The Nature, Danger, and Cure P;;e:~;i,u Firft, The commijjion of p:efumptrwus Sins ofttntim~s m,dw IZ Sinner ufolllte P , , 1 tmd {tcure under the blacluftgndt the Soul Clf11 contraff, and t he fitar~'ullt'fl thr, 1 · 1mu;~•·m J . d . •r . 1' a mng1 rtfof11te:m~ G1 can dmomtce: ~ecun~y un e; gutlt ariJes from Impunity ; Sinners have ~er :be_ J.e~d :Jnd heard rernb_le ~htn~ ~~a~r:~ rhemfelves, that God u.:i/1 ·wo1md the h~· ir ·;mgr fcalp of fuch as go on Jltil m tbe1r rmquJtJa, that be ?v./! rleftroy the in"rrigible ;; Z _.o GQ • ~mly> ami rh~t without remedy J but yet non~ of all this is cxecuccdjtheir He;ds mfie~d of ~emg wounded, are. crowned with m:ffi~gs; and d~is fpeedy de~ fir.uChon fhllloycers; they neuher feel terrors Wtthtn,_ nor mett wirh tro~blcs Wlthout; and. therefore as Solomonobfe~ves, beca~.fe the~ go unpunifhcd rhcy' Ecc1.8.J). grow fecure, U1 Ecclejiaff. 8. r 5'. Bccaufe jmtence agtJmjf an E'tltl 'vork iJ nor fpttdi! 'eXecuted, therefore the heart; of the St~tJJ of Men are jillly {Ct hJ th1m to do n.S ;carnal reafOn meafures God's way of taking vengeance by irS own · ic is th~ cuftom of Men if they can to reNenge while ari inJury is warm; dei:.J and fo~~ hea~ance ufually cools them inro forgivenefS; and hence prtjUmpttlosw Sinnm argue, That certainly were there ' any truth' in God's thrcatnings were rhere any thing to be feared befides the huge noife that they make, they lhould then have been exemplarily plagued, when they ~ommicred filch and JUch a daring fin while the provocation was frefh; and from this it is, that the worft ot Sinners, after the commiffion of fome vile and crying fins, arc for a while troubled with a trembling and tormenting Confcience, that the rhreamings that are denounced lhould fall upon them by fome vifiblc appearance, and fomc fignal hand of God againft them; but when they fee no fuch thing come of ir, but rheir condition is Proff>erous, and all. their ways Sun·-fhine ; how doth this work witP then:? ~Vhy truly, inftead ofadrniringGod;s padenceand long-fuffering, th.ey d~fptfe h!s wrath, and fcoff at thofc threarmngs that before they dreaded, a.nd thmk none of them true; ,becaufe,none .of rhem felt. We read of fuch bold 5in~es:s as chefe ar.e in, 2 Pet. ~ :4!oW'htreis ther·omif~of hi~ comi~g~ Do-not al/.~hings cQJ!tftJue. as fbey ,vtre'? So thefe ' fJre[umptuouJ S1nhdrs fay tn the111,hearts. where is the tP.reathingof his a_oming' :igajnft us? DO rim an things continue wirh' uSas they were? . 'fhough~ Pr~~tchers ro_arouo whole PulpitJ full of Ht/J and Damnl1 ri'n ao<bfinge our Ea~:s continually with Fir.e and Brimflone, making fearful clarilour~ otDe~th, Hell,.and Damnation, ~rm:l ev.erlafting Torrhent~; 1 yet all things are with US as~ the}'1 \verf;: Is not the, Sr~h'; light ast chearing, the :Air'; br(.at/J as re.. frefhing, .and, the Ear.tb'; 1i1omb as.fru_itful as it was?. Their greateft fins ha Ye not difturbed the leaft .A tome in the Creati011, nor moved fo much M<\ hair of\heir head; for alL that fudden and un>v~idable deflr~tlion thor. is denounced •gai•fi tl<ero, they fiill ftourifh and profper, and beca~>fe:God dothnotasManreve~e iruhc frft h.. t, they .tqink altthrreauiings ate madcl tacherto affright than ld do e:Jfe.cutiori ;and ~dce kis,that they.embolden and harden themfetves in fin, and cake up refolutions, that they .will continue in ;them; and that is the firft ...,.way,lliow the camrniffion of , prefu(llptuous.Sh>i bring !Vie!> 'tt>' tefotocion;;.\f ,,Hnning, by makicg them regardl'efs cflVivine thrttJtnirigs. • Pr(.fom··. ~- .SeCoJildly, > 'Ibe cgmmijfun il[ prtjUmpt~ofli l[tm learb-e; Mtn dr/f""'ft, ptnus Sm.t ?vlureby rbq are.hui/en' J tD cQntihu~ in t/;~j,: jins. l; No~bing more fordlies ref9lueioh ;Jt:r:~~ than defpair; make a coward defperace, ::md ~~ ~ak"e httnln\'inaibJc ; no\~~ itl sin,- t~n.df'[a}Umpt·wmsjfnrchey ufually end )n ,defperate .ret'Olflt·toh!l; thoy !bake Men de'~ trJ !"ef2#ir;.fp\ {If eve.E gail:;iflg Power over them, aD<d ofev€-r Cilbtainfn~ P~rabn:for t!Jerf};·\ oft fo~'::lw.\ !Fir£}, M~:rbtlt: (iicJiwntfy,eofhrHlt \,Wr.[~~mpruuilf.. 'fin., ~ t~tj thjpiri,. of t'tltr j~tbtlir•: "h~'nC!['~.;&gothem: .AcK-yout O\V.i.I hearci ·~<~kt < an~eY} I J.ihcn you1 hrlierCJnn~U,,<i j? lf 1 ~:' "\ ·. 'Jumptuoufly ,againft your own.<I.O!Jfdences 1 ami Gdti's1 kntiWn.. Law, ha~e yOu • ,•.not. been reariyto conclude, t~al itrweyt>as.gooMDryotirb abaod5h ·youf ll!!V<s . , ~ ... ':ove.r1u>. the;il.ving.of.fuch al lult,nrs~JU-to ftr\.fe'")tlrtis irr:'ai» a~a-Wft i~4 ~h~~~1 .;'(~foluuon! 2~ft fin-prove. unfrl'cc<of<ful, the.)"<:o1nmonly•end in aefpetat~l9!-1 ., · foTtio~s to fin-; aod.;yec rr.u-l?' l r,his{fa --noo:h~r1 0.~1an if~ _i{an fl}dU ~d· r~~fore;]~ bum }ns ldoufe·. down(,'(~C::<ftife .tt wanrs.repatnn[ . 1Ylrhele~ nohea, mQrlg us, now ,.-thtu. w.hen \l''e ttfmrerflhhdd .a:~i.t1fil ~ (~ht, and'il.g~init COh\'iCfiohs," fic:dbwn undenrhis. d~(P~iring' remi?:Jr:ioJJ; :)[hafh is in vain1 fo l"' ~.tS evercdmake head•al?;ainit flfCh "" luft mow). it -'Witi'J'tevair, on'd· why !lrouldwe ho~thl:t<· • for.ft::give ~p ourf~l\teS r6 ic r Ttulj)fWh<tt yo~-1i~Ve be.en ~eiffj)~ed ~hro, · l:Rf~~ have!:pr..attifed:; ~ a:ndl becaufe the fiream of rllet~corrupuons ts vtolent, rhcy . thenfot.edPraarl:out their al'J\ls ro it, and-fU$rct.Ilemfelvu•t8 b<! carried down ~ ~