Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

1\o\V few tln:tes more' our Pulfes may Bb:it, arrd thl!i1u1ifBr~ath in - ~~u~ Nallr'i ·· re:urli to us again, we know tlbt; ~Cl: fl!:lil a'ld fo.ull 'cer<"!in are d4ttlves th~~ ._ thrs m':ly-be trnly a Fdner~r Se~rlrolr to' f6(Iie dne'tif as ~'!::fdtc; t,he' ctdftor it.'Since .. then we are all of us thus fubJe& eo the ftr?'ke of D'tJI'ff, it ean n.Wet~&hnfeafo• rlal>tt! r6 warn you, tMt you be tlor.(urp'rtz,rl, ahd taken By it unprdtided Il'r theWords now read, you Haf~ the gtbr St':l?Ute!Law of Beav'~Jt. · 'that :taw tb'at<iod hath paffed upon all tfie Children of /iien,; and rh:>! . !! 'naz it ;s~ ~doifiieJ to them onte ro JN. , . ' 1 . ' • ~- .n, 11 " 'Nb-.k, that l may Jita~~ way Id j,lcll u'pol\ ybu· rfl.¥ ferious conrl<fsr tidb 0( yolil'o'wll' Morta!it'y, 1~1 rlre' briefly ili~fk oul fotfili 1!\id~s rh~l reM'ib \he 'ti pli'c'3r~Rrt of .rhe-Wprds'. ~~d, · ~.r·'~' • , ,··;,. ) ·. u,T, u;.. '·. - if;tfl, In thal tHe Propbfiu6n i's I~ld:dbw(t' in lht Till/ inlle~ni'te~ it 11 af!. p•inf<il iltl'f ;,,.;, ;· lt.ls t~at which is1 eijmvalenr ro air tJp1ver/'ai, irn~7eftct!4tfi ~~ :rlr )rl'e/1: it inippoihYeJ1~ Mfm<n i•lU,o J;,, We· ~e:i'd of i-*6 orll~ !iii~e' lilliolj ilo.o~ iif dod r~al ,wetl! exempted, by :trt extradrtl\n~ry Grace,' ?~d pecUI(at Pnvtleg.tfrom thiS great L:tw of I5ytng, and the) were Enocb anH"Eiial, CJt Cen. ~. Eflo·c/J it iS' faid', TBaf At 'iiJall!.etlWith God, and be ~as not.; for God th'o£ '/;};;),~ 1 Altd 24·. of Elias it is faid, T6af kt'1/Jelli 14f 6J a Whirlwind intO H laVffl. The' g+~:tl GodJ ; ~IJlg. 1 · after a_ftr~nge a~d u~ufu~l m~nner ~a eke their _remp_or~al and etern~l Life to~ cfier, maKmg che1r Ttme run It felf tnto Etermry wufiout any pem)GOriiicer1 Cor 1 r ruption. The Apoflle alfo celis us, That all [halt tJOt die; to wic,ac the )aft Day 5 , , 5 ;, · at the !aft appearing of Jefus Chrifi, there !hall be a World full of Perfons tha; /hall not tafie of D eath. Alt jiJa/1 net die; but all foalJ be changed, in a moment in the twinkling of an Eje. Thefe are exempted, and being excepted, it is· certain all the Gener~tionoof Men, from the firfi Creatioltj tct the !aft Confulnmation of all things, are Jll'afPo i'nted by Gdd _unto Death. l .' __ Aa mufl Secondly, All muff die o11u. There is frequent mention rnade in Scripture of dicenu; the firft ~nd[econd D_eath.• The {irft ~e_ath is the feparati£0 of the ~~>u!_frqm th~ h.r sd;,. BoJy : Thefecond15eath IS the fepararwn Q.f the Souf(rorn God. As rhe Union Jr.;{';;"" of the Soul and Bqdy is the Life of Man i fo the {gdion ef God with the Soul c:d ~t~~~h. is the Life of the S6u1. Now Believers d6 -!lot die-fHe {econd Deaih, for on {uch, Rev. >o.B,:islhe~.l!fojlle fpe:rlrs; ··rb!}tcofiil Dwii hiitlinopowr:~l'reym ftillufiife<l iiiito· God after an unconceivable and ineffable m~nner. As when Chrift lay in the Grave,though his Soul was truly fepamt.ed from his Body, yet both Soul and Body were hypoftatically united to the Godhead ; _fo alfo, though the natural Unidrf httWeen a Belieter's Soul and Body, be dHtolved by D<·•h, yet ·both Soul and Body continue myftically united unto Chrifi, even in their reparation one from another. It is not therefore the {tcand, hue the Jirfl Death that all ar~ appOinted untd. ,The Hand of Death mull untie thofe fecrer and fweeo Bands ; rhofe vital.l<liots tHat fallen Soul and Body tdgerher mull fall afunder Oile Hay id every Man, _ · . ' AN M TbiWy, ' It ;, dpfohlllil dtlio t'Tlerj Min to undergo this flrj/ Dealh. Jr is decreed ,..ad';; and dtdained by God, and that not upon the Accoumof any natural Neceffily1 h" "fo. ' but for the Punilhfrlenl of Sift. The ;ifojlle tells us plainly, TMt by, Sin Dwb Dfath ~~ _ entrid into the World. Dt-ath-therefdre ts not fo mucli a Debt dtte to lsfarure 1 as ;":,~:;'!· a Debt dtie to the avenging Juftice of God ; for rhdugh Man al firit ~as ere- ' '"· ated in pure Nature, ye! was0h~ alfo created in a. dearhl~fs ~tare; ahd Death feizeth upon us n<it aiwe :Ire Men,but as we are Stinlers,hable ro 1he Curfe of the Covenant o/Worki,containingilt it that Thre:ttniHg; In the dnj thal tholuattft theleif, thou ft!alt {riMy die. It is lrtJe, Adam! evelr~efor~fie firtM~, .had in him the contemperatioh of !he fame contl:lry Qualities rh~r ,.;e now fiav~, and fo, at leafi; had a!fo the remote Principles" of De.th; !idl yet itis probable that be was created with fueh a Privilege, that he might liy his own Will fway and over-rule.the Jatrs and O!IWrds cifhis elementary cdnftirution,and continue himfelfitl Life as long al he lh6uld continue himfelfin Obedience ; however,:\vhethef it w~<fd; i>t otherwife', j-et certain iris tltat D'wh came into the World asthe pu· nilhmertt·of Sin: So then itis not ptimalilyMan'sNature,but M~n's Sin, and the. Citrfe of theLaw taking holi! of him,th~t brought in this heceffiry ofdying. Sin is rtdf6nly the Stlh~, but the Caufe of Death; and it gives it n6t only its Terrotif,l>ut'it! very Being ~lfo; Ahd rher~fore it.is fomewhat remarkah!e,tpilt~m?nll 2!1 the Creatures itl !h~ Wctr!d, Mart ody ts rertrled ·Mori•/; moll cerram 1t " "' that