to fave Smnen, &c. f!l1ain. All our Prayers arc indeed but the ecchoing back of his own Spirit, Gn/. 4· 6. Bccaufo )'(' 4YC {on I, God h'!thftnt forth the Spirit. of hM ~n into your heartJ, crying, Abba, Farl1er. The Holy Ghoft IS here called the Spmt of ius Son, bccaufc Chnft bath purchafed him for his by his Death, and fent him into the He:nts of his by his AutJJOri- !Y :~nd Commiffion. Thus yon fee there are fundry great Benefits and Privilcdgcs \;hich we rccciYc by the Life and lnrerccffion ofChrift in Heaven. But you mtry foy, Doth Chrift's fntercrjfion always prevail? Is he never denied? And tt1tlj n1e be ctrtfli1t to obtain all thefe Benefits by him? l :mfiver, \ i\!c may, and this certainty is grounded upon Three Things. 1. J.n that the Father always hears and grants him all his delires, John I I. 46, 47· I know that thou heare{f me alrvays. He is the well-beloved Son of God, and therefore as we are bid by thcit Heavenly Voice, Mar. 17. )· to hear him in all his Commands, .fo will his Father hear him all his Requefts. 2. The Father himfclf loYes us, and is willing and ready to give forth thofe good things lO us which we ftand in need of; fa we h~ve it, ']olm t6. 26. I fay not that J rvi/1 intercede _{or pu, you m:~y be fully alfured I. Will, and therefQre whatf~ever I ask fhall be granted, for my l~uher loves you, and will deny me no requeft that IS for your good. 3· That all thcfc Benefits they are at the command and difpofe ofChrill: himfelf; and therefore as he intercedes that thefe Benefits may be beftowcd upon us, fa he himfclfwill beftow them, for they are at his Command, and under Jtis Anthority, Mtt. zS. 18. All power :i given me in heaven and earth; and therefore all thefe things cert1inly fhall be contCrrcd npon you in their due time and order, through the prevalcncy of the Intcrcefiion of Chrift. Thus I ftavc curforily run over thefc things, which mi?:ht have been much dilated upon, becaufc I will haften to that which is in or e pr:1Cl:ical. Thus much tOr that Pofition, That Chrift ever/ives to make hlfercrjfioll for us. The ncxr thing that remains to be treated of, is the Inference deduced, and drawn from the P~{ition, Therefore he is able to Jave to the uttermoft thofc that come unto God by him, from which I fl1:1ll handle, Chri(Ps .Ati-fufficiency to Save, and therein labour to fct forth the frcenefs and fulnefs of Divine Grace in the Sa lvation of Sinners; in order whereuoto I ha Ye already Otewed you, that Chrift was ;nade thus ail All-fi.lfficicnt S.wiour by the F.:tther 's Defignation, and his own volnntary Sufception, by theCapacity of his Humane Nature fitt ing him torcceive\Vrath, by the power of the Divine Nature inabli ng him to reluC.bte it, and by an unmeafilrablc UnCtion of the Hoi)' Ghoft furniOtin~ him with all Endowments requifite to pcrfed: our Redemption: Now Chrift hcing rims every way qualified for this gre.:tt \V ark, he is made A!lfiil}icient tofave~ and his.At!-fo.fficiency to favewillappear in thc[efo!lowingParticular.r. I · /11 the Jrttttnefs ofthe Numbrr and the heinoufiufs ofthe Nature ofthofe Sins from which he is flblr to dc!iver. Though your Sins be as many as Sands, and as great as the .44ow.- t4im fwdlcd up with fearful aggravations that makes them out of meafiu·e finful, yet he Cl!l fay to the Moumaim be remo\red, and cafl: into the bottom of the Sea, eve-n the Red &a ofhiJ own Blood, and it Oull be done. This \\'as prefignred by the Scapr-Goat, Lev. I6. 21. upon which the Iniquities of .:tll the Children of lfraei were laid, thJt he might carry them into the Land of Forget(ulnefs . And as the Scape-Goat fo the Pa(i:htd Lamb rc-prcfcntcd Chrift, and his A!l-fufficiency to favc; :tnd therefore we h:tve thar Speed~ of1uhn the Baptift, John r. 19. Be/told the Lamb ofGod rvhich taketh arvay the (il!s of the )vorld: Yea, this was alluded to by the Impofition of his Name, Mar. I. 2 I. Tboujh.dt eaU his Namc']efw, for he jiJa!ifavehU people from th1ir fm. Now there is two th ing'> in Sin which we ftand in need to be faved from. I. From its Pollution, which of it felf is enough to cxclndc us out of Heaven into ·which no unclean thing Ota!l ever enter. 2. From its Condemnation, hy which we arc exclnded out of Heaven, and adjudged to Hel l ; fi·om both thefe he is able to fave to the very uttermoft. . I· Ortift i~ able to fave you from the Pollution and Defilement of y rmr f(JtJle/f Lufts and S'!u, and that ~y the waflu·r~'{ of Regeneration, and the renewin$ of the Holy Ghoft, Tit. 3· 5· 1 hofc fpots ofdefilcmcut that have fo polluted and framed your Canfcienccs, that IJO Tc:1rs, though your Eyes were turned into over-running Streams, would ever be ahie to wallt out, yet the fprink!ing of the Blood of Chrift it can purge the Heart and Con~cience from dead Works, Heb. 9· 14. and chan[;e the Scarlet and Crimfon ~omplex ion of it into whitencfs and vurity.There is no Sinner here this d<!y, though Ius Heart be as foul and black as Hell, though his Life does fwarm with abomiy yy y nable