Att<l'thereforephongh,: p Thciltilm, 11hy-. .S~ntl:ifi9atio.J1< be the beft Evidence ofthy,Jdftifiptiod 'V'd iP,atdon,SeO~rH not ~,. bet): ,Meafure of it; for. thocrart juftified, and,bQ}l;art pardohfdo11Juc~ more than thou art fanctified: SanctifYing Gracc:in · irfdeeQ. ds.:in its firft Rudiments and Inchoa- . tio!l; butpardoni"ng Gtac.ll:i{!:ihy, l}od -is' !>Onlummateand pcrfetl:; aqd tha·t is-the·fitft tbing. ,. .:t. ~"' :~f.'.-~ ~~'~"') '- "t . 1 \ ·SeconJly, 1 Remiffion of; Sin,Jnlll<e~ Sin-Jo.,Jrl'. as if it liad never bce)l commitred-. Things :that arefQrgQt.te.l1~ are no~ more co,us_,; rb.?A 1_f •rhey h;.t~neyer h~d a Being. ~ Now God tellS Us, h_e forgers, our Sins1;feir •Si"£~PdJ.tkeir !f'J- .. quitie.r wiO-I r,eftllmber no 'tf}pr't;: · Nor ~s tl;l~~e. ~ltJ-Y lo~g~ T,ra,A, of 'lunc r~q\llr~d .. to.wear: •the1ldea:•o~ them .Put•,(i)f/• h1s M~~Gh a~ IS , nt;c;effary. arno~1g, Men,. , to mak~:rhcm fforger rhe W{bvgs ~nd I.Qju.r,i~s <:!_one tp pl·H!m by rheiF ,fcllow Gteatures' ; JonGod forg~ts~he ·: Sms pf b.!' ,g;hlldren; ·~\ ( foon as rh.ey "''~J repented of.; '8ea~ fomet.ime$\,.fooner rh~n. ~Q.\1f ~.o.QjCiences do: Fot 1Il}apy, timCs' a Chri'ilian, aft'er a c11eart-brcakivgJ 1 R~penran.ce (or fome gre_pt Sifl, lies under tb.e'Up.braidings ,o(.Confcience_,.,w;Qcm God harh forgiven ir_, yea, afld forgotten ir:alfo; ·· G?d's:Offis;:er· is"..nqtfffJ ~~~dy- to acquia them,-as · God~ himfelf is: ,He.f'"lgt\S,i;!icY.liJ»J!h I;l0'J'P.'oy,opatto\l or Offency had qv~r. li§en cOmmitted f He r~tqjfl.i Pfti :J!f..()l!flJ;~r· for. <-4'Whi ~ays the Prc:>phet Miq~h ~7· r 4 . Nodor_ever ;. out f9 (QQPt.lo ~fer w,e grq;v__ djfpleafed II(Hh , our fe\vej, l he begins to be wellipleafetl~ "¥jrb.-;Us; no _foo,oer. -, doth S?rr.o"Y and Gri~f o.ver-' (pfead' our. Fae.e~ · b.ut~ Fro'QUr~ :a.nd Snule.~;oJear up hts F~cy; ~Q us. ~See c_bis gr•cious J:il;i;f~qi<>.n;ofSJ~ , i~t Jeum. , j<, ,:zo, .Ephraim is there brorgi:lc ' in. bov.rn.iling.hl.S: Sin: ~stfe/JJ h:m_Jl~t L·.aft.q_.ti·(t;aJ turned_, I re,pfEfe.J; liJ!artlwafi i~flutOed, ·J [f!lo.te upon rn)i , tbi~btu l_,"JJI.tu .roJhflm~~~ , rJ·~a, even ( ~opfoundet!; ' ftcaufi f. rfi~bii1r tke repreach of mJvJ.ffl!k-. Now, :"?:h~wcr9J.t119od .. bu~.P-';Sfe! ; YI))brace· him, with moft tender :1nd moft melttn.~ E:xprtfitons o( Love, as if he h,ad ne.Yer ·b~em a.xtgry, ~lo.r))Jl<J t 4fiY .~~auJ~\-.for~ it: Is Epbr.pim ,my ,dear ,Spnj r !J - . \. ". /}ft,a pleafant/ (:llt)tU Smc~ ,l p~t.fl _qg_a~'!ft ~tml I ~Jo.:e,ar,neftly ~ retpcmbfr himJNIL~J mj bowetJ' are tronb~ed {~r~~i1~ ·[ ![ 'Jl)i/l furf/y h.~v;.m~tjCJ upo~ fo!m.