Or, The New 'Birth; To this lanf\ver briefly, Regeneration reflores to. m that part of God's Image th(tt con- Anflver , fijh in holy and fp1ritual habits, that reEtifte the qperatiom ofour natural F.uulties and Ponurs. ~gm;;a· The Mind is illuminated with true Knowledge, the \V ill _is made C?mpliant to God's ;~:/'~;;,u Will and the Affection'S are call ed off from t he purfu tt of Vadity, and fet upon of God' 1 r- fpir i t~tal and heavenly ObjeCl:s, and this is th~t Ima17e ofGod that is draw_n u·pon c;nir magt r~at Souls in our Regeneration, whereby. we are made hke to God, yea, fo Itke to him, hm(1' '~ that the .Apoftlc in 1 Pet. 2.. 4- calls it, a pa:ticipation of th: Divine !"'!tU;:· T here are 1Z;e ::;;:. indeed fome ftriCl:ures and beams of t he Holme(s of God h1mfelf lhm.tng m a Regene-fie the opt:. rate Soul tho' infinitely mqre weak and wat erifh than thofe in God's infi ni tely holy rationt of EOence. ' And here obferve two things. _ _ O:,'n;~lfr11l Firfi:, That in that very inftant of our Regeneration, all the Graces of th7 Holy Spi~it .;~;::;;,,: are implanted in ~u at once, fo~ they. are all/inked together, and whoever recewes 4'!J one In RtgeneGrace receives rhcm all. There s Fatthand Love, and t he Fear of God, and Patlence, r11tim 11ll and Hun:Hity~ and Self-denial, and t he refi: ~f. the train of.glorious qra~es, for each ;{~m<t:~~; of thefe ts-a Lmeament and Feature.o~ the Dwme Image, wtthout whtch It were not 11 , 11711Jhm· cornpleat. And therefore that Chriih an t hat can but find any one Gracewroughtttdin~~~~~~ and acted in him hy the Spirit ofGod, may comfortably conclude that he ha th all mu. other Graces at leaft in the Habits and Principles of them; tliey may al1 be weak indeed, but yet not anr one of them is w<Inting. And it may alfo fervc. to ftir us up, fince we hav~c Grace~ of all .forts,. that l!e latent within us, not toyeild to any Cormption or 1 emptanon, as fuch With whic~ we can?ot grap~le fo as to come off with Victory :md Conqueft; for our Regeneration furntihes us With a.\1 Grace, and there is no p:1rticular Sin, but we may within our felves find a particu lar Gr cop.; polite to it, if we woul~ but ft ir up and rouze it. , Secondly,. Obfcrve alfo, That the Holy Ghofl is in a peculiar way the Authority of this z. our Conformity and SimiLitude unto God; for he i t is that according to the Oeconorhy and Tht Ho. 1 Difpen£1tion of the Bie_Dtd Trinity that beg;et s us after the I~a.gc and Lik~nefs ofGIMfl u God, ~nd thetcforc the Tc~t fpeaks of bemg Born of t~~ Spm t. And fo m Scri'p- ~~o~~~~':,~ t ure we have frequent mention rn.ade of. the Seal of ~he Spmt, 2 Or. I . 22. ~nd ,Ep~· formity t. i , r§. Now aScaldoth two thmgs, It not on ly confirms t he Deed to which It IS11nd Siml - annexed, but it alfo conforms the Wax upon which the Seal is imprinted to receive litrule ~m~• its own !tamp and image. Why fo when the Spirit of God doth incubare animee, Gld. when it refts upon the Soul, it cafts and moulds it into its own image and Ihape, and of a flcfhly carnal Soul, i t makes it become fpiritua llike to it felf; and therefo~e fays our Saviour.in.7uhn 3· ~· That which_i& b?rn of the Spirit is Spirit, becaufe the ::ip1rit of God bcgets m Its own ltkenefs. It IS like the Seal on the Wax that leaves i ts ftamp npon it; fo the Soul being fealed by the Spirit, it leaves its owrl !tamp and impreffion upon it. But now betwixt that Image. of G~d which the Spirit !tamps upon t'IS in our Rege-T:Q!t d!ffi. ntion, and that lm~ge of God m which we were Created, there is a twofold ditfer- rmw bt - rcnce obfervahle. trDixt the Firft, That Image of God which is reftored to us in our Regeneration, tho' it hath Im"t1 of, a perfection of Parts, yet it hath not a perfection of Degrees. The lnzage of God in ';it, ;fl~, which Man was at firft Created had them both, i t included all Graces, and it includ~;,r11 ei~1~e· ed them all in their height and in their glory. Now, tho' the Regenerate are as nndth11;," extenfive holy as Ad tm was, and have as ma_ny Graces, yea , more too, as fome think, rDhieh '!Dt than ever Adam had, yet they are not mtenfively fo holy as he was, but their w;F~ Crtll· Graces are allayed with a mixture of Sin and Corruption; their Knowledge is not fo tt ~. compreh~nlive, but i t is. ibbject to Ignorance an.d En:ors; their Will is not fo per- The Image feCl:ly gmded by the W ill of God, but fomettmes It hath excentrical motions of'[ God re~ t heir own; and their AffcB:ions arc not fo refined, but t hat fometimes they are in_Jlored ~Y ordinate and earthly; yea, and every Faculty :md every ACHon is interwoven and' ~;!h:Zh~ intercheckcr'd with Grace and Sin; fo that at once the Sou l, tho, it be Regenerate ptrftflion yet it bears a double Image, . G:x:I's, and Satan's; it bears God's Image in its regene~of. ~Mu, rate par~, and the De.vi~'s 10 Its unregenerate part. The beft Men arc like your~;"::~~ pleated P1flurcs, wherctn I~you look on one fide you may fee an ..(lngel, and if you look ; 11 f.he i. on the other fide of the Ltght you may fee a DC'I.Jil; f? truly If you look upon the magt of re_newed.and regenerate part of a Chtld of God that IS A'!telical, and bears fame Gc~ in gllmmcnngs and refemblanccs of the Image of God upon It ; bu t if you turn your ;:;;he~~. Eyes o~ the corrupt and unregenerate part, what appears there but blackncfs and ttd hllll deformity that !h:J.dows out the very Image of Satan? thtm b 1 th, Q q q q 2 Secondly,