puty frogt t~qm, neitl;lcr,)lath\he made ;~ny.fuch Promife to them ; jea, fhOllld •' be fnppo5'd. 11tat. rbey couid , be),ieve; Yl" this rheir Faith woul nor at aJI ' ' i-ail<hew, ~G~~!ffe ~od ~~t~ ~rdai~'d ~o J}anfom fo: them, and refolves to j~ceive nq otl,,~r Sausfa{ttQpJf9 hts}ufh,c~, ~han the,tr perfonal P~mfhmcnt. ~ JlL;r whi~we i"l' alive,jYC jl;e all the Ob;tch of God .s free pardomng Grac;q. And for· o/\X Man, rh'J&,hears ~he .S~und . of the Gofpcl, and upon what TCJ>It>s God hat111~ro7!~im d F~rg~:rrw/s of Sm ;, •1f. any Man,.: 110tW1thilan,dmg fltall 9v;ifh in lu)IS!)Js it is n9. r ~e~a,ufc God.hatll exclude~ In m from 1'-rd~r)d whrch j!~ . dofl) f~~:'f!/, and wilft".~hl;mem},mpoml"iry, .ojfer and urge upon: him; J?Hf bec[~l~r,j ~'i.difles lur;)lp)[, by hts o~~~,!mpeniccn"y a~.d U~bchef, 1n ~or ft'i~dc~:Lff)~ -~Jrd~~ing dr~~A}s[ree ~~ t95'JP.~;1¥t4pplicdti;,bf '/,LN~w the A~~}~~ Pardo~_ing l)qation oF.}?f\r4?.~ is not rqqcle ty"Jto any).A r~l the Pe.r~orma.o~ of thofe C6'f'ld1- J,;:'i~~iJs pons ppot~ ~)~tFh Pard_ot~ ,l~ ~epdred, and r!Jey are Fatth and Repen_r~nce .. No~v fp_'uialAphereit~ :~1 q9,d s <;;race ~~. tlpt~~Iy fr~e, w~1.o firft fu!~ls thefe ·Condmons. ~h hts plication. c;:.r}ildrerv : ~hflS fo he ma,})f,utfll hts Gractous Promtfes. unto t!Jcm of L1te and 1 PardOn. ',[he Conditio_naJ Govemmr of Grace, pror~ufe§ Rq.rdoll ~U)d.Rom if- (JDn of Sin~ U\lto all rh:!t iliall believe and -repent. Bur notwichftanding all ch.is, thcyil~ol~ World oiigbr per:iih under a ·contrad:etllm.Potency, whereby i:bey could' not 9elieve nor repent, did ~ot the abfolu~e Covenant cng~tgoG6d's T,rut>h-tO V{CJrkrFaich an4.R,epeman r e in rhe~Iearcs of bis People: So chat one ~Ovcn<~pt nfOt;~rcrh Pa~cton, lf we believe and repCm; anq rhe otherGevenant be flows tlH~ ~tirh andij.:c.pcmance upon us. The Conditional Covenant promifeth .P~rdqa.~qf Sin a~d S,•.1l ']~t~ i.?n_, i(,w;;: he believe an~ repent; and rhe 'ab- · Jol;urc Co;r;r.'lJln~ promxfeth li<fHH and R~pe~1rance ro u.~, ro enable us robelieve and repent. And whar could God do more, rh;u might farther exprefs the; l::rcc11cfs qf l1 is Grace •to us, than to p~rdon upoh Condit ion of Faith and ·~epct~rancc) · J\'h ich Faith and RepenratJ~c he works· ip us. This is. ro part4lon usa~t"t:e~h__; as if he ha~.- pardon'd us without arly .Faith and lt.epemancc at aU. . ' ~ . ;. . SeYC~t-~1;;., QqJ {on;etimesr[eleCfs out the g:r.~ateft nml mo(l notcr_ious Sinners, to Vouch- God par. faf~ Grt:Je_ ,fl.n(j}.'(lr.don t~ ~~~m,: Wkf" h~ {ujf{1:._s, ~o{~r.r etem:zlty to p.etijh rmder fnr /eji do_11s grtat ~u,lt. He... !!~~4.es· a D1ffcren,ce 1_n hts Proceed:1ngs, q~1te contrary to rhe Diffe- '!~lltrs;th t~nce he hnds~m .Mens Dements. Anrlt wherefore ts rhJs, bm only rolhew by tr$ f.ohththe ~bfol~1re Frccncfs,.ofhis Grace? Gr~.aterDebcs are blotted oUr, when thtZt are fj1.1alter ftand ftill upon the. Account, oniy t-h;u it may be known, tHat God is.Kuil~ of free m Jo..\vha.t he will with hi~ own_, a,rH.trhar he wil/jhe·m mercy to whom he 111 ;uleft. 'jhc.w mercp, nnd ?JJhom he wilt he P•~rdom. l-Jow n1:1ny Heathms, Men of irhprov'd ,namral En~<?wrncms and ·proporcionab!e .Virru~s; and ycr not having Faith in, ::r.nci Knowledge. of the Lord j efus Chrift, are. ~"Xcluded from Pardon and Forgivenefs, whofe · Sin~ r~thcr fh~w rhem r9 be Men, than nor to be Chriftians? ,Whereas other-;_, .uryder the Noon-tide of rhe Gofpel, are guiJry of fi1ch ftagicious Crimes, th<t.t .(hew rhcm cq be Monftcrs_, rather than Men; ;md yet thefe upon their 1':1irh and Repentance, obtain Par:don and Remiffion, as if it were :With ~o,! ;-_;~sit is,wirh Men, the more there is tO be reroembred, the fooner he forgets. It : i.s· rh.cfe Riches of pardoning Grace that St.Paut admires and adores_, 1whcn he tells .us corwerning himfelf, I nJta a Blafphemer, and a Perfecutor rmtl InjuriOus, but Iobtnin'd mercy, · 1 Tim. r. q. , · , J . Eighthly_, G,od decr~es t~ pardo1J 7!Jithout. !ore-fight of Merit, or Wwtb in us. God parWhen we lay before hm1, as the Oby<-Efs 9f h1s Mercy, what' was our ·Poftare dons with· but weltering in our ll!ood? And what'pr(l!nlillng Atpctt:. was fuch a loathfom~ out For~ ObjeB as this? Divine Love did not fQrcfee any acrrac1iv-e C.omelincfs· in us fight _of bur made ic ·_; when we were rolled up i,n our Filth, caft forth to the loach}Mem. · ing of our .Ficfh; yec rhcu it W<!s a Time of I .ove; and even rhen, when we were in our I31oo,J, Get! fa id ro us, Live; when we were ·full of Wounds Bruifcs_, and p~trril)'ing Sores, Divine Love condefcended ro hind them up and cure rhcm; fi1 ch mif€: r,tb{o: dcform'd Crearurcs were we: .And could there be :lny thi~g: 1rni~h lc in fuch an Objea as r)'fis ? _Only hereby God pms an Accent on the Riches 01 il is Love, !:.tying ir out upon fuch as Wt."Te not worthy , '\\'ith a Defign to make rhcm worthy. ' Ninthly,