,_, The A!J-fojjiciency of Chrift. Thirdly, It was only upon the Ordination and Appointment of God who hath infhtuted the way of Salvation to be by the Death of Chrift, who harh appointed the vertue of hiS Death to be applied to.usonly by the Grace of Faith, which Faith without Obcd1encc and good Works IS m It felf dead, and can neither jufi:ifie nor fave us; fo then without Faith and Obedience Chrift canhot fave us, becaufe that Vertuc whereby he {hould faVe i.ts, cannot without thefe reach.us. Faith being the c;onveyancc of the Vertuc of Chrifi::'s ~erits to the Soul, that is the fecond Propofi~ tion. The thin! and !aft !hall be ratfed from the Conncxion of both parts of the Text put together. _TheYefore he~ able to fave to the uttcrmoft thofc that come to God by him, becaufe he ever lwcrh to make mterceffion for them. Obferve from hence. Dotl'. 111. That the tyue ground aud reafon ofChrifl'J A/1-/ufficiency to ft~vc Sinners, is laid Upon the prcvalency of hU fnterceffion for m. And this becaufe it is the moft comprehenfive Point, taking in both the former, is that which I chufe to infift upon. In the profecution of which Doflrine, I fhall, Firft, fpcak of ChYijt's fnteYcejfioA. Secondly, Concerning his All-fufficiency to fave, which depends upon, and flows from it. , And concerning Cln-ijl's lnterctjfion, I !hall enquire into Three Thmgs. i. Wbat it i!, and wherein it doth conftft· 2. What are the Benefits that do redound to .Believers bj it. 3· What the Extent and Latitude of it U. Firft, For the opening what it is, we muft knOw that lnttrcejfion is a Law-term IJ?rro~ed from Orurt.r of 7utlicatu~e, and fignifies the .ACHon of a. Proxy or Attorney, either Ill fumg out the Rtghts of h1s Client, or anfwenng the Cavils and ObjeCI:ions brought againft him by the Plaintiff. Thus doth Chrift for Believers, he appem fo,. them, Heb. 9· 24. He U entred into heaven appeaYi~g in the r.refence of God for tu. Nay, he doth in fome fenfe cany Believers into Heaven with him, and there fets them before his Father's Throne, as we have it, Eph. 2. 6. And bath raifod tts up together, 11nd made us Jet together in heavenly places in Chrift 1efm. Even as the Hilih PYieft did bear the Names. of the Troelve Tribes. upon his Brcaft when he ent~ed intO the Holy of Hotie.r; fo Chnft when he entrcd Into Heaven be bears upon h1s Heart the Nam<!IS and Perfons of all his, and prefents them before his Father; he hath taken their Caufe, and pleads it with God his Father; as the .Apojfle fpeaks, We htWe an Ad11o~ catc with the Father, 7efm Chrijf tht Righteom, 1 John 2. I. This lnterceffion is of three forts. Firft, Charitativc lnterccffion: And thus one Man is bound by the Duty of Charity and Confcicnc~ to pray and intercede for an?ther. And of this kind of lnterccffion w.c have mention made, I Tim. 2.. 1. I exhort therefore .that fiyft of all fupplications, pra)'e-r.r, intercc!Jions, and giving of thanks be made for all Men; that is, lnterceilion of Mutual Charity one for another. Secondly, There is an Adjutory Intfrcejfion, a helping Intercellion; and thus the Holy SpiYit makes Interceffion for Believers, Ram. 8. 26, 27. Likeroife the SpiYit alfo helpeth our infirmites, for we know not what we jhould pyay for M we ought, but the Spirit it [cif m11keth intcrreJJion {or UJ withgroanings which cannot be uttered, &c. He makes lnterceffion for u~) bccaufe by bis h9ly In.fpirations h.e f!lakes thofe Prayers and Interceffi~ns for us, which we make for our felves, and this IS an Adjutory lnteyceffion ; we are md igent, and fee not our own wants, nor have we Tongue_s to exprefs them; and withal, we arc dull and heavcy, and make not importunate Supplications, and therefore God fends hiS' Spirit into our Hearts to difcover our neceffities to us, to raifc defires in us, and put words into our Mouths, and teach us what to pray for, and how to pray as wc ought. Thirdly, There is an Official and gn .Authofitative Interctjfion, and this properly be. longs to Chrilt; and thil may be ,qnlidered under a Two/Old RefpeCt. .:t FirJI,