Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

it ~s as eafily and ·freely forgiven liy':the: GreatJGoil, ~ si a<few.Pertce. ·'1Gg<to. proc!aims himfelf"fo be If G~ ~a,tlonlpg lniq\lit)"; 'llranfgciffii~n\' and Sin":' rh~r ts, Stns of all fdrts ~:n? itzt?J. -~lfegre·areft, ~tns_repea.tedo'f, .?:re-no)rhor' ; wtthout rhe Extent of Dtvme Gr~aeat-Yd Mercyp_than the lt?aft rSms unrep;en*t ed of, arc without the C6gniilal!~e<of Div-irlt!Ju!tica. [',foy t, -,·8. Tboughl J'Om· Sim be 11.1 {carlet, )'tt Jl;all they become as white M.fno2V ; t~wgh. i t'be(llu r:Jd mi ;rimfo",:1" they foJil bJ as•wool. · A~dl'ct!h thc'l'l>rtl:r~ lle fuuifll • a.4'f~ling Soul 111--che World, whC:ri the1 Great Godrfiath rhas ~na-gmfi:ed hts G'tcice1f.nd Mert above- ~lH1 is Worksl yea, an~ abo\•e:.a11~ours alf~ < 1Sa~<n0MII<I\, <lJb'*'~!rJ• ~ SmJ. '~Ve greater tbtm can "b d-f(}rgvven ; J tlhs~· 1S to ftint an~'':bmtt "'tfres.&add Ofi:GOd~ wl\ich h~ harh made lldimdlefs ana 1iiij-rl-ite : Aln\ilthou-niayefu:W!thrlDs•·mlfO!v Tiuth·'a(ld Rcafon,ra<t', <thOii' ar~ ~re.a<el than 'Godj'•as t-llaotliiy_<Sim.are:gh:at<n tl\all h'Js ~ercy. •uo(•~l! ' things' in tM World takll"hc'C<l!'that y'o\ob1: pntrinjo!:[) oU~eo r~Cll Grace-, ~iid tb',..this-'~redlJ?ijve andlMI!rty, th~h .pat/rlQtl S>tHeecvqrn fotthi; own fake. 6otl pardoMitlle'e for himfe!f, fo'd1!s owrr il'kejantl,doftr thou fear, 0 per)irenr and b'elie~)iig>Soul, th~r~ver he Will •i:Q1,Uetlln<theo foil thy Sins?· 'No, oUt~· much ., (3o\l'atid·his Mercy Is greater.th:i1f10UD Sins,Lfo: mueh in,o'rc reafoh1will· He find•iil 1Hfmfelf to j'>a f-don>th<> rep..h>lr!g:believing! Sin!Je1 , th.an he-din find Reafdd irl' His Sin~ to coru\emn hiryt ~ -&\1 ";_ b 11moo 1thiis we fee ' wh~r c~'ufe bH:-ornfort there- io oin this pltrddningvGr.il:eM GOd. And rhus a!Jo we have confidered Pardon of Sin in id own•Nature. r,d of•ld::oa· •1·$Mondly, We Jhall•rnp conjiJ&v ParJ.n of s;n ;ntit! Concomltan"'" dod AJ}ltnili,) ~o;mtan ~s aild f? ' )'Ve ~all _r:ake) l. view o~ tl}efe thing~ Y!h.ich1 .do · inf~P.~~"f¥ a~o~ ij';:;:~" . f"~Y rt; _and th'eteb(alfo :verni\y-fee, ho:V great ad<! unfpeakab-!eo~MerC)i r<" : h " a Mercy 1hat IS never beftow d upqii•the {i<>u) fihg-ly land alo~t•i but evermore tomes environed•with whole Tr:bops and Affuai~te:Bleffirig5l. As, g · 1 111 "J.;r r:.J:I Hnr:• '1. rni.f r~rJ.on of Fidl:, Pardon of Sin .is alwa7s , Conjo;'!ed wftb.. the~ AcJepttit·ion. of)p!ff "BerfonJ.