to Save Sinnen, &c. 1 • He d oth it by Reconciling God and Omftimce through his oWn Blood, which Blood as it is the Blood of Atonement, fo it reconciles God and us; and as it is the Blood'of Sprinkling, fo it reconciles onr own Omfcience to us. As it is the Blood of Atonement , fo we arc reconciled to God, and Gcx:l to us, Rom. 5· 10. We art recon· ciled to God by the de.ttiJof hU Son, and it is that blood whichfpeaks. better thin"s for m rh.m the blood of .Abtl; for as that cries to God for Vengeance, fo this cries louder for Mercy andForgivencfs. As it is the Blood of_Sprinkling, fo it reconciles our own Confciences to us, and makes them at peace With us. Heb. 10. 22. Let us draw near with 11 true he.m, inf~/1 aJTurance of faith, having our htarts fpr_inkle_d from an. evil Confci~nce,, &c~ An evil Confctence, that ts, an accufing and an affnghtmgConfctence; It IS fa1d to be fprinkled, becaufe the Blood ofChrift mufl: firft produce purit¥ i11 our Souls b.efore it can procure any well-grounded peace, that IS the firft Particular, how Chnft defends us from the Accnfations ofour Adverfaries, by reconciling the Jufi:ice of God, and our own Confcicnces to us. z. Our Advocate defends us as by reconciling God and our own Confcicnccs to us, fo by gagging the Mout h of the Devil, who becaufe he can never be reconciled, there· fore he muft he file need ; fa we find that Chrifr ftopt the Mouth of that great Accufer, Zach. 3· l· 7k Lord rebuke thee, 0 &zttm, even the Lord that hath chofo~ Jerufalem, rebuke thee, &c. Thus our Lord Jefus Chrift by his powerfullnterceffion filenceth all the Accufations that are brought againft us, by the Jnftice ofGod and our own Confcicnces, reconciling them unto us, and ftopping the Mouth of our implacable Adverfary the Devil ; fa that none of their Accufations, though preferred againft us, can prevail to our detriment or difadvantage. All this we have fummarily collected together in Rom. 8: 33, 34· Jf'ho foalllay any thing to the charge ofGod's E/eB ? It UGod that juftifierh, who u he that condemneth ? It is Chrift that died, 1ea, rather that U ri(en again, who iJ evm at the right hand of God making interceffion for us. This is the firft Great Benefit ~hich we receive from the lnterceffi_on of Chrift, he defends us from thofe Evils wh1ch our Adverfaries through their Accufations endeavour to bring up.. on us, and preferr ag:unft us. ,_ THE