Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

to fave &nneri; . &c. . Firft, His l nttrcejfiun in his fl:ate of Humiliation, and t~i~ iS in a Cotl~ru ity to, tha~ tlcbafed fi:ate, wherein with ftrong cries, and tears, and groans, he made [upplic<~.tions to God, Hrb. 5· 7· Yea, when he was un~er the fharpeft Agonies, when he was bruifed by God, and broken by M~n, fh.lfenng the wrath ?f the one, and the wr(;mgs of the other. When his own Pams mtght have made hts Prayers Selfilh, or hts ·Enemies Malice might h1ve made him Revengeful, yet even then he forgets not to in.. terccde for then,, Luke 23. 34· Father, forgive them, for they know not what they. do. Alrhough he was made in the form of a fer'Vant defpifed and rejeiJed ofMm, lfa. 63. 3· Accurftdof God, Gttl . 3· 13· expofed to rcprqach and injuries, devoted to Death., notwithftanding all this his .lnrerceffion was not at aH regarded the lcfs, or the lefs. prevalent, but even in this low eifate 3nd vile appearance, he prayed with Majefly and Authority, Father, I tvil/ that rhofo whom thon haft gwen me may be w;th me where I 11m, John 17. 24.. I am that they may behold my gl~, &c. Secondly, His lntcrccffion may be confiderCd as performed on our behalf in his flare of Glory IU1 Exalt11tion; after his offering up himfelfhere upon Euth as a Slcrifice npl)n the Crofs, he entred into the moft Holy Place, and there he profecutes the fa m~ Suit w.hich he ~1ere comm~nced, Rom. 8. 34· It is Chrifl_thllt died, yea, rather tht!t is rifen agam, who ts afcendu.J. mto heaven, where he contmually maketh lnttrcejfion for us. Now this glorious fnterceJlion of Chrifi: doth principally confift in thofe following Particuhrs, Which I !hall endeavour to illuftrate and open. Firrt, in his appearing in the Court of Heaven in hoth Natures, as our Mediator and .Advoct~tt, ready to anfwer any Charge laid in a~ainft us, or fi1ing out any good thing th:lt belongs to us. Thus wl'len 1oflJua the High-Prieft ftood before the Angel in filthy Garnicnt~, Zach. 3· 1. Satan ftood At his right hand to Accufo him. The Ac4 cufation V1as true, tlie Crime was manifert: Now here the Angel (that is Jcfus Chrift) intcrpofeth; he appears for us, faying, The Lord. rebuke thee Satmz; what though the Garments be filthy, I will take them away, I have eaufed their Iniquity to pafs from them; and this may be for our abundant Confolation, though S.-rtan by his Accnfations and Temptation ftalld continually at our Right Hand to refift us, yet Chrifl: in Heaven alwa ys ftands at the~ight Hand ofGod to plead for us, and filence S.1tan: And this was typified tO us by the Higb-Prieft entring into the Holy ofHolies, to make Jmeruffion for the People. Secoudly, Chrift prcfents as his own Perfon, fo likewife the Pcrforis of a11 his Blclfed Ones throughout the 'VI(orld of all Believers, and . the Eletl: One.s, to God. the F~ther, and that not on ly In the genera l or tot;al Sum, that they are fo many Thoufands, for whom he obta ined Mercy, for whom he rn:uft obtain Salvation, not only as the /-f.<Th-Priefts among the 'Jews, who only had the Names of the Twelve Tribes engn1v~n upon their Brcnft-plates, but not the Name of eVery particular Perfon of thf)fc Tribes; but Chrift hath every particular Saint's Name ingraven: t1pon his Breaft:, and makes mention of every particular SJ~nt in his lnterceffion to ~~~~~he~~t E[h;·s~=~~f:ftd ~~f.?ru~~l {~~~ ts0fo3~btc~~e~h:: h~e;?a:: ft{n~: u~'kAo!~ upon Earth, , let him take comfort, and rejoice in this, that his Name is well known in 'Heaven; Chrill: hath often fpoken, and God hath often heard it; yea, though Chrift hath (o many to hea r, fo mJny to relieve and gratifie, yet let not the meaneft:, the moft inconfiderable Saint on Earth, think that he forgets him, for he knows him by Name, and takes as much care and folicitoufnefs for thy Salvation, as if there were not a Soul in the World to fave befides thee, making PraYers for thee that thy Faith fail not,. as Chrift fa id to St. Peter; and what is faid of him may be applied in truth to every Believer, Luke 22. 37: 3· T'hirdly, Chrift's lnterccffion confifts ih prefenting th~ performances of his Peo-- ple nnto God. All. the Duties and Services of all the Saints on Earth, they do only afcena to God, when as they prefented to him by Chrift; for he is that .;4ngel mentioned in !tev. 8. 3· h:tving a Golden Cen{or with much lncenfe, which he offers up With the Prayer of all Saints on the Golden Altar, &,. It was a true Speech of him, 'John ?· · ~'I( '' ' 31. God