Hopkins - HP BR75 .H65 1710

to Save Sinners, &c. 539 fnfficient Saviour, able to favc to the uEtermoft all that come to God by him, purchafing fo Great and Glorious an Inheritance f01· them, and bringing them to the poffeffion of it; that is the fecond Demonftration._ . . . 3 . Chrift's All-fufficicncy to fave doth appear m ;h1s, m that he Is able to favc from the greatcfi: Mifery, ~nd fupp~y the greateft Wants. _There is but one E:- ftate of Mifery, out of wh1ch Chnft cannot fave, and thatts a ftateof Damnan.. on; and yet the Dam ne~ Spit: its ar~ not fina~ly irrecoverable for want o~ Intrinfical Value and SatisfJ.tl:onnefs m Chnft to dehver them, but becaufc Chnft never intended to purchafe Salvation for the~; had his Sacrifice been intended for" them, as it was for us, andr_he Means apphed to them .as well as to us, thofe Chams of E.vcrlafting Darkncfs wh1ch they are now referved m would have dropt off, and they would have been fnatched as Brands out of the Fire! in which for want ·of this they mult Burn for ever.. Suppofe ~hat Efta~c you wi ll !hart of Hell, Vfe are by Chrift recoverable out of tt. 1 fhall mfrance m two partic.ulars, wherem t he very depth and bottom of our Mifery doth confift. 1. We are by our Sins forfeited to the juftice and Vengeance of God, and he that can imagine a greater Mifery than this is, never knC\V what it was to fall into the H:mds of the Living God. 2.. VV care in the Polfeffion of the Devil, and he is that ftrong Man that Rules with ri uom, and unto him we are all naturally become Slaves and Vaffals. Now when ;c arc thus liable and obnoxious to the Wrath of God as our judge, and fallen into the Hands of the Devil as our jaylor, will it not be acknowledged that Cbrift faves from the uttermoft Mifery, if he can refcue us? Is there any that can deliver us, when both God, and the Devil, and all the Powers both of Heavcu and Hell fet themfclves againft us? Yes, the Lord Chrift bath done it already. t. ln rcfped of God, and the Divine Juftice, to which we rtood obnoxious, he harh fully flti":>fied and paid down an All- fufficient Price for our Deliverance;· therefore faith the Apoftle, 1 Cor. 61 20. We are all bought 1virh a Price, &c. 1 Pet. 1. 8, 9· The precious BLood'of Chrift; and t his is fuch a Price as bath d ifcha rged for us the very utmoft Fartbin~ of all that we owe to Divine Juftice. And therefore faith God in ']ob 33· 24· Deliver him from going down into rhe Pit, I ha--Je found 4 Ranfom, 1 have difcharged him from the guilt of his Sins, and obligation to Punilhmenr, l am fully latisfied. But though the 'Judge be thus fatisfied, yet the D e"..il the Jay/or he would fain retain the Prifoner, and is refolved not to part with him upon theie terms ; he hath poffeffion of him, and he Rules in him, and over him, and therefore rcfcue him who can ? · 2. Therefore Chnft faves us by Conqueft and plain Force in refpect of the DeviL. After he bath fatisfied God, he fubdues Saran, and cornpleats the work of our Redemption. And therefore in Scripture we read of the Sutferings of Chrift by wtrich our Salvation is atchieved under both thefe Notions, as Chrift paid the Price to God's Juftice, Mat. 20. 28. He ga'l.le his Life a Ranfom for manJ. 1 Tim. 2. 6. He ga-ue him/elf a Ranfom for aU. And as a ViCtory gained over the Devil. Through dearh Chrift deftroyed him who hozd Power of Death, rhnt is the »wit, Heb. 2. 14. 2 Col. 14. 1 ~. Blotting out the Hand-writing of Ordinances that was agaitiff us, which w..rs contrary to us, ffnd took it out of the way, nailing it to his Croft~ A7Jd having fpoiled principalities and pawers, he made a /hew Of them openly, triumphing o"..er them in it. He bath expofed the Devil, and all the Black Haft o( Hell, to Shame and Infamy, in having their prey fo ftrangely pluckt from them; and he Triumphed over them in his Crofs, ver. 1 )• And thus he faves us by Ranfom in refi)e{t of God, and by Conqueft in r efpea of the Devil; he faves ns from the ~reateft Mifery imaginable, from the Dungeon of the loweft Hell. So long as your ea le is not fo defperatc as to be in Hei1 , be your Mifery more or lefs, this makes no difference in rcfpcd of Chrift, though it calls for greater love and thankfulnefs from you to him for your deliverance. Seeing therefore Chrift is thus able to fave \lS from the utmoft and greateft Mifery, it appears that he is an All-fufficient Saviour. 2, As he is able to fave us from the greateft Mifery, fo he is able to relieve us in our greatdt and moft preffing \.V ants, be they inward or outward, be they ;,... C?rporal or Spiritual, My God CMJ abundantly fupply alt your needs, according t• the Rtchcs of IJis GLory by Chrift Jefus, Phil. +· I 9· Is it pardon you need? In Chrift we !taw Redemption through his Blood, the Eorgiwnefs of Sins, according ro the RicheJ of hi,~. Y y y y 2 Gr11ce