446 Tbe Nature, Danger, and Cure ----------------~------------ and one in a Scare of Nacure whom common Grace dorh only rellrain . d •. the one walk hlamcleOr wirhouc Offence? Dorh he a\•oidrht: ()"roiTerPoi!uti~~n of the World! So dorh the other: A St~r is not more like a 5:~·, than rhefeM~~ t~ors may be ltko them : But now here ltes the Difference ReftrainingGrace on\ ties_che Ha~ds, bur .Snnc?ifying Grace ftabs the old ~bn ro'rhc Hearc : Iris 00~ Thmg ro bt~d.aT~tef.to a Tr~e, and anor_her Thtng t? nail him faft ro rbe Crofs. Rejlram~ng.l,race only bmds CorruptiOn faft that 1t cannot flir, nor our. wardly, but {hll It harh as much Strength as ever : But now SanC!ifyinr Gracr tll~rcruci fies it, and nails. it eo the Crofs of Chrift, whe~e ic weakens a~td hm~ gmn1cth1 and hangs a dy1ng Body of Death. The Earth ts as dry and hard in a frofty W_inter, as it \_sin ~ pa~·ch i ng Summer; yet there's a great Deal of Dif. fe~encc tn the Ca~fe o_f I_t; m Summer the_ Sun dries up the Moifture, and in Wtmer the Froft b1nds 1t m : Truly, Reftraming and SanEfifying Grace are for all the World like Froff and Sun; the Ways of thofe, who have only a Rcfiraim laid upon them, may be altogether as fair and clean, as the Ways of rhofe char are fanc1-ify'd are; but there's a great Difference in the Caufe, SanEiifjing Grace dries up the filth and Corruption in the Hearr of the one, bur Reflraining Gract only frcezerh in, and binds up rhe Filth and Corruption of the other. Sanllijj- Secondly, SanBifying Grace flrikes efpecially at the Sim of the Heart, but Reffrainill't ing Grace Grace ufually ()nlJ binders the Sins of tbe Life. An unregenerate Man., rho' neve~ ftnkt~ at . fo Moral., hums his Sins only in Purlues ; as· fcon as they are gorren within the 1f~u oj Pale, he ceafeth his Purfuit. It is ufually the highert Care and Upfhot of a ~4Ir;;;_r, Moral Man's Endeavour~, eo .keep _his Luft-s from boil~ng oyerJ and raifing ;,~Grate Smoak and Afhes about hun ; and tf he can but obc:un th1s, lee rhe Heart olt{Jl•f,zdu. be brim-full of Sin, let the Thoughts foak :md fiew in maliciOus., unclean, co- 'f Sz;f. of vetous Defi gns and Contrivances, he never oppofeth or Jamemsthem; a mcer 'e LzJe. Reftraint walks only round about the outward Man, and if it meets with any Luft ftruggling abroad, it drivesic in again inro the Heart; bucforthofeSim that lie pent up there, i t feldom mole ft s, and never fubdues them; The Heart may indulge it fel f in vain, fi lthy, deftruCtive, and pernicious Thoughts, it may fer brooding ovdr Cockatrice· Egss, ti ll it hatch them into Serpents, and in them be ftung to Death; it may rots a Sin to and fro in the Fancy, and thereby make forne Kind of Rccompence to the Devil for not committing of it; and yet this Man be only under a powerful Reftraint from God's ReftrainitJg Grau. But now SanCiifying Grace doth more efpecially oppofc the Sins of thcHcarrand .of the inward Man, for there is its Seat and Refidence in the Heart : Reftraining Grace waccheth wirhour., bm true Grace dwells within. And as Chrift (peaks of the Church of Pergamos, it dwells there where Satan's Seat is, ic rules in the midft of irs Enemies, and it is engag'd fo tO for irs own Security, chat ir may ftill crufh them as they arife in the Heart. Now from this Particular we may be help'd in judging, whether our abfiaining from Sin be only from common Refrraining Grace, or from Sanf!ijjing and Renewing Grace: See what Sins they are that you moft of all labour to beat down; do you firive or.Iy againft the Sins of your Li ...·es., and noc againfi che Sins of your Hearts th:tt are rhc Spring and Fountain of che orher? Are you content when you have beaten your Corruptions from the Out· works, and dr iven rhem in, where they do not rage fo fu· rioufiy as they have done; whereas before they [allied forth at Pleafi1re, and made Havock of your Souls, and wounded your ConfciencesJ now they are pent up in a narrower Roon~ and Compafs? Dot!1 this comen~ J-:OU; do you think it enough to lay clofe Stege tO your C orrupnons by ConvtChon and legal Terrors, and to fhut them up, that rhey may no more bre~k forth as ~ormerly they have done done, tO tht! grofs Defilement of your Lt~es? If tins be all, then know rhis is no more than what :1 meer common Reflramt may effeCt upon you,'-v·irbot:rany \Vork of SanEfijjingGrace_ u~on rhe Heart. True Grace? when it bears back Sin, i t follows ir, aud purfues 1t m to the ?-~arc, and rhere fearcher_h ~'antfijj. for ir, and if ir fees ir bur breath in a Thought, or !hr 1n a Defire, prefently tt j;fs,~~~U falls upon it, and defiroys it. . . . agaiujJ Thirdly, SanE!ifying Grace 1vhen it keeps a Soul from Sm, tt always engageth tbt Sin, but Wilt againft it ; b~tt common a11d rrftraini»g G~ace only awakens a~d rouz.,etk z!P tht Reftrain- Con{cience agai1'.fl it · the Will and the ConfcmJce are two leadmg F:tcuines of itt~ Grau the Soul · the on~ commands what fhaU be done, and the other informs ou(y a- ,_ whac ongh~ eo be done · and all rhe rcft of che Faculties and Affections of ~~·,tJ:(nr tr.~ ) the C!!nj:·itnce.