Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

THE All-fufficiency 0 F . CHRIST; To SAVE SINNERS· WITH THE Prevalency of His lnrerceHion. SERMON XVI. HE •· vii. 2). liflherefore he i> able alfo to fave them to the uttermojl that come 11nto God by him, feeing he ever liveth to make Interceflion Jo" them. I Now come to fpcak of thofc good things which by Chrift's Me;its we hlve a Right and Title to, and innumerable are the Benefits that redound to Believers by the Intcrceffion of Chrift; if you enquire what they are, 1 anfiver, 1. In General, the whole Work of our Salvation depends -as well upon the Life and lntercefhn ofChrift as upon · his 'Death and Sufforings; this, though it may fecm ftrange poffibly to thofc who are wont to hear our S::tlvation afcribed only to the Death and Sujferings of Chrift's, but yet it evidently appears from Scripture, that our Salvation, ahd all the Benefits we are to receive and expect, do as much flow from the Vertues of his Glorious Life and Interceflion, as·from the Merits of his Death and Paffion. There are two things requifitc before any good thi;1g can become ours. 1. A Meritorious Procurement or Purchafe of the thing it fclf. 2. An atl:ual and Effeaual Application of it to us. Now the Purchafc is made by his Death and Suffirings, but the EffeCtual Application of them, that is, by his Life and Intercefjion; by the former the Mercies arc purchafed, by the lat ter the Purchafc is enjoyed ; therefore if Chrift had only died, and not rifen ag.1in, and overcome and triumphed over Death in his own Empire, and triumphed over the Grave as in his own T en-itories, his undertakings had redounded to his own d ifappointmcnt, but not at all to our Salvation : But herein, faith the Apofllr1 doth ,he declare himfilf to be rhe &n ~(God with power by his Refurreffion from the dead, Ram. I. 4· Our hopes ofSalvation had been all buried in the fame Grave with him, bnt that what he died to purch:1fc he lives to beftow, for hewer lhmh ttJ make lmrrceffion. There was uo one