to_fa'J)e Sinnerr, &c•. t. From the Truth inferred, He iJ able to fa'Vt to the utttrmofl. ObfcrvC, nott: I. 7 1J4t 1rfitJ Clmft u all Almiihty and an All-fufficimt Swiour. He is an High Priell and a Saviour All-iuflicient. , :Firfr, By his Father's Eternal I)clignation, Pfa/. S]i. 19. I have laid htlp "P'" one that 1~ mighty, &c. , , . , Secondly, He is :m All-fufficient Saviour by his own voluntar_y fufceptiqn and nn-: dertaking for us, Pfal. 40. 7• Then [aid I, ~o, 1 Clime in the Vflupte of thy book, it is Written of me, to do thy "!ll, 0 God. And the Apoftle·quo~c~ It m Heb . 10. 7· .Thirdly, By the lnfimte elory and Excellency of.the D1vme Nature, whiCh hath a double Influence to make him an All-fufficient Saviour. • 1, It putJ an infinite worth a11d value upon hU Sacrifice, arid fo bath rTiade his Offering acceptaOle, and a full Price and Ranfom for Sinners. It is called the Blood of God, Acts 20. 28. Fttd the J!ocll of God which he hatb purcba{(d TJith hU ow11 Blood : And certainly the Blood of God mufr needs be an All-fullicient Expiation for the Sin' . of Man. 2. The Divine Nature gave Chrift ~Power, and an Ability to appeafeand fatisfie Infinite ju!tice and Wrath, and break the Chains of Death, and the Barrs of the Grave, under which he had been detained, elfe our Salvation had been a thing def-. peratc and deplorable; but ~ercin is he.manifeft:ed, ~o. be the Son of.God, and Sa~ viour of the World, even w1th power, m that hed1ci:l and rofe agam. Fourthly, He u an AU~fufficirot SAviour by hU Humane Capacity.. As he would not have been able to fave us, unlefs he had been God, fa he would not ha've been capable to iave us, unlefs he had been.Man. Now Chrifr's HumMi/y hatli a Twofo1d Influence into the Work of our Redemption. '· In that thereby that Perfon.who is God became Paffive, and a fit Subject to receive and bear the Wrath of God. ' 2. Hereby fatisfaction is made to offend Jufrice in the fame nature which tranf. grcffcd and offended : By Man carne de..rth, and by the Man 1efm Chrift came the rejitr.... reEiion from the dead, I Cor. IS· 2. And therefore Chrift faith, A body haft ehou prepared me, Heb. IO·S· Towhatcnd? TheApoftle tells us, Thacthroughdwhhe mighcdeft;oy him that had po-wer ~f Death, ~hat U, the Devil. B?th Natures are here required, Ius Humane Nature, wtthout which he could not futfer Death, and the Diviue Nature, without which he could not deftroy him who had power of Death. Fifthly, He became an All~fujfi.cient Saviour by the O'Uerjlawing and unmeafurable Vnflion of the Holy Ghoft. Thus lfo· 6. J , The Spirit of the Lord U upon me, btcaufe the Lord bath anointed. me to prtach good riding1, &c. :John 3· 34· God gave not hU Spirit in rntafure to him, yea, the fulnefs of' the Godfiead dwelt bodily_ in him, Col. 2 . 9· and all this was- on purpofe t? furni~1 htm with Gifts an~ Graces fuitable to the difcharge of the great work ofhts Med~atorfhip. Now certamly fince he was by God the Father defigncd, and of his own Self ready and willing, by his HumanitY capacitated, by his Divinity fortified, ~nd by Unction of the Holy Spirit furnilhed to the Work of our Salvation, he muft n.ccds be an 1\ll~fufficient Saviour; able to fave t'o the uturmoft tho[t that come to God by him. In the next place for the Perions whom thrift is thus e~abled to fave, they afe defcribed by their Faith and Obedience ; they coirie to God by Chrifr. Obferve, Dad:. ll. That Chrift himfclf, although he iJ an A!t-fufficient SitiJio'ur, able to fave to the uttermoft, yet he Unot able to fave the Difobedient, a11d Vnbelit'ifers. He only faves thoie that come unto God by him. Now this; . Fir!t, Is not for want of Merit or Vertue in that Sacrifice which our High Prieft bath once offered up; not for want of any Value or Precioufi).efs in his Blood, or S~fficiency in his Price, for there is Intrinlick Vertue enough in the Blood of Chrift to fave the whole World. Nor, Sec.ondly, Is it from any natural dependance that Salvation bath upon Faith and Obedience, for God was free, and might have diipofed of the Eternallnherital)ce npoa other tcrms. But, .Thirdly,