~~::~ P.;[~ Ninthly, Conjitler_ thi1, Go~par:do.~i; nOr onl] tbor~_efa'tf , ~,o Merit in ut, ~ut_ what is tl'O I\~b b; mort to tbe Gkry ~f hu free Grace, ~bo ht-forifmq 1('1any futureU1;ongt ?nd 1np~neswoulJ fort~ts 'll"e· be added to tbo{t "Jt 1htul alread)' dane. He fprefaw alJ our Provocatwns a'nd Rebeirrd/ •om- liOns-; hoW weweuld ab!J,fe his Grace, and turn' It into \Vamonnefs. Hefaw rHe m_it mort R c?~llions of oht' U '!regen~racy, rhet~nfi.n~icic's' '?f ,~0¥-r yOnVCrrcd State ; ye1 t Slll. thO he rorefaw all_before th,ey wert, Y7~.he_refolv-·fn~t to fee tbcm_,when they $U"~ , NuMlb. 2J. 21~ 7-le bath· not be4llJ mzquJtJ,:?t'l/lfob, nor perver[entfl in I[rruj. tAnd this, thO' Tt ohglir nor to enC\3ii?a:ge -us· il't~ Sfn ict it' m~y ' be a Supp'ort ·:1nd C'Omforc to i.!s, when '.thrdUgl1' ·Weakr.~fs~·rldlJ;rfirmity We .have fumed ·· . th::tf l ~df irho loved7us, and deJr~ed to pard0h Us, \vhen he foref<n'v how fin~ ~u\ we wo~ld b9, ~.ill n9_t c~rtai~ly ~ow ceafe t? lo~.c us, anfl pardOu . ?~' when :· w(,iQ/e as v1lC and"'!iaful ~she forefaw•we would be. 1 • • cf,<~ft, _bJ !Jffcrlrhl"y, Tlic "LO.rtl FJ~fm ChrijP, 1by '1vhom a!Ofe j,ve 'ari pardon';!~ is (rub· given- to wb(;m .a· tt'liJy tlfe Father. Wh:h Pnec could ':"e·have offer~q t"Q have brou9hr.Jown che Son l~~~~/ve.Jn! of his Eternal Love frOm his Embraces ? What was there in us eo draw a Sa.,- ~a:·::1c fr viour oUt of Heaven~ Were we fo ar.niable as to p10YC him to diveft himfclf 9f :f God. ' hi's G!oi-y, and to cclipfe his Deity in our mortal Bodies, only that he might become like fuch poor \Vorms as \~are, and take us unto himfelf? Ask no more, bur admire, Gorl {o lO'Ved the World, that he gave his ouly• btgortm Son, th:2t '1vhofot<Ver beliwetb in him might not perip,,. but have t'tltrjla(Nng Life. Here's a My:.. :fiery, thHt the whole Colltge of Ange!J can never. comprehend~ Wht~t, God condemn his So11, that he l'nighr pardon Rebels~ The _Son of God blot his Deity ill our Flefh, only that he might blot our our Trangrcffions wich his Blood~ This · is fuch rranfccndent free Grace and T--oYe, that in rhi s \VC lun'c an Advam:igC abo,·e rhe Ange!J themfeh'es, fianding higher in ::he Favour 6f Gcrl, upon rh:~ Account, than they do. · .. . wll Now compatl all thefe Ten Parci'culars inyourThoughts togetHer, wherein the Frcenefs of pardoning Grace moft illuftrionny appears, and you will find, there is good Reafon for God ih the Text, rriuinphamly to af~ribe to himfclf, I , evw I am be thtlt blottc~h out yourTraufgr1[umi. , ., . . A · ·The Application I !hall make of this Tiuth;' I fiiall only briefly' m~ntion. U S E · Firft, ]J the pa'llt!oiling Grace of Coil thuifree.? Tqke beed the~ that JO" Jo not abu[e, ~ : Jf·e m11 ft tum it into Wantonnefs . ~hall we cominile in Sin, becaufc God 19 freely pardon's ~ot fin, bt· Sin ? God forbid. Who would ever make fuch q_ curfcd In(erence as rhis, that caufe of ever had the leaft ·Senfe or Touch ofDivine Love upon his Heart? Every one 'c-a;.;:;.mg loves to have his Ears tickled with thi.~ fo~t, _r... veet,. downy Dothine of G•1~s free Grace and Love-; and when they hear 1t, they ftrerch the,mfeh•es upon 1 .~, and lull themfelves faft aflecp in Sin. But whar fa:Ys the wife Man ? Prov. 2). 27· I to iJ not good to tat much htnuy. No, there is is no fuch dangerous Surfeit, as upon the fweet and lufcious Truths of rhe Gofpel• This Honey leaves a deadly Sting in Men that abufe ir, ro encourage themfclvcs.in Sin. le is fuch Difingenuity ro argue from Freenefs of Pardon, to Fredom in Sinning, that I dare fa}i, That no Heart that ever had a Pardon fe~d'd eo it by the Wirnefs of the Spirit of God, but utterl)• abhors it. \Vhar therefore ro provoke God, becaufe he is rea. dy eo fm·give? \Vhac.. to multiply Sin, bccaufe God is ready to pardon? Wha,t is this, but to fpurn att:hofc Bowels of Mercy that yearn towards us, and e\·en to {\:rike at God with that Golden ·.Sceprer that he holds ont ro' h~, as a Token of Love and Peace ? Certainly they, who thus argtie, ami who thus ad, never . knew; What a fweet and powerful Attradivcncfs rhcre is in the Scnfl;! Of pardoning Grace and Love, to win over the Hcarr, from the PraCt:ice of rhofy Sins that God hath forgot to punilb. ' · . . Pardoning Secondly, ThiJ fiJould engage m to lO'Ve that God 'vho fo loved u1, ao freely for hu Grau en..::0,vn fake to forgive tu fuch vaft DebtJ, and fuch multiply'J Sins. This is rhe Imporr f;~:~o~~ of eh a~ S,recch o.f our Saviour, he IO'Veth mojf, to _whom moft is forgiven him. An~ hence rt ts, and you may commonly obferve 1t, That none arc fi1ch grc::~. I.o.vers and Admirers of free Grace, zs thofe who before Converfion were the vileft and rnofi ftagitious Sinners. Pardoning Thirdly, Since God Joth fo fruly pardon ttl.J let thh teach _m, ami prev ail with tu to Gr~Mr pardon andforgive tbe Offence ofotheri. This ·is char rhc ScnptLJre doth urge, a5 rhe fhould moft n:..tural Inference of this DoCtrine of God's pardoning Grace. Thus rhe :~afo;..,t 4pojJle, Ephef. 4· 3 2. Beye kind to one anothrr, tender-htarttd, forgivinz om nnatht;; tltbur.