Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

-= Of Pardon and Forgivenefr qfSin. .. - , . ... .. ~ _,. ,. Fifthly, He whofe Sins are parJonedtpt~ _feJ~ affureJ, thatwkatevtr Ca!amitiu ~-=~:e;J or A/fliEliom he may lie under, yet tln'Ye u noibzng m them of. a Curfe or Punij'hment , a~tk It is Guilt alo diff~fcrh Po~on through the Ve~ns, as of all our En- Curfe of joymenrs, fo ffii~iAli"'flfQ., d rlrt,;~~•m al~ ~n,t~<":.J.ril:~ .. ButPnr- ev_,~.Af· JmDfSin ra'kes his ·~oM;-- nd m!t'e\th~m all rb'Be·hledicmal Cor-ft:llr9n. reltions, good, pr.ofirab(e, and advantagious to the Soul. See how Godi sbe{"Prophe~pr ife . 4· r[Jlf inhf bit"8ntJ tf/1!{11 narJit!:. thly_ nre fk. : W;ti,t'ili ?\Y 'Stein)~ bi{o.rkive{it~eir. il;iflltiti:Ll_ W Sin is pardoned, ou ns are not worth complammg ?f.: The Inhabitants fhall not fay 'ff/e areftck ; ~biThafe then becomes a Medtcme, when Pardon hach taken aw~_Y- the Curfi.::: and Punifhment of it. Go~ ,~ two Ends Wldire~ of l'f~!tfeir. fof which"\ifl brin s Pllliihmen ~l u on us; rhe one iSithe ·~nif~atiortlif h\ Holine'fs! the'other If tilr rh'e'Safis ion of hisJuftice : And accor~ingly, as any Affliction tends to eit~er of thefc Ends, fo is it.. r.roperly a ]>umlbmc.nt.,..or barely a Fachedy_ChaihfeolCRt.. -If -God intends, by rhe A.ffiic,lion; h~lays Uf.O~ tlli:e, lhf S~a~n of his Juftic;_, d1en thy Affiitl:iop~ ~re p~d~ ly fu3ifh . efirs, and rh ft from the Curle of the Law ; btrtif t'hc M'~ tfeft'tttton 1f \his rf{,Hne s c a he intends by rhem,..t.l!~nly-Farherly Gurretl:ions, proceemng--frmrrl:l5Ve"1!nd Mercy. Firft., Tbofo wbo{e Sim qoJ bat} Par[ifne~ he lf_a.Y aflli8 for the Dularatiun of hi$ Holimfi, that they may lee ana know wJl:!r a lHoly God they have to d<fJ ~rh;· whg ~ per~clli]C ,h~t~\{iin, that !'l>i"fli!l foll&'(ll,- \r Vfl.dJ<ihaftife~/i., Cven upon.chofe Whoin his free Grace harh;Par-Ao.h'd. ~1 , ~ . ; .:.\ ::Secondly; ~UJ · inftiCIJ IF,; Cilajii(em'"" ' •lp"!m"llid(<tVh!'ifl bt },;;}» pdrdon'd,'J:ar the Sati.Jfa[/ion of hiJ Juftice.; and therefore they are noc Curfes_, .'no!:.'pil5PtstfjlPunifhments_, but only Corrections and Fatherly Chafi:iftmems. Clirift hath farisfied the i)l"l'""ds ofj ufricc_ for their ~i!!'<ii!lrll~oq - ip I}Jofl'duft;, Jb n ~ a{); douJ?IJl. s~w··Clion for the (ame OlfCI)fC, oone iq ~rillft Buni,fiunenrl1• nd ffi10 tber in,<fl'i)rs- The Apojflete!ls US) <?did'~.ic· !i)~;ijf, -, ~·~h) r(j/eeine~l/11 f~be p,urfo ofrl;e ~·~. "~1 mode a 9-rfe..fqr us, • ~'-'' J].Oq rj;~j;;yjJ_{ tha\we, f<Jjf~fjliM< m~~es the,w1 ' p es or Pu)li!ltO:~Ot?,_ ~g ,_g)leak~U1. Qnly-rltt; Q.Jiliir pauon of."