""," ... '~· 477 td God than f9xmerly : Of~ -guilty· MalefaCl:or he becomes acquitted and ac• ceptedby tM Gme of 'Jujfification, and ofan Ahen he becomes~ Son and.He~r by the Grace o{ 4doption. But•then there are oth7r Grace.sth~r aremherenr m us, and work .a rrtigbry Change in our mor~l habttual ~nnctples,, and w~ereby we alfo, rtho' nor,fo prop.e;ly,. are. denmpn~ared gr~cwus ..God Js deno~tnated grae~ous by the G!".tce of Jtiflificatron, Adop!tcm, Myfhcal Umon, ~nd E_k.ff:~n; ~nd we are dertorbimtred gracious by the habttual Graces that thts Sp1r1t tnfufe~h it):Cou·s, ;:tnd werKs1n us; and thef~ are every-~here befpark.led up and down m .she ScriptUre, where it fpeaks- of Ruth, Lwe, l?atunce, Selfdenurl, Mee~nrjf, K~ow4 [f,Jge 3 Temperance, a_nd the r~~ of ch~m : Thefe, ,as fo many Stars, ougHt ~ontuiu .. aHy ~0 ihin~ f0rth 111 a Chrifl;um J Life; and .rho they, ~ay a.ppear very dtfferent.l lyj fq}ne obfcure ahd cloudy, and others bn~ht an_d gltttenng; fomeatone Sea.. {on f~t.ting, and others at another Sc11fon nling ),yet. they all make up but one . Co~l;fiella cion, whereby we are rranflated, as the Scnp(ure fpeaks, out of dark.neft itJto ilu;r<t.·diMi light. Now the framirig of this Complexwn or Dody of Grace in the Hea,rt is that which we call Regeneration, it being a fixed ConfteJiation of a.Uthe fev'tral Graces of the Spirit in the Heart. The Scripture gives it divers other; Appellati6ns ; it is call'd the new Man in Eph.4. 24. The hl?v Crtature; Gal. 6. t). A tia.,sformation into the inMg~ of God, 2 Cor. 12, 1_, 8J 18. A p~trticipationof tke DivineJ:nWrc, 2 Pet. 1. 4· and m .orherpla~esJ. too long to b~infified U.n-nO\V, it isolflltd Com~erjion, effe[iua/ Callmg, Sa~Efijicatton, and RenO'Vatton; and foh1erimes too it is cerm'd by rhe name of c~vo pnncipal Graces, rhe two great.. ~ft .Limbs of the 1/W./ Man, and they are Fa1th and Repentance, that afe nften pu~ fprrbe whole \Vork o{ Regmeration. All thefe E:xpreffi0ns fer forth the fame Wo1·t? of Grace upon rhc Hearr, though they may be underfiood,underdifferept Notions: The nw; Man, rhac denotes rhe Greamefs and Ent:irenofs ofth6 Change.: THe new Creature, thac denotes rhar Almighty Power\Vhereby that entire.Change i5 wrought.. The Image ofGod and the Div'ine NatUre denote tbao.C.cinfonnirtl!hat is thei·eby made in us to to the Holy will and Nature of Go~. ,.E,ffetl:ual 'Calling and Converfion detwre our returning to God <after our w&nOting and firaying from him. · SanCtification de'noces that Influence that this great Change hack w [et us aparr for God from cdmmon Ufes; for San- 1 8:-ificatiOn cloth, in ftrit!:nefs ofSpcech, fignifie a Separation of a Perfb'n er Thing (rdm ptophane and ordinary Ufes eo the Service and Glory of G6d. 1 Indeed. 1 S:tnCl:Hication doth, irlftrictnefs of Speech, differ from RegeneracionJ though comnionly we pfe rh em promifcuouOy; for Regeneration is the implanting of the l{abirs and Principles ofGrace, but Sand'iiicarion is pi'operly ohe ftrengchning _.1nd encrea!ing ofrhem ; it _is the Progrefs that a holy Soul makes-., wherr it paifeth on from.one degree ot Grace to another. Regemration is in Nature before Jujfification, but Sanfiijication follows it: .And hence \v'e may obferve the Order in which the ApofUe r!tngech them in :hac famous place, char Climax in Rbm. 8. :29, ;o. where every Grace is a Round of the Scala CtZ!i, that 'Jacob~s Rom. 8.. Ladder, whereby we afccndinroHeaven ; it is a place, i f any in chc BOok 0 [:29,- 30~ God, that deferves our moft ferious Thoughts, fays f.he Apofile, Whom he ilidope,~ed. foreknow, them al[o he did_rred~::jfinate. lf you itsk wherein God's Prefcience and Fore-knowledge cliftt:r tram Predefi inarioh, a Queftion that hath caufed much $trife, fanfwer, Prefcicnce here refpettsrhc End, PredcfHnation refpetts tJ1e Me:ins how to obtain it; fo rhartheSenfe is this, WhomGodfore-knew that he w.mild ~a ve-t them. he ?id predeftinar.e to rhe .Means ofSal.vmion ~ f!ehluhpredeftm:tted.HJ., Lqs the Apoftle, tht!l 1vc m1ght be confotmed to the tin(tge of hu So1~ • tha't is,· he pr~dcltinared rhem to Grace, chat is, the \V ay and M~ns to GlorJ: So then where ic is f'ajd, whO'm God foreknew, chat fignifiesGod sPurpofe and Intention off:.tving fouib; where ic is f<tid, rhofe he did predeftinate that figni- .fies God's Purpofc of calling chofc whom he did intend to f3ve, utu~ theK.nowledge of his Son, and to the Means wher;;by he might fave them. I:: follows whom he prtdef!ini:ted, them he alfo caUed; that is, with an effeCI:ua:l Call which j; the fame with Rcgenerarion , whom he predefiinated, them he reg~nerared. an~ Wh.om he ~hu,; called or r:gencra r,e~, them.he jujfifitd. Ijlere you fee Ju,fiifi~ canon IS puc aicer Regeneration, tho mdeed m order of Nature it follows Re· gene ration}for \~e are juftified by Fairh: Now Faith is part of that new Nature that is bcltow'd upon us in Regeneration; we are juftified by Fa ith, wherefore