Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

GorJ?s Wrailkdreadful to'.Sinnei;). ~o~ fearful muft this,Deftr~ctiqn nee;<Js. be! ,Alas, •lfe are cruflt,before t~ ~'!il muft need peljih, ,i(God ~qt[l h8t fufpend the InHuence qfhisi?owerfr'"ll us. How dreadfully then will In: dei!roy; when he !hall lay forth pis infinite Pgwer eo do it, :}V.ho can ~<JfiJy Pp ).c without f:>ower? -. ,,. ~~'Id thus I have )~id. do"!n ,foll}e ,D,monftwion< 9£ the dreadttij~efs of the \Y.rath and Yel)gean~<; of.Go{{. .,five of them dra,wn. frollj s\le ,Words of ,fljO T,xr, and five dri'wn from other Confider?tions, .I !hall now ·ihHt ,up with t>~<a o~fh~ee Words qf~pplicati9IJ·,,., 1 , . 1, . .,.,-, 1 Uji I. >:tli'i'~• · 'Then by perfwaded to. )ielieve that ther~ is fuch a qreadfql Wr~t~,io CQ!l)e. , I.know w<;!l, you all profefsthat you do beli~ve, th~tas • t!lC;re, ar.e·uJoc 2 i,i; ~5iv3~le.Rewa_rd~ 9f Glory refer~•~ jn H<aoqm foql)e Saints; fo, th%/iherearei.j, e,1;hpu!liqleTrejifure~pfWrathrr:lerv~d and laid up in H,l/for all 4ngo(!Jy andfWi f!e11l. cgn~ Sinners.-j.But 0 h?w f~"Y1a.re · ~h~re that do .r~~lly and c9~.d.ia~y beiie\•e ~h!!\e1 t)llngs! Me,ns ?~n L1v.es rpay ,be evufent Convt&t?nsto dJe.IIJfe)ve~ oft~;/< Athe.tfm and Infide!uy: For the ,rr,ueleafon of all that ddfolutenefs w.hich wefeq a~s~ad in rhe VYqr-ld proce~d~muc.h from hence, becaufe Men are.~no,eperfwaded tll ~' ~<;\~ dreaJTHi ;Terrors d tl)e Lor~ which have now bee? fes befor~ us,,ar,e Bnx tf>l'ng hut a~ lione!l Artifice. They look upop them as thmgs only invenr>d tq.'lc/i<t the VVorld,inro good 01:der, and to awe Men into lome.Fompafs of C1vihry and Honefty: Tl1ey th>n.k all thofe tremendous Throatnings thatG~d Ilath denounced ip hi~ Law to .be rqings intended r~ther to flight M~n, than:tO d'l , e~ecurion upon them. And whereas one ofthe . mo!leffectu?Llv,!oti vestoPl~j ~~~~an holy Life, is to be perfwad,ed of the Terrors of the Lord, iltefe are 'noi Y•f per{waded that there are any i'u.ch Terrors:, But aifure Y0~r felffl)efe are not t~~~ f'Xtravagam Dreams of l;trlt~~choiJ .Fanci5-', nor the .Poli~ic~ lmpOfiures Of ~r'l that defignto ,amufe the YVor!d.)Vuh fnghtfui ,Stones ; · but <,hey ,are faq '11\?f.rrious Truths;> fuch as how eve~ you may ,no':" Oight and conf,!}ln, yet f/!~11 ~ou. ~.e ~ wofully convmced•of by,.. _yo~ur own expene_pce, when a(rer a few years, Bfli1?11ibly a few. days, }'Ou Jhall .qe fupk down into ~~at P!ace ·0,f'Jfqimeyi; .th~t y~lpo a,nd Abyfs of, Mifery, where the great God !hall for ev<;re.xprefsiheArt, anarF~rfower of h;s ,Vengea1.1c.e in your everlafiing ·Defirucfioq. .. . ~ · 1 U[e II. ;:;·~~'cii'fb, Thi{fpeaks.,abunda,nfe q6 comforc to all thole whofe S\Jis are par, itol\'o, ~nd they1deliv,ered frotp 1he VVrath to cpme, Look w,~;<t ~pring-t)CsJ'.~ il))py would nfe i11 ohe Heart of a poor condemned Malif:aE/Jr " who !'V,t:IJI m()gmn~exp(ids ~he ftroke of Joft~c~.to cur him off, to hav:e a· f~r~qn .i.Q~erpof~ and0efcue him from Death. Such, yea, far greaq:r ihould be thy Joy who a" fie~Ginl~.irly by a gr~cious Pardon_,from a Condemnation intiiii~.el)rjx:eare.r and w.oi'ferfJlan Death it felf. VVhen we look into Hell, and confider rl.le VV,r<itlt 11Ut<:ilie 'Damned thqe 'lye under, 0 to behold them there refllefly ro!ling.to and fro' in ~Chains arid Flames, to ·hear them excjaim again!! their own Folly ·an4. , : :'I.L Ma~o~fs1 and to~curfe Themfeives and their Affociares as the Caufes of rheif · . , ~e~vy· 'ano doleful ;I'ormenrs; how· ihou!d we rejoice that though ,Y~ have bee11 .>. I~ guilty of many great and heinous Sins, and have Ten thoufand times d~ferved · Htll and ~verlafiing Burnings, yet our good and gracious God l1ach freely par... ~~4'd us our Debts_, and 'freed us from the fame merited Punilhmems? < • • Ufo Ill. ~ iThir:n;, This alfo ih0uld excite us to magnifie the Love of our. Lord J<i{q! Cbrill cowards us, who though he knew what the dreadful VVrarh of God was, ·' !Wo/ IQ.re_and heavy it would lye upon his Soul, yetfuch was hisinfipiteComP'amojl ;tOwards us., that he willingly fubmitted himfelf to be in o¥r !fead_, too~ up'dn hlm our Nacu,e; that he migh take upon him our Guilt; and firft ,maile himfelf wretched, [hat he might be made accurted. He drank off the, \l'ho,lq biF e CuP of his ' Father's VVrath at one bitter Draught, received the w~Ole ?f..Death into his Body a~ once; falls and dies under the Revenges t.Of "}u!lice, qnlnhat we might be delivered from the V1,!rath that we.~~'i\ .t d, but could· no..t b1 ear. 0 Chrifiian, let thy Heart be enJarge,d with great · J:.o~~ and. thankfulne(S ·to thy ble,Ifed Redeemer; and as he thought nothing too, m~ch t? fuller for thee; return ~im this ExpJ;ellion. of tby '{h~nkful~c;fs, . r"q t[Up,,t( fl9tl:I_ing too much, nor top hard to do, .or to· fuffer for lum. . ' .11~ Ufe.IV. ~ /i.o~1ibly; You that go on in Sin~pinfider what a G?d yo~ have to ~eal ' with<iJ; YQ"-J'av,e ,not (o do wich Creatures, .but wit I] God lumfelf. And do,younot feat; " ~~:\~~~~eaied Fire that will Wrap. ~o: up in Flames ofhis eifenJ~a\ iV.}.'<~Jbb'::I~