Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

4:79 n•.tfo{jltfb. Ye~, it is not only a State 9£\Ve~kne(~ !>ut it is alf_; a State of Spiritual Death, You he ht~th quic*'nedwhu jPc;re tkatf with trefta.f[es and ft'J'' J?ph. 2. !·· Secondly·., t!ne Cormptkn of f'n unregenera~e State, cg.rJfijff tn our :1-verj[on fro'ff ~~d, 2. and in our inordinate Converfiop to the Creatur~; and tl,ts ,peceff.-u;tly follows upon fu our rh~ Lofs of God,s..Image. The Soul of Man is ftilJ an active, 'Dufi,e Creature, Averfiott and mufl: frill be putting it felf fQrth 'ip }...Ctions fu~table ro its own Natu.re ;from. God, why nOw while it did enjo_y Q_od's Image, 'it had l,?ower to Point every Motion ~nd :tour of ihi Soul to God, and t6 fix ' lupQn r9Q4}?pJh as tp~ Obj~ct a,Q.d f~of ~Jl its ~~~;v:if,:! ~aiops and rfiar made t]1eln an to be" HOly and Div.io.e ; but l:iem$ .fl.O.w to rheCw:- depriv'd' of the Image 'of God, the Sp~l grubbles,l1ere below, ~n,4 i111tead ,OL'""· afpiring unto God, . pi(cheti;l its Affectio_ns. ;.,na· Thojlghr_s op\y U:R<Jfl the Crea- . cure, and this bccot\tes Sm and Mtfery to tt; ?Ot b~::a# y~ aff~~ ·_t}ie Cr~anfe fimply but becaufe it affe.Cts the Creat1J.re m a1.1 .lflQ~nate · M..::trn~r, that IS, witho~t affdtihg God ch'e CJ€:acor.' ' ~riefly and PlaJ~Y,. che '"S~ul111 utl: h-?ve an Inclination and Propenfioll one way Qr orher, eo wch,ne eo the obeyt.ng and lovin_g of God, it cann,or now w_ir_ho.u.t ,t~¥, IrUage pf~od, cb.at .fhou)_~· raije up the Attettions of the S_oul t.o a Spmmgl PJtch; now this Image. 9f. God -'~e are depriv'd of, anO thtt't Jnfily coo, by our Fall; and tD,erefore no~~ Fhe who}e Bent and Inclination: df .the Soul, rhat ought to be carry'd OIJ.t w.JGqd, but cann,or picchech upon what it can, and chat is upon the Creature;. ~ate Things cha: pleafcth the Carnal ?enfual Appetite,. a~d that ir\ an i??.r<.!,W •ls~ Manner :o •• to the JS"cglcd:and Slightm~, _yea, to the.Contempt ana li~nng of. .qo~. And~~C:>·'\ this ls the-State of the Sbulm m Unregeneracy. ,. . (!".· . ...:· . .- Thirdly, This CorruptiMJ of.an tmrrgmerate Staff 'ii fprcjiij pverevtryPa?J.Jtr n,u:l Fa-.... ·; .'., culty oft~e Soul, not one efc~pipg the Contagion of it.. But yet as thq ~ea js calfeclJ?Y.l'/fiC.[Jr· divers ,Names, according· tQ rhe divers Couhtnes at14 Shores that it flo}Vs 3rlo.r~,g ruptt'on ·Qy; fo alfo th~ Corr\lp.tion of our Nature is ~ermed diverny, 1ccording:_!o the ~t1Jj~~~~ divers-Facl.Jlries and Powers oft he Soul tbat lt h~th depraved: )rj tbe ',)nder.: ~ -ft<~m!