs of many who are Church-Memb!rs. Now our Saviour's Method is, That fuch fhould be firft reproved and admonifll'd, before they' be caft out; but it is a moft prepofterous and headlong Courfe that thoufands in our Days·take,who caft themfelves out ofthe Communion of the Church, for the Sins of thofe who deferve to be caftout; and rather than they will perform this ingraceful Work of Reproof, chufe to feparate; wl!ereas if they would make ufe of our Saviour ChrijFs Advice, to reprove privately, and Mar. 18. in cafC of Obfiinacy, to conviCt: publickly, there would be, as no need, fo no 1 ~. 16. Pretence lefc for Separation; but either their private Reproofs would prevail to reform, or their publick Complaints and Accufittiom to remove Offenders. Fifthly, Confider, that the neglect of this Ducy, brings the Sin and Guilt of others upon your own Souls. See for this that Scripture, Epheftanr 5'· 11. Have Epb:.pt. 1JO FellowjfJip 1vitb the rm.ftuitful fVorks of Darknefi, b11t rather reprove them. ]f we reprove rh em not, we are Partakers of their evil Deeds, and defctve to be Partakers of rbeir Torments. · T H ~ DREADFULNESS 0 F G 0 D's Wrath, Explain;d. SE R M 0 N v. H E B. :xi. 3 o, 31. For tve /znotv bim that hatb /aid, Vengeance belonueth unto me I wiO recompence, faith the Lord; and again, TheLord jhall judge hit People. . It is afearful thing to fall inta the H41!ds of the Living God. THere are two principal Attributu of God, which the Scripture pro.: · . pounds. to us as the moft ~owerful ~nd ~fficacious :Motives to refirain us 1:0~;:,~~ from Sm: And they are hiS Mercy and hts Juftice; Mmy rho' it be a fofc yet is it a ftrong Argument to encourage us to Purity and HolinefS And therefore fays the Apofile, T~"e (!oodneflof Godleadeth us toRepe1Jtance. And ce;tain~ ~- ly chat Mmy chat expreffeth tdelf fo ready to pardon Sin,cannot but lay a might Rom. ' · •· Obligati on upon the Ingenuity of a Chriftian Spirit to abftain from the cor! ~1iffion of i.r. J:Ie chat can encourage himfelfinWickednefs, upon the confidera: t10n of th~ 1nfinue F!ee-Graceof.God_,doth but fpurn thofe very Bowels that yern towards h1m,and ~nke at God wtth h1s own Gol~en Scepccr ;_yea,he tears abroad rhofe Wounds whtch were at firft opened for bun, and caftsrhe Blood of his s~~