sdte c~uld nor, accord in~ tq rtiis.Ci?,I11P"\•·!iQ&,lJ;~·;_t-.o:Vc.h\~I~~~kj:JJ; fui:ti·)l• fpeedx ·.Ifl'u~ ai4 Goo , m'~~e '~!rh. rhe'nt~p_ol},<(>cir~ecyJlr!fSin :. ~-' n?.*'' ~cilv 'iS fiis'Patience and F~fb.e_a~;\nce . extt~l'~ r_owards !i~f~\~an:i.'.".' dri'V~s Adam qutof'l'_ara4i/i, bul !\ ,'j'",s free ,Grac~.?f ~'.d not ~I'\':Rill"tint9H! wM~i:-hc had but'a lilrle·before pl~p.ged fat1p.or,e e.:_wellent,Crc":'J\':e")lan,-12ailf wa;; hiS' Paricnce' is 'prolong'c( to . il"p~niten! .l/n,IX:liev\9g Si~cr~0he . bea;1 with 'tFreir proudl :ftff.fonts, w~its t~'eir Ret~f'ns, ~ncl1 ~ic~ a ~jrBS-& qf, ¥.e!~J reprieves them for a much long\'~;Jjate, than he,<l\\l,JhRA.nK•!\ · \ll~'\1\~lt'e~d;lpw much r~10re c~7n ~-\~~~~free ,Gr~S~ ~~?~~e e;-aolttu~x~ u~,· ~vhich 4td p,qt fo jllych as 'ep.neve the Ang•hfor Onf5rn, ._.n~ . Y,Ct . <;very,. Q1P£\"e,tl . t _g~~11\\~9"f~'. flr.~ ~nd ~bt.~lute Pardon.t? hl~ Se:vapt,s,.. R~~f~r one Si!J;.~t:!E lor, s.:t;_t'~~~4 · P.~7Jp~ti · ?""-· -';They c~u1dn\l~o~ta.m RefP_;te, and Wf ~h~~i(l_J?ardoq .. H~l\\@ 'IYJ.I'ijl'~ m G. od'sRenlerttbrante-Boo~ ftan_d. wntten r'l11ck Wl. t~ ':Muitttudes ~f ~)n~_?? ·1\1}~ ye.r )10 fooner clot~ Go4 wntt; Q~'r:n-' ~llt he . alfg~'v.tpes qur.:,v£\~% ·ftn -~f1dlliis . Spunf;e keer the{nne 'Me~fitre; oursi·ns. fin~ cQn~~nt-\'m~loy.R}!e)qful' the o;w, ami @oo's free ~r~ce a~d Mercy, fird1 .conftan,r !flll)l),oymen~J91''p_c,otllj'r~-/t "F?I\rthly, Add tb thrs, what fome -vmh great ?rpbability -jlilirlltb 1th< I em< Pti~e ,t~nt bought out .~~r Pardon mighlbt~tpe procur' d.tbii¥ ~nf{o. Tiy:f"JhiSb ir plain)J appe:-u:s, rl.1at there~~ no Qther Keafon, wJ1y our .-5It:,re differs rOilJ,f'hCjr~1 .Quc on(y God's free S6vere)gn Grace. Vpo11 the fame;Acto~n t God ~>ig~t havedam1 ned a\! Mankind, tharlle damn'd the 4ngels for; and aphe farne Cqft he miglu have'faved all thc.fa\len Angtlr, at '"'*h ~e liw'd lame of Ma9~i'JY; The~ rit~ of C.&rift arc rh.e 'Price of ou,r .Pardon and Redcmprion, ·i\fl4 .tl1efe have .in them :-tn' lnfinite Worth, and an Ail-fufficiemExpiar.lon, not t"or qur_~in~oply:, but for rhe Sins of the whole \Vor~d, .both Me!! :!,od1 Dev,ils. 11 Jl~.c: Srre~m~ of ChrHFs Blood fhed Oll.; the Crqfs for ust' were {uffic;cnt' to qJtC!f j:h,the Flau}es of,HeO, and utterly to have waf\l'd .a,vay the I.1~e of ,'(:ireand •jlriJl)fl,~ne. HcH might have been depopulated, ana tllOfe blqck Manfions left void wichcuc lRha,.biran,ts fur ever,a!1d the Devils . ~9d Me.n . havt~ he:.,n-c.ommP..p:$h,ap:rs in that fame•common Salvarior1: ' For Chri.ftihaving a1,1ln(micc Djgl!)ty.ip ,l},is P.~rJo.n; be~ng God aswel\_as ~an; his Blo?a the B\o~c\ ofGf'/, his Su,fl';r-ings · th~ .~rift fertngs and 1-lumi!tatJOn of a God, tnhanced l11~ Ments to fuc!1 ra RcJ.,und§lncy, as neither fallen Angels, nor faller MerJ, were their Sins l)lOre, and their MifCries gr'earer, were ever able to drain out: Not a Drop more ofGallax1d Wormwood ihould have been fqueez.'d into rhe C~p of Chrift's Suffcriiigs, ,rho' it had pto, ved · a Cup of Health and Salvation to them; a~ ,veU as ro us_. j .At1d yet fi10fl' was God's dreadful Severity, that he e~cluded the Angeh froll) r.he J3~ne6rs ~qf Chrift:'s Death, rho' he had been at·no more Expences ro favc them;_ ; the Price of wbofe Pardon and Redemption would have been the fame : · And yet we:; fuch is the infinite Riches of his Gl!ace and Mercy, arc rcdeemt.d· by a Price that infinitely exceeds the Purchafe. 0 the Freen_efs and Rich~ of God'sGrace, that he fhould ehus pafs by che Angels, and pitch upon and chufc fuch vile wretched Crc:-ttures :-ts we are ! ., 'l • Sixchly, Confider, Pardoning Grace is free, whether we confider the1 Generality of its Defignation, or the Speciality ofits Appncatit:m. ·,, ' P4rdoning .Firft; It is free in its general Dejigna;ion, in th~t God hath defi~n'd and purpo· Gra..·e iJ fed to forgi\•e the Sins of all the Wof1d, if they will believe and repept. It is freei1litr the U.oiverfality ofGraceJ that mightily exalts icsFrcenefs ; now what can be ~ef~_gna- more univerfal, th:-tn that Proclamadonof Pardon that God makes to" poo_rSinton. nersJ in Afls 10. 4J· Whofoever believes in hjm, f11all receive Remij}ion d[Sins, The whole World is under this conditional Promife, net one Soul of Man excepred: Be thy Sins more than the Sands, greater than i'v.[ount:-tins, rho' the Cry of them reacheth up to Heaven, and the Gu ilt of them reachcch down to Hell; yet thou haft no Reafon, 0 Sinner, to exclude thy ielf from Pardon, for God hath not ; only believe and repent. But as gencrttl as rhis Pardon is, yet is there fomewhat that is difcriminating in ic,that ma,kes it more illuftrious; for it is not tend red to Devils and Damn'd Spirits: Chrift: is not appointed to be a Saviour umo.'them) nor is his Blood a Propitiation for their Sins; rhey are not under any Covenant of Gr:-tce, nor have they any Promirc of Mercy, no, noc fo much as Conditional : It is not faitl unro them, Believe, and you fhall be re feued from the everlafiing Reflduc of your Tonr.e!lts ; believe, _and thofe un9uenchable Flames, you arc now burning in, lliall be puc out: No) God requ1rcs no fuch · · Dory