-ing h :is call'd Btil~dnefs ~nd D,~r,k~ef~; in the WiJI_.stubb?ineTs an~l ~e£­ ver(e;ne!S; tn che A:ffcCbons tt ts call a Dtfo~::der, Senfit~luy an<! . (r~·e&ularAtY, aml ye~t frill it, is th~ filme, Gorrup·~i~n of_Unregen~dc;y .in e'."9·I:); -?.,n~ o( chep1, thefilm_e B?dY ot S~n aod Death, ,-rho' ihled thus divei~fiy, ~\:CO'i_dmgtq the <li- ' '')' '. vers Faculnes that lt doth mfeet. · ' 1 :. , 1 1, " " . . Fo.unhly, Thii ,CcMr..ttption of an. unrtgetttrate Sta~c, is t~mve~rie~/1;, woikf,fg out i,{t!f ,\:~ -jn e:Utry AC! apJ Motion o[fOr ~SQu!.J; n~x ~,fo '?uch ~s ~>ne gQod JhRp~~~ Co\\\<\:.Z,~o:;; ever yet ~fcape eo Heav;t!n f~cc ~rom tt : It 1s as a co.r~upt Fo,4nqt~. C9P~io~~ ..6i~arit~ ally fendmg forth corrupt a_n~ Qmer Streams; and rh.q ~ rhtfe Str(ja(ll,i rake...J'e- ij;.11b0rkl>tg v~ral CourfCs, and wande~· feverally into feve'ral.)Vaxs.. an~C~~nflffis, yer ~h~y·~JJtiZrftif allmfl:e?ftbe [amc llrackrllif!ef;. So rh~ the Soul,ls va~10us ,m us A.Ctiouh~~ yet all 1~s AChons have _a _Tamt -and R~l~ fh from ~t~e f~mr;: C_gr~u..Rt.~OJl:,· ,th:f,t M~tion. Of Corruption that bath tamted t.he Founcatn. ro -·, ' f) Our Souls. ~ifrhly, flmct it folto7vi, tbat wh.1t{oeve: a,n m:r~gener~f.e Mal'_ ~£f.b> ; i&·~~.co~eJ1 Sjn 5' . . ~o hzm. And ch.1t whether you confider hts Religwus,.~1is Gtv:Jl·aaat.OrOi.naru ·Hence tt A4iions. If you take rbe moft fplcndid and gorgc1=:il)~rltuty o{a'~.\u 'riregenS~~'ef~l/owsh ·Man, when _i c is perform\~ ~vi eh eh: moft Pomp,_ w~Sil ~is Aff1~iHn~.~e !)l]g)l: ~'~~~~:;!: upon the Wtng, when he 1s m the h1gheftlEJevaupn. qfS:oul; Y.CC)th t ~ glit.ter- rege11erate ing Duty is nothing. clfC but ~.IJe Steem and R,eaking qf. CQrri.quiqli\a!ld '(qbe- A14n_1o1h comes otfenlive unto God, there being nothing of Gr~1Ce in it. tO \·P\1iftr~e"fl:.re:t'O(n~~n Hen,ce the P(alrn;JI fpeaks in1P{al. ro9. 7· Let hhPtiX'r,.becomeJ!(~. ·. 111\d J'ly>rhe_ -.1~':!\_' \IVlfe lVnn, The Pra)'ers ofthe ?vicketl h an abominatiqn tO tke Lorti. .Tf}.,~.R«J~ D~ltieslll .:._ ·.\·\. bf unr~ge1~erate ivi,en_ are ':0 bet~cr in God's. AccotHl.t ; ai;td - ~C<:ieRittR~e·it ha"ft~;::~\·:·~\:~-f Abonunat10~, the ctmmg off" Dogs Neck, or tt.r the offermg up of S·wl'n~J B~oot/,~.,; f¥r · 1 .,~, wh~cev9r elfe the ~oul ot God do~h mofi abhor; :l~d how fhCp t.[lig,hc-Jnch untegen~ratc Men ~vifh themtelves r:ither S~ocks ofS~.ones? fen"fttCss an.d un - at(p,dTlung~, th_an fuch.as_thcy are, Men1of vtgorotu.s ~{l,dact~ve J>~~!!ip{es.! ~nca~< _ C\'ery Lnagmanon of rhelr l-h:arrs, <l..nd every Mottoo Q( chctr SoPI.s, is oqJ\''C\'~ r . before God? There is nothing rhar fi1s;h X<len doinrhe wbolefll\irje f;>'ft~C:jr ·· I,.ivcs, buc at the_ la~ Day-- i ~ will be fo~nd in God's Regifl:er:-)}.?{>~J~1 ~ong,~ lje· '~ Catalogue of cbetr Su1s, yea, even rhqr commendable andJleceifary ,Adiqns. ·Theplomh:g?fthotJicked, f<'lys the wife Man,isanabom}nttthm t~ the Lord. This,M~n e.!ts and dnnks, plows and ficeps, and hathdone fo m(lny chou(mds of f~cl"iy.f!d l~ch