544 The All-fufliciency of Chrifl Chrift's Power that_D ~fpairing Souls ufe to object againft, but his \Vi!!. We know fay ~uch, that ~hnit _Js able to fa\'e us,. but J1o~ kn?w we.that he is willing? Tru~ Iy hts All~fufficicncy gives us good fecunty o. Ins Will. Hath ChrHt left the warm Bofom _of his Father? Hath he undergone no lefs than Infinite Wrath and Suner.. ings, and all for this _end, that he ~ay ~e. au All-fufficicnt SaviOur? And fhall we yet doubt after all thts, whether l~e 1s wtllu~~ to fave us or not? Certainly if it ftood Chrift in fo much to procure to h1mfclf Abihty to fave, v:e have no reafon to doubt that fincc he hath o~tained that ~bility, that he lhould now want a Will to do it: Therefore fi_Me Chnft was ~pp01nted by the Father t? favc Sinners, and fince he was fitted With an All·fufficient Power to effect Salvation, and fince this All-fufficiency wants not willingnefs, be pcrfwaded to accept of him, and be as willing to be faved by him as he is willing to favc you. 3· Confider, That though Chrifl be an All-fufficimt Saviour, and able to fove to the u!· termoft, yet he is not able to favc rhofe that refufe and rejell him. A Medicine doth not Cure, becaufe i~ is compound:d of fuch and fuch I?re_cious ~ngredients, though never fo well fmtcd to that Dtftemper, but becaufe It Js apphed; fo neither doth Chrift fave us, as he is c~tr.poun~ed of ma~y pr~cious lHgredients that qualifie and fit him to be an All-fuffictent Saviour, as h1s De11y, Humanity, Vnllion of the Holy Spirit, and his own willingnefs, but as received, as believed on, and applied to the Soul by Faith; and therefore whatever he hath done or fufthed in his Life, Death or Rcfurrettion, it will all be but in vain to us, and his Precious Blood will ru~ wafte, if through impenitency and unbelief we rejeCt this All-fufficient Saviour and keep at a diftancc from him. ' . 4· And laftly, Confider, If you do not accept of Chrift and Salvation by him; you win be rejclled by him to your greater .:md forer Condemnati~n. Think you not that it will heighten your Sin here, anc\ your Mifery hereafter, that when God bath been at fo much coft, and fo much care, to fu~·nifh ~n All-fi1}li~icnt Sayiour for you, that you fhould be found to negleCt fo great Salvation as tins 1s. Th ink not that the tenders of Chrift and Salvation which are made t~ you are inditfe_r~nt, that though you flight and negle0 them, that .You lhall be m t he fame condHLon you were before; no, but the defp11ing of Chnft, and the abufing of Grace, and negleaing of fo great Salvation, are thofe things that infpirit and inflame Hell-fire, and make the never dying Worm to gnaw more cruelly, and will fink you deeper into ::hat fca ld.. ing Lake that burns with Fire and Brimftone, where you fhall be burnt in Streams, and drowned in Flames. It had been better for you that there never had been a Chrift tendered, Grace exhibitt:d, and Salvation purchafed for you by Chrift; if we neglect this Salvation, we are without hope or poffibility of Recovery for ever. Pray obferve what the Apoflie fpeaks after he had been comparing Chrift and Mofcs , together. with the Wrath that fhould follow upon the ~cfpifing o,f the one,' and the defptfing of the o!:her, Heb. ro. 28, 29. He that dcfpifed Mofes s Law died without mercy under two or three Witne./[es, of hoJV much forcr punifhment fuppofo ye jhd he be thought Wf1rthy , who hath trodden unde-; foot the Son of God, and hath counted the Blood of the Covtnant wherewith he was fanOijied an unholy thing, and hath done defpite to the Sptrit of G'race ? Thefe fhall not have fo r:.uch Mercy afforded them as to die without Mercy. And thus 1 have handled this Excellent Portion of Scripture concerning Chrift's lntercefiion and All-fufficiency to fave all that come unto Go<! by him. TH E