The AU-fufficiency ofChrift ~d, and pardoned, and accepted to Etern~l Life by the free and abfolutc Gncc of Jul1:ification. Now this Relative Grace is not that which is wrought in m bur it abides in God, and is only terminated upon us; indeed it is nothing clfc hut ~he afr- ~ng of God's fiJecial L:ove and Favour towards us; a~d the word Grat:c in Scripture IS very feldom taken m any other fenfe but for Relative Grace, the aCH!1g of God'$ Love and Favour determined to us. 2. There is S1!bjeUivc or Real Grace, ~hich is that vrhcr_eby a ch~ngc is '"''rought upon our Natur es 111 our firfl Regeneration, and whereby rt rs earned on gnrlu.:llv to verfetl-ion, ln our further SanCtification, univerfal Habits ofHol incfs which aT~ infitfed in our Converfion by God, which in Scripture Js called the New A1tm, and the New G-catun~ . We nfually call it the Principle of Grace, and the Workinp; of Grace· and fo likewife thofe fpecifical habits which arc fo many branches of this univcrC1i I1abit; it is (as I may fo fpcak) the feveral Limbs, the fcvcral !'vfcmbers of the New Man, commonly called the Graces of the Spirit, .1s the Grace ofF.1ith, Love and Hope : And likewife the Spirit's aCting of thcfe Gr.1ces is called the atl:in(l' of Grace. Now of thefe two kinds the former is properl y called Grace, the la ttcr"improperly, becaufc where-ever it is wrought it denotes the fpecial Favour and Grace ofGod towards that Soul. Now both thefe, both Relative and Ret~l Graa, they have an All-fufTicicncy in them, and are of an All-fi1fficing Nature. · 1. A Chriftian's Portion in Reiativt Grace is an All-fufficing and Satisfatl:ory Portion. It is fo great that you tan defire no more; for this Grace admits of no degrees, and he that hath any of it, hath as much as any can have. Here therefore the weakeft Chriftian may have abundance of Comfort ; others poffibly may have greater meafilr~s of GiftS and Parts1 and of the Sanaifying G~:aces of the Holy Ghoft, but in ReIa.tlve Grace, all ftand t~p<_:>n the fa m~ level, .(ldoptton, 'jufNfhation, Rrco".cifiation, .J..&- jftcal Vnion; all the Pnv1ledges whlCh Chnft bath pm·chafed for Believers are alt common, and no more belong to the ftrongeft than to the wcakcft and moft feeble Chriftian. An Infant may be as much a Son and Heir as a grown Man ; others may poffibly have greater meafurcs of the Spirit of Adoption, whereby they cry, Abha, Father, but none can have a greater meafi.Jre of the Grace ofAdoption, nor is Goct more a Father to one than he is to another, no more to the ftrongeft than to the weakeft Chriftian ; and though one may have a groo.ter meafure of the Spirit of .Adoption, yet all Believers have the like meaihre of the Grace of Adoption; orhcrs may have a greater Familiarity and AcquaintaJ~ce with God, but none can be more reconciled to God th:m thou art, if a. true Believer; others may have a more comfortable fcnfe of this Adoptio,, yet none can be more adopted, and more juftified than thou .1rt. we· do not ufiJa\ly beg of God further mcafurei, and further degrees of thefe things r but if \VC !land under thefc Relations to God, and have but the evidence of it in our own Confcicnces., then we reft· fully fatisfied:, therefore what Philip faid to Chrill, Shew UJ the Father, and it fujficeth m, the faffie may every true Cbriftian fay, Lord, Jhcw me my Father, Jhew me that God is my Father, that I am adopted into the number of his Children, and this fufficeth; I have no more to ask, no more to recei\'C in that Particular. · SER~tlON XVII. HEn. vii. 25. Wherefore he u &ble alfo to fove them to the uttermojl that come unto God by him, Jeeing he ever liveth to mttke lnterceflion for them. . 2. ~s t.he Chriftian's Portion in Relative Gr~~e .is, fo ilk~w1fc lw: I ComenowtothenextParticular, and that is, · . . . Port1on m the Sanftifying Graces of the Holy Spmt, tlus IS an All-fu1lic1ent and a Satisfaaory Portion. How can that be, may fome jiry? A rt not Chriftiam always tm["tisfied i'!_ t~ir prrfnt .Attainments, and think rh:y have got nothing if they fall Jlum of l!bfolutc Per;eel ton, tffbcr tl·eJ ·are not (ujficient, or elje their Dcfires art mojf unrea{onable ! . I anfwer, though the Truth of Grace \vrought in a Chriftian m~kcs h1m alw.ay:s.defirous of more than what he lmth already, yet is thJt Grace fufficient :md fansh~c!ory in thefe RefpeC\s. r. l he