-r lnf &m and . deed t'hcfc rwo are the twm Pirt~ of our juft1ft,dtrwn ; a·hd ..::th4refoC.e -we :::;::t;: hrive t~em coupled tegethei', F:t?ef. .r;;\ 6, \'1: ~ He _liafh m11il; ~· 'tt«cpt~d in:"hi !J.!;. tbj;, -~ ID'tml, in whom 've have redcmptton° tborough bu Blood, even thl.?forgl'Uen'tfi to(Jsi.Ji The whole Myflery•of our Jufti~oat.ibn. ftands ih<hefe tWO thi"!;II' R<mifllolll and Acceptation. Rerniflion i'a~es 'it'w'aY. our b~blendl Umo Delltl1\(:lnd.A'c) <eptation gives us a Right and ':{'i,le.uhto Life: For t0 lie a'tc~jl!ell-of Iilo& ln Chrift, is no orher.,__ than for ·Goa, through 'the Righ~ebufncfi 1llrrl:l bbedi:i ence of Chrift imputed to us, to own·and acknowledge u;, ~<h-aVing 'a R.:tght and Title unto Heaven : And rherefOle we have mendomma<l61 £>f~Pard0trami an Inheritance mgei:her:f as the funTsllm' of our Jnftiflcati~ff. nif.Aiif lt t. ~8/ That they may receiveforgivene}s .of S-iiiJ ;and an ;,;berita11Ce; among tbofe· fh~t{JYef.tn~ fM. It is not therefore, 0 Soul, a'bare'.neg<irive Mercy that Godsin~ds·thee::iti the Pardon of tl;y Sil": It is not meeily the removing_ of t-he Gulfe. :Ond lfli~ Wrath that thy Sitis have defervCd~: themgh that alpn~ can ne-ver be fnffit:ientd ly admired ; but the ,f.1ine Ha rid th~l plucks iliec e4t of Hclr, ·by pardbnin~ Grace and Mere)', lifts thee ,t:P,_ to H~av.en, l:iy wh;u .it gives the~~~>"geth"'h~ \vith thy·Pardon 1 even a R1ght .and !ttle to the glonous Inh"ei!_ltltnc~l6f•tlttt Saints above. ;. ·' ' ~ . .JJL ·t bJ ;; ;..bsr,t Pardoning Secondly, AtJother CMJcotiJitant •ir ~hit, Wboeve1' God pardons, k~ftlotlH'lljd_Gn...f'dHit on_dfanfli· me_it[urefanE!ifte. He fubdues 'our Sins~ as well as blots thcfnLf<:mt ~·he l abata bu~GJ.,a"their Power., as well as remqvestheir Guilr. And indeed i'thv-€tle ~ner bett~1' gDtoget.er. than loft Labo'uf; fbr God to pardon Sin, if he drd nor purifiCdw Sinrtet alfo 1 For, were but the leaft Sin and Cofrllption left tb rule aacl. teign in ,us, we ihould prefcmly run our felves as far inro Debt and Arrears~ ~ 11s ev:et · ~e-were!. Indeed, the beft Chriftian, in-whofu Grace is riwft prev-ailing, .:..ahd Cor" ruption weakeft, yet even he ftands daily aml hourly i-n need of pardoning Mercy ; but yet withal, his Sins are.not of fo high a Nature, ~Ort fo deep a Stain, asufuallythe SinsofwickedMen are. His Sins ufUally 'arefu:oh, ra.:. rher for the Manner ofthem, than for the 'M-atter of-them. God Iby his par.. doning Grace forgives Infirmities, I:ailings, ·and _DefeCh; ani.i.'-by-his .faocti6o fying,Grace, ordinarily keeps him froln th~ Comm~ffionofJ?qre'g tofs'and fcan· dalous Sins. And how then earl we enough admue the rtch GraC~ of God, that not only fo,rgives us'our Debts, but withal •befiOws 3. nfiw·Sroek1 upbd·us, · ~wV 00