< fait~ the rl-ord: · A~<f'~erefor9, "'0 Chn{}:t(1H; 'thj;HIJ whq~~no\V ~~rhaps~~nett 9ur H~ tlle , ~ir_. •• &.;?, ter.neis Qf thy Soul; 01) !·- t;.ll!lt 1 L: h,-ad neve.r_l,COJ?mir_red thts or~ chat Sm;;{g.aVJ.ft Go'd! O!t. !J ~lli\t I h~d n~ver Qff.ended - ~l!Jl ·m dl!S or that manner !_.:.-}Vhy" tho.u haff. thr Wifl1., 0 Siqnor, hen;ih; for ~9.d when he pardons Sin_, m~k~s. it: 'as i(ic ha,J never committed agairrft him. 1 -..· :oThirdiJ, Hence it follows, Tbp~ .t'pon Ret,.;;ijfton .of Sin; f;o4. no,. longer ~ccou,:t1. o[Remiffwn ii/:--AJ 8inner1..; buJ a1 JUft and-~Rit,bteous. lti§ tr-ue, afce;r a ~ardon is receiv'd .of Sin, \Ye ftiU ·recain .finful Natures,; ~t_i.l) Origi,nal CorrJ.lption is in us, and will.n~mal:tJGoif ver tOtally be dinodgcd <?4t of us in rbi~ Life ·:)Eur w~en God pardon~ \l~JJ!c.::~c;;j~po lo.oks hot .upon us as Stn.t;tcrs, bur as J yfl:.;a,;nd -Rtghtcous. A Malc'faltoq. 41 Jd righthat is difehargedJ by fatisfying the Law;) or by the ~rince's Favo~r ·to uo!l!. him, is no more look'~ upon ~sa Malefad?r, ~u~ as Jufi and Righteous) asil..he ]iad never offended. the Law a~ all : So lS n her~) vye are , both way,s, di.(aharged_ frO!)\ our Gutl~_, by Sattsfathqn unto the Penalty of the La,w in. Chrift our ~.urery) and by the free· Grace; and Mercy, of God, who ha rh made and fealcd eo us. a gr.acious Ac1 of Pardon in Chrifi's ~loo~; ~~nd therefot:C. \\(e fi:al)d upngbt lU Law-' .aP-4 -axe. ·as Ju·!J: ,and .Righteous in . God's fight., ~s i~.wc ~1ad never finned ag_ainfi !ljm... : 0 hO}V grear Confolati- . on is hercymp rl;e Children of God ! Jil1ey,,..apc:;_)1!:!nt ,:t~,elilfef\'CS great Sin- . n~rs, YJ1<1, :tile :gre<~,rejt and . woyit Qf Smnc;rs ~ ~b. u.c Gosl 1 ~!=COunts ~hem Juft . an.~ p•. !ghc~oq~ l J'hey k9~9 ,tl}eir Sins in-;~·en}ep1bra_nce). ,,a~ D,avid fpeakSJ ..M 1 j],J_J-s e"o.~.errbtfore ff!e; wh_cn 6 ,Qd_ hach no.t r 9P1Y ~ fp1~g1ve:~J b,<J.t f'orgocten them; they w~ite a_nd (peak bttt,~r th1~1g~ -~tgamtt ~~r1klves, whc~ God is wri cing. ou\ ~h~u' P~yfton, <tnQ. ft:mpg h1:> Seal unro. u., .... . · .: -fpulitbly,- P~rdot]ing_ Grace can as cafil_y rri~roph in the r,erilitt~ng of great God's a,ad man_y , Sm~J a~ ot few and . finall Sms. _Wh;\t a great Blot upon the Crare M Heav~ts t~ ,;t ~b1~k CJoudJ and yet tbe Beams of toe Sun.can pierce rhorow tafilypar· th-!ir, andfcaner it _eallly ~ ~~hy now_, Go~ ~iH blot out§urTranfgreffions as a U:11 fmi.;;c' thiCk Clqtzd; fo hunfe1f ,t(11Ls u~ by rhc Prop_hec, ![a. 44· 12. I wiU blot uut 1bj Siin. tranfgrefliom tu a clotld, a;uf:~hinc iniquirtieJ tu a thick cloud, A great Debt m:1y as ~~hly_ b~ bl0g~ out,. .as ·a fm?!l one. Ten tho~('IIJd Tal<;fn;. ~ 2 grcar Sum) yet 0 0 0 0 0 " - it