•lie e r111 to.t(lc . ~a\!.fatl:irn ,,, )jf\0)1 -UI. • Ant!idlete(Q)'~ C~iffin, .~•i<Jjq[,e. is fa!ll>~'l. ~ ' til)lply, IJtca~fe h<; fuif~~:d,; bu~ ~~caufe hy,1\"a,_,~_QJudg tJp9 fj/Pii ]g[i !.l!i!Mbc;eby. S'Itft~fac1JOn m1gh,t be l"~e unto ,lf,~J~!hce 0,11 ljJik( elJI'e the,g~reJ' rl'/Jth ;yba~ Gal,nefi.o,nd;;:['we . !D•Y a pnrjo~'4J Si¥~!r, lp9k ~J>0\1 apy Af!li&iqn,s ! Tho' rh.o}' -ate 'fore and heayy, ~ho'they fee):l.lo carry , l)lu~~~ of.GoJ's1 ~ng<;!i .ja-them .; yet ;rhere iS: hothi.ng pfa C~&, ~ox <if. rheNamm, '!.fl a"Puni!Jupeii(; the Sting \Va~all of it tel;eiv'd mto the ~o~Ylsl'f Cbr;ijf,.o;1d7gfl'fl Gof's l~ight~ov.fQefs -will i_lOt fuifer him to J>U• !t ifh.r nem.~ga'f' in rJJeir owqJ'erfoq•, wjmm;W:.barh alJ;eqqy pun\lh'dJn their ~~rery. . lmag\!'e what ~M. · i pn rho<>c_anft, :j _j\r_t, th® . pirtr;h'd wit!! · W<t. nr :md 1'ove'\Y I poi'; rho~ Jul!;t~n, ,I;gll'e~ _!!~te, \'1 thy Relat10ns. I A:tt thou torm<ll,te(!. with P~J91i "i.e~knpp. afes, ~IJ<)., "(ill all thefe. bring pearh upon,rbee at the laj,t ~ )ls;r, Q -So~ <hy .Sins ·are pardon'd, ; 1~.re , is norhiljg, q,~ ~ Q~rfe or \',unifil!Jl.~nr: in .<W l, ~~;;,;:']4lli4o is already fa.Q.sfi(:d .by -ehrVf"s beanng the Curfc of the Law fqt>J:be~ .br:ome Wha.t· will· cOme; ·it· fhall nqt.h y"'~'r~ AffiiF<io~s . a;;~ ,~l l ; ':"l'!t~ . !'!l./• , 19le•Pot\Jeis> they' are< tinl.)' l the ~or;~CliqqspfJ11 \ov~'g Jia\}:!c,, rtor the MRnifefta•ion o(ilr~ l:iplin~~,, ~nd f<>r th¥, etern~ l ,q:pn and Adyarttagc. _, V,r.y, i}i!;;.rhc Coltdit~on, o(gu•I(J~f~neJ:f; for ·V(neri)ej rhty-~now i' or n\jt, .. rhe1:<do•q,or rhe l~afr)\ffii.Rtlo,n, not \he hoft Gripe· or"Pain_, noc the leaft Slight, or inconfiderablc Crofs_, but it is-'a"Pui.. l),i!\!menr infl~F.~ ~- by (iod.p,pon tlu;n:t, fo~<lli!:Hll llt, of rljeir $ins : ·Gop i ~ n'O.'N a beguUJing to fatisfie his Juiti'ce_, and thefe are fent by d1im cp -arreft and feiz.e ~them ; ,he now begj~s to ta~e rhem by, r.~~Thro~r,aw p lls uport rbem ropay ~I (Il what ~~ey owe htm. tvery Affh~bqn,rotlr~mlspa r_c pf.Pa.ym.ent,atidjs ex-- · • '!cteti. from rhep1 as R"" of Payment: 0 rh~ vaft and ir4inire Sums of PJagues · ,,. ., ~hat God\vill"!lloft feverely ,ex. Cl: frol." thefl!,in He!\, wh·ere ~hey !hall Jm)'. ro;the "· ·' urmoll ,Far!hmg. There JS nor the ! ~aft -.€~1_am1ty th~t bef~ls wiq~e(\;lnd .unr p~rdon d SmnCrs? but cari"ICS the V ~nom _of a Cu~fe in ~t, and is infliCted by GoJupon them_, m order ro rhe SatisfaChon of Ius jufbce on them: Which compleat Satisfaction he will work out upon them in rheircompleat Torments in Hell. So much for this Time and Texr. T H E